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Created February 15, 2017 16:36
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Save thumbot/1a650285e8cdbfc5494c0a777408840d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
./rebar get-deps
==> goldrush (get-deps)
==> lager (get-deps)
==> poolboy (get-deps)
==> basho_stats (get-deps)
==> getopt (get-deps)
==> neotoma (get-deps)
==> cuttlefish (get-deps)
==> riak_sysmon (get-deps)
==> eleveldb (get-deps)
==> riak_ensemble (get-deps)
==> pbkdf2 (get-deps)
==> edown (get-deps)
==> parse_trans (get-deps)
==> bear (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> folsom (get-deps)
==> setup (get-deps)
==> src (get-deps)
==> exometer_core (get-deps)
==> clique (get-deps)
==> develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55 (get-deps)
./rebar compile
==> goldrush (compile)
==> lager (compile)
==> poolboy (compile)
==> basho_stats (compile)
==> getopt (compile)
==> neotoma (compile)
==> cuttlefish (compile)
==> getopt (escriptize)
==> goldrush (escriptize)
==> lager (escriptize)
==> neotoma (escriptize)
==> cuttlefish (escriptize)
==> riak_sysmon (compile)
==> eleveldb (compile)
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
==> riak_ensemble (compile)
==> pbkdf2 (compile)
==> edown (compile)
==> parse_trans (compile)
==> bear (compile)
==> meck (compile)
==> folsom (compile)
==> setup (compile)
==> edown (escriptize)
==> setup (escriptize)
==> src (compile)
==> exometer_core (compile)
==> clique (compile)
==> develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55 (compile)
./rebar eunit skip_deps=true
WARN: Ignoring sub_dirs for /tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/deps/exometer_core
==> develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55 (eunit)
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_xform.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_broadcast_handler.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_worker.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_gen_server.erl
Compiled src/gen_nb_server.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_worker_pool.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_broadcast.erl
Compiled src/chash.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_format.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_ring_manager.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_sender_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_dist_mon.erl
Compiled src/chashbin.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_proxy.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_status.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_repair.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_manager.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_metadata_exchange_fsm.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_mochiglobal.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_claim_sim.erl
Compiled src/dvvset.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_bucket.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_node_watcher.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_bg_manager.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_dtrace.erl
Compiled src/vclock.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_tracer.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_test_util.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_nodeid.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_proxy_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_listener.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_cli_registry.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_app.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_tcp_mon.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_calc_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_ring.erl
Compiled src/supervisor_pre_r14b04.erl
QuickCheck warning: cannot import shuffle/1 because of conflicting definition.
Compiled src/riak_core_ring_util.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_console_table.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_cinfo_core.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_cluster_cli.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_util.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_net_ticktime.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_coverage_plan.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_send_msg.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_throttle.erl
Compiled src/hashtree.erl
Compiled src/hashtree_tree.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_q.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_metadata.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode_master.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_table_owner.erl
Compiled src/process_proxy.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_ring_handler.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_exo_monitor.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_claim_util.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_metadata_object.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_calc_proc.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_eventhandler_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_listener_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_sysmon_minder.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_pw_auth.erl
Compiled src/app_helper.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_metadata_manager.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_console.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_node_watcher_events.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_sysmon_handler.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_cli.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_info_service_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_bucket_props.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_metadata_hashtree.erl
Compiled src/bloom.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_sender.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_status.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_ring_events.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_gossip.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_coverage_fsm.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_claimant.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_bucket_type.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stats_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_ssl_util.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_receiver.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_receiver_sup.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_security.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_info_service.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_vnode.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_new_claim.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_stat_cache.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_claim.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_handoff_manager.erl
Compiled src/riak_core.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_apl.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_priority_queue.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_info_service_process.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_capability.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_eventhandler_guard.erl
Compiled src/riak_core_base64url.erl
Compiled test/mock_vnode.erl
Compiled test/chash_eqc.erl
Compiled test/vclock_qc.erl
Compiled test/bucket_eqc_utils.erl
Compiled test/claim_simulation.erl
Compiled test/bg_manager_tests.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_capability_tests.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_base64url_tests.erl
Compiled test/worker_pool_pulse.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_security_tests.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_schema_tests.erl
Compiled test/node_watcher_qc.erl
Compiled test/bg_manager_eqc.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_ring_eqc.erl
Compiled test/riak_core_throttle_tests.erl
Compiled test/core_vnode_eqc.erl
Compiled test/btypes_eqc.erl
Compiled test/test_guarded_event_handler.erl
Compiled test/hashtree_eqc.erl
Compiled test/new_cluster_membership_model_eqc.erl
Compiled test/bprops_eqc.erl
Compiled test/bucket_fixup_test.erl
Compiled test/worker_pool_test.erl
Compiled test/sync_command_test.erl
======================== EUnit ========================
module 'riak_core_pw_auth'
module 'gen_nb_server'
btypes_eqc:45: btypes_test_ (module 'btypes_eqc')...................................................................................
Time limit reached: 50.0 seconds.
OK, passed 80 tests
27.8% {btypes_eqc,create_type,2}
26.3% {btypes_eqc,activate_type,1}
9.8% {btypes_eqc,set_bucket,2}
9.3% {btypes_eqc,fold,0}
9.2% {btypes_eqc,get_type,1}
9.0% {btypes_eqc,type_status,1}
8.6% {btypes_eqc,update_type,2}
[51.537 s] ok
module 'chash_eqc'
chash_eqc:57: eqc_test_.....................................................
OK, passed 50 tests
[1.313 s] ok
[done in 1.316 s]
module 'riak_core_console_table'
module 'riak_core_handoff_status'
module 'riak_core_coverage_fsm'
module 'dvvset'
dvvset: join_test...ok
dvvset: update_test...ok
dvvset: sync_test...[0.001 s] ok
dvvset: syn_update_test...ok
dvvset: event_test...ok
dvvset: lww_last_test...ok
dvvset: reconcile_test...ok
dvvset: less_test...ok
dvvset: equal_test...ok
dvvset: size_test...ok
dvvset: ids_values_test...ok
dvvset: map_test...ok
[done in 0.037 s]
module 'riak_core_vnode_proxy'
riak_core_vnode_proxy: overload_test_ (should not discard in normal operation)...[0.077 s] ok
riak_core_vnode_proxy: overload_test_ (should discard during overflow)...[7.263 s] ok
riak_core_vnode_proxy: overload_test_ (should tolerate slow vnodes)...[5.134 s] ok
[done in 14.836 s]
module 'chash'
chash: update_test...ok
chash: contains_test...ok
chash: max_n_test...ok
chash: simple_size_test...ok
chash: successors_length_test...ok
chash: inverse_pred_test...ok
chash: merge_test...ok
[done in 0.021 s]
module 'riak_core_handoff_receiver_sup'
module 'riak_core_vnode_worker_pool'
module 'riak_core_util'
riak_core_util: moment_test...ok
riak_core_util: clientid_uniqueness_test...[0.033 s] ok
riak_core_util: build_tree_test...[0.001 s] ok
riak_core_util:957: multi_keydelete_test_...ok
riak_core_util:966: compose_test_...ok
riak_core_util: pmap_test_...[0.001 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.004 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.006 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.010 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.012 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.014 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.016 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.018 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.020 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.004 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.004 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.007 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.006 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.010 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.010 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.004 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.006 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.007 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.006 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.007 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.007 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.005 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.003 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: bounded_pmap_test_...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_util: make_fold_req_test_...[0.200 s] ok
riak_core_util: proxy_spawn_test...[1.001 s] ok
riak_core_util: count_test...[0.005 s] ok
[done in 3.204 s]
module 'riak_core_new_claim'
module 'riak_core_exo_monitor'
module 'riak_core_handoff_sender'
module 'riak_core_bg_manager'
module 'riak_core_tracer'
module 'riak_core_handoff_listener'
module 'riak_core_cinfo_core'
module 'riak_core_console'
module 'riak_core_test_util'
module 'riak_core_stat'
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_empty_test...ok
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_odd1_test...ok
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_odd3_test...ok
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_odd5_test...ok
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_even2_test...ok
riak_core_stat: vnodeq_aggregate_even4_test...ok
[done in 0.019 s]
module 'riak_core_info_service_process'
module 'bucket_fixup_test'
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.003 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.003 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.003 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.003 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.003 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test: fixup_test_...[0.028 s] ok
bucket_fixup_test:93: load_test_...[0.050 s] ok
[done in 0.152 s]
module 'riak_core_metadata_hashtree'
module 'riak_core_stat_q'
module 'riak_core_status'
module 'riak_core_security'
module 'riak_core_security_tests'
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (find_user)...[0.043 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (test_find_bucket_grants)...[0.151 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (find_one_user_by_metadata)...[0.024 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (trust auth works)...[0.336 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (password auth works)...[0.873 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (user grant/revoke on type/bucket works)...[1.163 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (group grant/revoke on type/bucket works)...[0.684 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (all grant/revoke on type/bucket works)...[0.643 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (groups can be members of groups and inherit permissions from them)...[0.795 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (user/group disambiguation)...[0.703 s] ok
riak_core_security_tests: security_test_ (Expected user/group errors)...[0.088 s] ok
[done in 7.037 s]
[done in 7.037 s]
module 'riak_core_sysmon_handler'
module 'riak_core_ring_events'
module 'riak_core_app'
riak_core_mochiglobal: get_put_delete_test (module 'riak_core_mochiglobal')...[0.084 s] ok
module 'core_vnode_eqc'
08:27:13.321 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
core_vnode_eqc:65: simple_test_...08:27:13.374 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6233.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: {{exometer_core_app,start_phase,[preset_defaults,normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{cannot_get_priv_dir,riak_core},[{setup,priv_dir,1,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,203}]},{setup,'-private_env/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,167}]},{setup,'-private_env/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,167}]},{setup,'-find_env_vars/1-fun-0-',3,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,145}]},{lists,flatmap,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1235}]},{lists,flatmap,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1235}]},{exometer_admin,...},...]}}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:27:13.375 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: bad return value: {{exometer_core_app,start_phase,[preset_defaults,normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{cannot_get_priv_dir,riak_core},[{setup,priv_dir,1,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,203}]},{setup,'-private_env/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,167}]},{setup,'-private_env/1-lc$^0/1-0-',2,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,167}]},{setup,'-find_env_vars/1-fun-0-',3,[{file,"src/setup.erl"},{line,145}]},{lists,flatmap,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1235}]},{lists,flatmap,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1235}]},{exometer_admin,...},...]}}}
.08:27:15.242 [error] gen_fsm <0.6281.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:15.242 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6281.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:27:16.268 [error] gen_fsm <0.6295.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:16.268 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6295.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:16.268 [error] gen_fsm <0.6299.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:16.268 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6299.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:16.268 [error] gen_fsm <0.6297.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:16.268 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6297.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:17.108 [error] gen_server <0.6344.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:17.108 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6344.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:17.108 [error] Supervisor {<0.6343.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6344.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6325.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.511 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6325.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6360.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.511 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6360.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6340.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.511 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6340.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6327.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6362.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.511 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6362.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.511 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6327.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.511 [error] gen_fsm <0.6342.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.512 [error] Supervisor {<0.6363.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:18.512 [error] gen_server <0.6363.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.512 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6342.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:18.512 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6363.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:18.512 [error] Supervisor {<0.6343.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:18.512 [error] gen_server <0.6343.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.512 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6343.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:18.512 [error] Supervisor {<0.6328.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:18.512 [error] gen_server <0.6328.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:18.512 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6328.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:27:19.019 [error] gen_fsm <0.6387.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:19.019 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6387.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:19.019 [error] gen_fsm <0.6384.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:19.019 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6384.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:22.695 [error] gen_server <0.6448.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:22.695 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6448.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:22.695 [error] Supervisor {<0.6447.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6448.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:27:24.225 [info] Waiting for application undefined to start (0 seconds).
.08:27:26.304 [error] gen_fsm <0.6444.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:26.304 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6444.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:26.304 [error] gen_fsm <0.6446.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:26.304 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6446.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:26.304 [error] Supervisor {<0.6447.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:26.304 [error] gen_server <0.6447.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:26.304 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6447.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
..08:27:27.322 [error] gen_fsm <0.6497.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:27.322 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6497.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:29.873 [error] gen_fsm <0.6519.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:29.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6519.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:30.595 [error] gen_fsm <0.6534.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:30.595 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6534.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:31.099 [error] gen_fsm <0.6551.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:31.099 [error] gen_fsm <0.6549.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:31.099 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6549.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:31.099 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6551.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:31.609 [error] gen_fsm <0.6561.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:31.609 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6561.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:33.333 [error] gen_fsm <0.6576.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:33.333 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6576.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:27:34.978 [error] gen_fsm <0.6617.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:34.978 [error] gen_fsm <0.6615.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:34.978 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6617.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:34.978 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6615.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:27:37.300 [error] gen_fsm <0.6652.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.300 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6652.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:37.300 [error] gen_fsm <0.6641.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.300 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6641.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:37.300 [error] gen_fsm <0.6654.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.300 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6654.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:37.300 [error] gen_fsm <0.6643.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.300 [error] Supervisor {<0.6655.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:37.300 [error] gen_server <0.6655.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.300 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6643.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:37.301 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6655.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:37.301 [error] Supervisor {<0.6644.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:37.301 [error] gen_server <0.6644.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:37.301 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6644.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:27:38.918 [error] gen_fsm <0.6686.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:38.918 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6686.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:38.918 [error] gen_fsm <0.6688.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:38.918 [error] gen_fsm <0.6671.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:38.918 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6671.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:38.918 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6688.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:38.918 [error] gen_fsm <0.6673.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:38.919 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6673.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:38.919 [error] Supervisor {<0.6689.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:38.919 [error] gen_server <0.6689.0> terminated with reason: killed
.08:27:38.919 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6689.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:38.919 [error] Supervisor {<0.6674.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:38.919 [error] gen_server <0.6674.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:38.919 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6674.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_fsm <0.6723.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6723.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_fsm <0.6714.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6714.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_fsm <0.6716.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_fsm <0.6725.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6716.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:39.429 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6725.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:39.429 [error] Supervisor {<0.6717.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_server <0.6717.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] Supervisor {<0.6726.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:39.429 [error] gen_server <0.6726.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:39.429 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6717.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:39.430 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6726.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:27:40.142 [error] gen_server <0.6750.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:40.142 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6750.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:40.142 [error] Supervisor {<0.6748.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6750.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:27:41.544 [error] gen_fsm <0.6745.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:41.544 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6745.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:41.544 [error] gen_fsm <0.6747.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:41.544 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6747.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:41.544 [error] Supervisor {<0.6748.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:41.544 [error] gen_server <0.6748.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:41.544 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6748.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
..08:27:42.961 [error] gen_fsm <0.6777.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:42.961 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6777.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:45.416 [error] gen_fsm <0.6801.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:45.416 [error] gen_fsm <0.6797.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:45.416 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6801.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:45.416 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6797.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:45.416 [error] gen_fsm <0.6814.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:45.416 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6814.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:45.416 [error] gen_fsm <0.6811.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:45.416 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6811.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:51.367 [error] gen_server <0.6830.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:51.367 [error] gen_server <0.6841.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:51.367 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6830.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:51.367 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6841.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:51.367 [error] Supervisor {<0.6828.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6830.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:27:51.367 [error] Supervisor {<0.6837.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6841.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6834.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6877.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6834.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6877.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6825.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6868.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6825.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6856.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6868.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6856.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6836.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.872 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6836.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.872 [error] gen_fsm <0.6879.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6879.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_fsm <0.6827.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_fsm <0.6870.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6827.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_fsm <0.6858.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6870.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6858.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:52.873 [error] Supervisor {<0.6837.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_server <0.6837.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6837.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:52.873 [error] Supervisor {<0.6880.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_server <0.6880.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6880.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:52.873 [error] Supervisor {<0.6828.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:52.873 [error] gen_server <0.6828.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.873 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6828.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:52.873 [error] Supervisor {<0.6859.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:52.874 [error] Supervisor {<0.6871.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:27:52.874 [error] gen_server <0.6871.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.874 [error] gen_server <0.6859.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:27:52.874 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6871.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:52.874 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6859.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:27:54.004 [error] gen_fsm <0.6900.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:54.004 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6900.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:55.123 [error] gen_fsm <0.6915.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:55.123 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6915.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:27:55.631 [error] gen_fsm <0.6931.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:55.631 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6931.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:55.631 [error] gen_fsm <0.6935.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:55.631 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6935.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:55.631 [error] gen_fsm <0.6933.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:27:55.631 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6933.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:27:58.177 [error] gen_server <0.6949.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:27:58.177 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6949.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:27:58.177 [error] Supervisor {<0.6948.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6949.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:01.789 [error] gen_server <0.6983.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:01.789 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6983.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:01.789 [error] Supervisor {<0.6981.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6983.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:03.793 [error] gen_server <0.6985.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:03.793 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6985.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:03.793 [error] Supervisor {<0.6981.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.6985.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:05.901 [error] gen_server <0.7019.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:05.901 [error] gen_server <0.7034.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:05.901 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7019.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:05.901 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7034.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:05.901 [error] Supervisor {<0.7017.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7019.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:05.901 [error] Supervisor {<0.7032.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7034.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:28:07.914 [error] gen_fsm <0.7049.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.914 [error] gen_fsm <0.6978.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.914 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6978.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.914 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7049.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.914 [error] gen_fsm <0.7095.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7110.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7095.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7110.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7080.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.6980.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7080.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6980.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7051.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7097.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7051.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7097.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7082.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] Supervisor {<0.7052.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_server <0.7052.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.915 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7052.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:07.915 [error] gen_fsm <0.7112.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7082.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.916 [error] Supervisor {<0.7098.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:07.916 [error] gen_server <0.7098.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.916 [error] Supervisor {<0.6981.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7098.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:07.916 [error] gen_server <0.6981.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7112.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.6981.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:07.916 [error] Supervisor {<0.7083.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:07.916 [error] gen_server <0.7083.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7083.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:07.916 [error] Supervisor {<0.7113.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:07.916 [error] gen_server <0.7113.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:07.916 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7113.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
..08:28:10.369 [error] gen_fsm <0.7153.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:10.369 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7153.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:10.369 [error] gen_fsm <0.7155.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:10.369 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7155.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:10.369 [error] Supervisor {<0.7156.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:10.369 [error] gen_server <0.7156.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:10.369 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7156.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
....08:28:13.089 [error] gen_fsm <0.7209.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:13.089 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7209.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:13.089 [error] gen_fsm <0.7207.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:13.089 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7207.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:13.591 [error] gen_fsm <0.7219.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:13.591 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7219.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:14.099 [error] gen_fsm <0.7231.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:14.099 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7231.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:14.604 [error] gen_fsm <0.7243.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:14.604 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7243.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:16.036 [error] gen_fsm <0.7257.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:16.036 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7257.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:21.159 [error] gen_fsm <0.7282.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:21.159 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7282.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:21.159 [error] gen_fsm <0.7284.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:21.159 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7284.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:21.159 [error] Supervisor {<0.7285.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:21.159 [error] gen_server <0.7285.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:21.159 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7285.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:21.683 [error] Error while shutting down vnode worker pool exit:{shutdown,{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,[<0.7302.0>,{shutdown,60000},infinity]}} trace : [{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,3,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,240}]},{riak_core_vnode,terminate,3,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode.erl"},{line,895}]},{gen_fsm,terminate,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,597}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]
.08:28:22.288 [error] gen_fsm <0.7321.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.288 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7321.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:22.288 [error] gen_fsm <0.7312.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.288 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7312.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:22.288 [error] gen_fsm <0.7323.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.288 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7323.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:22.288 [error] gen_fsm <0.7314.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.288 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7314.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:22.288 [error] Supervisor {<0.7324.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:22.288 [error] Supervisor {<0.7315.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:22.289 [error] gen_server <0.7324.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.289 [error] gen_server <0.7315.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.289 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7315.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:22.289 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7324.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:28:22.802 [error] gen_fsm <0.7338.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:22.802 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7338.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:24.825 [info] Waiting for application undefined to start (60 seconds).
.08:28:26.092 [error] gen_fsm <0.7368.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:26.092 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7368.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:28:27.822 [error] gen_fsm <0.7388.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:27.822 [error] gen_fsm <0.7393.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:27.822 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7393.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:27.822 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7388.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:27.822 [error] gen_fsm <0.7390.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:27.822 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7390.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:28.325 [error] gen_fsm <0.7404.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:28.325 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7404.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:30.149 [error] gen_fsm <0.7420.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:30.149 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7420.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:28:32.609 [error] gen_server <0.7473.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:32.609 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7473.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:32.609 [error] Supervisor {<0.7471.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7473.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:33.612 [error] gen_server <0.7474.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:33.612 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7474.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:33.612 [error] Supervisor {<0.7471.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7474.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:28:34.613 [error] gen_server <0.7475.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:28:34.613 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7475.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:34.613 [error] Supervisor {<0.7471.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7475.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:28:36.015 [error] gen_fsm <0.7468.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.015 [error] gen_fsm <0.7483.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7468.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:36.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7483.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:36.015 [error] gen_fsm <0.7485.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7485.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:36.015 [error] Supervisor {<0.7486.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:36.015 [error] gen_server <0.7486.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.016 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7486.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:28:36.016 [error] gen_fsm <0.7470.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.016 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7470.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:36.016 [error] Supervisor {<0.7471.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:36.016 [error] gen_server <0.7471.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.016 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7471.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:28:36.522 [error] gen_fsm <0.7500.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:36.522 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7500.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:37.029 [error] gen_fsm <0.7510.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:37.029 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7510.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:37.772 [error] gen_fsm <0.7523.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:37.772 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7523.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:28:44.828 [error] gen_fsm <0.7569.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:44.828 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7569.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:44.828 [error] gen_fsm <0.7586.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:44.828 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7586.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:44.828 [error] gen_fsm <0.7583.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:44.828 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7583.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:46.595 [error] gen_fsm <0.7607.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:46.595 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7607.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:46.595 [error] gen_fsm <0.7613.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:46.595 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7613.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:46.595 [error] gen_fsm <0.7611.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:46.595 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7611.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:28:50.962 [error] gen_fsm <0.7649.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:50.962 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7649.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:50.962 [error] gen_fsm <0.7651.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:50.962 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7651.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:50.963 [error] Supervisor {<0.7652.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:50.963 [error] gen_server <0.7652.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:50.963 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7652.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
..08:28:54.180 [error] gen_fsm <0.7679.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:54.180 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7679.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:54.819 [error] gen_fsm <0.7695.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:54.819 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7695.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:55.330 [error] gen_fsm <0.7710.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:55.330 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7710.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:55.833 [error] gen_fsm <0.7720.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:55.833 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7720.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:55.833 [error] gen_fsm <0.7722.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:55.833 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7722.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:55.833 [error] Supervisor {<0.7723.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:55.833 [error] gen_server <0.7723.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:55.833 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7723.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
...08:28:57.581 [error] gen_fsm <0.7747.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:57.581 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7747.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:57.581 [error] gen_fsm <0.7753.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:57.581 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7753.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:57.581 [error] gen_fsm <0.7749.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:57.581 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7749.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:58.094 [error] gen_fsm <0.7771.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:58.094 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7771.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:28:58.601 [error] gen_fsm <0.7781.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:28:58.601 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7781.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:58.601 [error] gen_fsm <0.7783.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:28:58.601 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7783.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:28:58.601 [error] Supervisor {<0.7784.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:28:58.601 [error] gen_server <0.7784.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:28:58.601 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7784.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:29:01.766 [error] gen_fsm <0.7811.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.766 [error] gen_fsm <0.7817.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.766 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7817.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.766 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7811.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.766 [error] gen_fsm <0.7809.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.766 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7809.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.766 [error] gen_fsm <0.7819.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.767 [error] gen_fsm <0.7843.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.767 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7819.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.767 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7843.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.767 [error] gen_fsm <0.7832.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:01.767 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7832.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:01.877 [error] gen_server <0.7861.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:01.877 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7861.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:01.877 [error] Supervisor {<0.7860.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7861.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:29:02.881 [error] gen_server <0.7862.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:02.881 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7862.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:02.881 [error] Supervisor {<0.7860.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.7862.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:29:05.283 [error] gen_fsm <0.7875.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.283 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7875.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:05.283 [error] gen_fsm <0.7857.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.283 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7857.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:05.283 [error] gen_fsm <0.7877.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.283 [error] gen_fsm <0.7859.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.283 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7877.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:05.284 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7859.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:05.284 [error] Supervisor {<0.7878.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:05.284 [error] gen_server <0.7878.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.284 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7878.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:05.284 [error] Supervisor {<0.7860.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[913438523331814323877303020447676887284957839360,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:05.284 [error] gen_server <0.7860.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.284 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7860.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:29:05.897 [error] gen_fsm <0.7900.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:05.897 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7900.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:06.430 [error] gen_fsm <0.7914.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.430 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7914.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:06.938 [error] gen_fsm <0.7944.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.938 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7944.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:06.938 [error] gen_fsm <0.7929.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.938 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7929.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:06.938 [error] gen_fsm <0.7946.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.938 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7946.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:06.938 [error] gen_fsm <0.7931.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.938 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7931.0> with 10 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:06.939 [error] Supervisor {<0.7947.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:06.939 [error] gen_server <0.7947.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.939 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7947.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:06.939 [error] Supervisor {<0.7932.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:06.939 [error] gen_server <0.7932.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:06.939 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7932.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:29:08.176 [error] gen_fsm <0.7971.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
.08:29:08.176 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7971.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:08.679 [error] gen_fsm <0.7985.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:08.679 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.7985.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8030.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8004.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8030.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.988 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8004.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8040.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8028.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8040.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.988 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8028.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8036.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] gen_fsm <0.8034.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.988 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8036.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.989 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8034.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:12.989 [error] gen_fsm <0.8032.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:12.989 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8032.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:29:14.256 [error] gen_fsm <0.8061.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.256 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8061.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:14.256 [error] gen_fsm <0.8059.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.256 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8059.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:14.256 [error] gen_fsm <0.8073.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.256 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8073.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:14.256 [error] gen_fsm <0.8077.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.257 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8077.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:14.257 [error] gen_fsm <0.8075.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.257 [error] gen_fsm <0.8071.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:14.257 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8071.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:14.257 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8075.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:29:16.960 [error] gen_fsm <0.8116.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:16.960 [error] gen_fsm <0.8109.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:16.960 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8116.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:16.960 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8109.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:16.960 [error] gen_fsm <0.8114.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:16.960 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8114.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:23.214 [error] gen_fsm <0.8156.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:23.214 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8156.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:23.214 [error] gen_fsm <0.8152.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:23.214 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8152.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:24.614 [error] gen_fsm <0.8196.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:24.614 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8196.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:24.614 [error] gen_fsm <0.8183.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:24.614 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8183.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:25.151 [error] gen_fsm <0.8210.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:25.151 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8210.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:25.427 [info] Waiting for application undefined to start (120 seconds).
.08:29:26.451 [error] gen_fsm <0.8234.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:26.451 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8234.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:26.451 [error] gen_fsm <0.8221.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:26.451 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8221.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:28.015 [error] gen_fsm <0.8257.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:28.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8257.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:28.015 [error] gen_fsm <0.8251.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:28.015 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8251.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
..08:29:34.879 [error] gen_fsm <0.8304.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:34.879 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8304.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:34.879 [error] gen_fsm <0.8306.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:34.879 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8306.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:34.879 [error] Supervisor {<0.8307.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:34.879 [error] gen_server <0.8307.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:34.879 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8307.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:29:36.294 [error] gen_fsm <0.8333.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:36.294 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8333.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:36.294 [error] gen_fsm <0.8327.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:36.294 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8327.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:36.294 [error] gen_fsm <0.8338.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:36.294 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8338.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:36.294 [error] gen_fsm <0.8335.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:36.294 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8335.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:39.445 [error] gen_server <0.8367.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:39.445 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8367.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:39.445 [error] Supervisor {<0.8365.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.8367.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:29:41.448 [error] gen_server <0.8369.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:41.448 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8369.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:41.448 [error] Supervisor {<0.8365.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.8369.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
.08:29:42.850 [error] gen_fsm <0.8362.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:42.850 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8362.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:42.850 [error] gen_fsm <0.8364.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:42.850 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8364.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:42.850 [error] Supervisor {<0.8365.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:42.850 [error] gen_server <0.8365.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:42.850 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8365.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
..08:29:43.589 [error] gen_fsm <0.8394.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:43.589 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8394.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:43.589 [error] gen_fsm <0.8405.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:43.589 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8405.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:43.589 [error] gen_fsm <0.8397.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:43.589 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8397.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:44.200 [error] gen_fsm <0.8415.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:44.200 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8415.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:44.200 [error] gen_fsm <0.8417.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:44.200 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8417.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:44.200 [error] Supervisor {<0.8418.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:44.200 [error] gen_server <0.8418.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:44.200 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8418.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
.08:29:45.437 [error] gen_fsm <0.8442.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.437 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8442.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
.08:29:45.948 [error] gen_fsm <0.8461.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.948 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8461.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:45.948 [error] gen_fsm <0.8452.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.948 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8452.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:45.948 [error] gen_fsm <0.8454.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.948 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8454.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:45.948 [error] Supervisor {<0.8455.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:45.949 [error] gen_server <0.8455.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.949 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8455.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:45.949 [error] gen_fsm <0.8463.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.949 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8463.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:45.949 [error] Supervisor {<0.8464.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[548063113999088594326381812268606132370974703616,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:29:45.949 [error] gen_server <0.8464.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:29:45.949 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8464.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:51.319 [error] gen_server <0.8496.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:51.319 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8496.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:51.319 [error] Supervisor {<0.8493.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.8496.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:29:52.321 [error] Error while shutting down vnode worker pool exit:{shutdown,{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,[<0.8491.0>,{shutdown,60000},infinity]}} trace : [{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,3,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,240}]},{riak_core_vnode,terminate,3,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode.erl"},{line,895}]},{gen_fsm,terminate,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,597}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]
...08:29:54.063 [error] gen_fsm <0.8525.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:29:54.063 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8525.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:29:56.314 [error] gen_server <0.8553.0> terminated with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash
08:29:56.314 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8553.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:29:56.314 [error] Supervisor {<0.8551.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with {riak_core_vnode_worker,start_link,undefined} at <0.8553.0> exit with reason bad return value: deliberate_async_crash in context child_terminated
08:30:00.630 [error] Error while shutting down vnode worker pool exit:{shutdown,{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,[<0.8558.0>,{shutdown,60000},infinity]}} trace : [{gen_fsm,sync_send_all_state_event,3,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,240}]},{riak_core_vnode,terminate,3,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode.erl"},{line,895}]},{gen_fsm,terminate,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,597}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]
.08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8548.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.234 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8548.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8582.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.234 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8582.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8572.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.234 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8572.0> with 1 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8584.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.234 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8584.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8550.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.234 [error] gen_fsm <0.8574.0> in state ready terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.235 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8550.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.235 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8574.0> with 4 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:30:01.235 [error] Supervisor {<0.8585.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[1096126227998177188652763624537212264741949407232,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:30:01.235 [error] gen_server <0.8585.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.235 [error] Supervisor {<0.8575.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[0,myargs,worker_props,<0.8573.0>]},{worker_callback_mod,...},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:30:01.235 [error] gen_server <0.8575.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.235 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8585.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:30:01.235 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8575.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
08:30:01.235 [error] Supervisor {<0.8551.0>,poolboy_sup} had child riak_core_vnode_worker started with riak_core_vnode_worker:start_link([{worker_module,riak_core_vnode_worker},{worker_args,[182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872,...]},...]) at undefined exit with reason killed in context shutdown_error
08:30:01.235 [error] gen_server <0.8551.0> terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.235 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8551.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_server:terminate/6 line 744
OK, passed 100 tests
15.4% {core_vnode_eqc,start_vnode,1}
9.1% {core_vnode_eqc,restart_master,0}
8.1% {riak_core_vnode_master,all_nodes,1}
7.2% {mock_vnode,get_counter,1}
7.0% {mock_vnode,get_index,1}
6.8% {core_vnode_eqc,enable_async,1}
6.3% {mock_vnode,stop,1}
6.3% {core_vnode_eqc,latereply,1}
6.1% {mock_vnode,get_crash_reason,1}
6.1% {core_vnode_eqc,returnreply,1}
5.8% {core_vnode_eqc,prepare,1}
5.8% {mock_vnode,crash,1}
5.5% {mock_vnode,neverreply,1}
1.9% {core_vnode_eqc,asyncreply,2}
1.6% {mock_vnode,asyncnoreply,2}
1.1% {core_vnode_eqc,asynccrash,2}
[168.388 s] ok
08:30:01.765 [error] gen_fsm <0.8607.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:30:01.765 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.8607.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
[done in 168.391 s]
module 'riak_core_net_ticktime'
module 'riak_core_tcp_mon'
riak_core_tcp_mon: nodeupdown_test_...[1.073 s] ok
riak_core_tcp_mon: ssl_test_...[1.534 s] ok
[done in 2.613 s]
module 'riak_core_stat_xform'
module 'riak_core_sysmon_minder'
riak_core_vnode: pool_death_test (module 'riak_core_vnode')...[0.166 s] ok
module 'riak_core_cli_registry'
module 'hashtree'
hashtree: snapshot_test...[0.112 s] ok
hashtree: delta_test...[0.092 s] ok
hashtree: delete_without_update_test...[0.092 s] ok
hashtree: opened_closed_test...[0.182 s] ok
hashtree: sha_test_...[4.002 s] ok
hashtree: eqc_test_...[4.029 s] ok
hashtree: est_test_...src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: Diff = 14041
src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: EstKeys = 273851
src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: MaxDiff = 51962
src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: Diff = 5907
src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: EstKeys = 114423
src/hashtree.erl:1716:<0.8720.0>: MaxDiff = 21703
[13.699 s] ok
[done in 22.229 s]
module 'riak_core_ring_util'
riak_core_ring_util: reverse_test...ok
riak_core_ring_util: partition_test...ok
riak_core_ring_util: boundary_test...ok
riak_core_ring_util:150: ids_are_boundaries_test_.......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100)....................................................................................................(x1000).......................................................................(x100)....(x10)........
Time limit reached: 5.0 seconds.
OK, passed 82580 tests
[5.001 s] ok
riak_core_ring_util:159: reverse_test_.......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100)....................................................................................................(x1000)..........................................................(x100).....(x10).........(x1)....
Time limit reached: 5.0 seconds.
OK, passed 69694 tests
[5.001 s] ok
riak_core_ring_util:169: monotonic_test_.......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100)....................................................................................................(x1000)............................................................(x100)......(x1).
Time limit reached: 5.0 seconds.
OK, passed 71701 tests
[5.000 s] ok
riak_core_ring_util:182: only_boundaries_test_.......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100)....................................................................................................(x1000)......................................................(x100).........(x1)...
Time limit reached: 15.0 seconds.
OK, passed 66003 tests
[15.001 s] ok
[done in 30.024 s]
module 'riak_core_info_service_sup'
module 'riak_core_stat_calc_sup'
module 'riak_core_table_owner'
module 'riak_core_metadata'
module 'supervisor_pre_r14b04'
module 'hashtree_eqc'
08:30:57.257 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
08:30:57.257 [info] Any warnings should be investigated. No lager output expected.
hashtree_eqc: hashtree_test_.......................................................................................................(x10).................(x1).......
Time limit reached: 29.0 seconds.
OK, passed 277 tests
18.26% {hashtree_eqc,write,2}
17.55% {hashtree_eqc,delete,2}
11.71% {hashtree_eqc,local_compare,0}
10.98% {hashtree_eqc,local_compare1,0}
8.69% {hashtree_eqc,delete_both,1}
8.33% {hashtree_eqc,write_both,1}
5.88% {hashtree_eqc,start,4}
5.17% {hashtree_eqc,set_next_rebuild,1}
4.62% {hashtree_eqc,update_snapshot,2}
4.43% {hashtree_eqc,update_tree,2}
3.88% {hashtree_eqc,update_perform,1}
0.19% {hashtree_eqc,reopen_tree,2}
0.17% {hashtree_eqc,unsafe_close,2}
0.14% {hashtree_eqc,rehash_tree,1}
75.5% 0
10.8% undefined
4.3% 2
4.0% 3
3.2% 4
2.2% 1
41.5% 16
20.6% 1024
15.2% 256
10.8% 1
5.8% 1048576
1.8% 4096
0.7% 1073741824
0.7% 65536
0.7% 32
0.4% 134217728
0.4% 262144
0.4% 512
0.4% 128
0.4% 64
0.4% 8
57.4% 16
27.1% 1024
10.8% undefined
1.4% 256
1.1% 64
0.7% 512
0.7% 32
0.4% 128
0.4% 8
num_updates: Count: 277 Min: 0 Max: 305 Avg: 31.282 StdDev: 41.305 Total: 8665
segment_fill_ratio: Count: 277 Min: 0.0 Max: 4.90625 Avg: 0.4475 StdDev: 0.8993 Total: 123.96816405840218
[29.020 s] ok
[done in 29.023 s]
module 'riak_core_ring'
riak_core_ring: sequence_test...[0.001 s] ok
riak_core_ring: param_fresh_test...ok
riak_core_ring: index_test...ok
riak_core_ring: reconcile_test...ok
riak_core_ring: metadata_inequality_test...[1.002 s] ok
riak_core_ring: metadata_remove_test...[1.002 s] ok
riak_core_ring: rename_test...ok
riak_core_ring: exclusion_test...ok
riak_core_ring: random_other_node_test...ok
riak_core_ring: membership_test...[0.017 s] ok
riak_core_ring: ring_version_test...[0.001 s] ok
riak_core_ring: reconcile_next_test...ok
riak_core_ring: resize_test...ok
riak_core_ring: resize_xfer_test_...[0.002 s] ok
[done in 2.435 s]
module 'riak_core_ring_eqc'
riak_core_ring_eqc:45: eqc_test_.......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100).........................................................................................
OK, passed 10000 tests
54.85% false
45.15% true
future_index_usec: Count: 10000 Min: 14 Max: 721 Avg: 26.62140 StdDev: 19.13660 Total: 266214
[17.759 s] ok
[done in 17.762 s]
module 'riak_core_node_watcher'
module 'riak_core_claimant'
module 'riak_core_apl'
riak_core_apl: smallest_test...ok
riak_core_apl: four_node_test...ok
riak_core_apl: six_node_test...[0.002 s] ok
riak_core_apl: six_node_bucket_key_ann_test...[0.010 s] ok
riak_core_apl: chbin_test_...[24.878 s] ok
[done in 24.905 s]
bg_manager_eqc: bgmgr_test_ (module 'bg_manager_eqc').......................................................................................................(x10)....................................................................................................(x100).....(x10).(x1).........
Time limit reached: 30.0 seconds.
OK, passed 1619 tests
17.38% {bg_manager_eqc,start_process,0}
9.84% {bg_manager_eqc,concurrency_limit_reached,1}
9.68% {bg_manager_eqc,concurrency_limit,1}
9.54% {bg_manager_eqc,set_token_rate,2}
9.48% {bg_manager_eqc,set_concurrency_limit,3}
9.40% {bg_manager_eqc,crash,0}
9.26% {bg_manager_eqc,all_resources,1}
4.82% {bg_manager_eqc,get_token,1}
3.36% {bg_manager_eqc,get_lock,3}
3.21% {bg_manager_eqc,bypass,1}
3.06% {bg_manager_eqc,enabled,0}
2.91% {bg_manager_eqc,refill_tokens,1}
2.78% {bg_manager_eqc,bypassed,0}
2.67% {bg_manager_eqc,revive,0}
1.88% {bg_manager_eqc,get_token,2}
0.43% {bg_manager_eqc,stop_process,1}
0.16% {bg_manager_eqc,enable,1}
0.13% {bg_manager_eqc,disable,1}
[30.026 s] ok
module 'riak_core_throttle'
module 'riak_core_throttle_tests'
riak_core_throttle_tests:64: test_throttle_badkey...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:65: test_throttle_badkey...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:70: test_set_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:71: test_set_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:72: test_set_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:73: test_set_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:82: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:83: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:84: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:85: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:86: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:87: test_throttle_disable...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:90: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_no_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:91: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_no_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:97: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:98: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:99: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:100: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:101: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:102: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:103: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:104: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:105: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:106: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:107: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:108: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:109: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:110: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:111: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:112: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:114: test_set_throttle_by_load_with_good_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:121: test_set_throttle_by_load_actually_sets_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:127: test_set_limits_does_not_overwrite_current_throttle...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:130: test_set_limits_with_invalid_limits...ok
riak_core_throttle_tests:132: test_set_limits_with_invalid_limits...ok
[done in 0.106 s]
[done in 0.106 s]
module 'riak_core_vnode_proxy_sup'
module 'riak_core_stats_sup'
module 'hashtree_tree'
module 'new_cluster_membership_model_eqc'
module 'riak_core_stat_calc_proc'
module 'riak_core_vnode_manager'
riak_core_priority_queue: basic_test (module 'riak_core_priority_queue')...ok
module 'riak_core_metadata_object'
bprops_eqc:65: bprops_test_ (module 'bprops_eqc').........................................................................................
Time limit reached: 50.0 seconds.
OK, passed 86 tests
34.8% {bprops_eqc,all_n,0}
33.2% {bprops_eqc,get_bucket,1}
32.0% {bprops_eqc,set_bucket,2}
34.8% {bprops_eqc,all_n,0}
33.2% {bprops_eqc,get_bucket,1}
32.0% {bprops_eqc,set_bucket,2}
[50.593 s] ok
module 'riak_core_handoff_listener_sup'
module 'riak_core_sup'
module 'worker_pool_pulse'
module 'riak_core_base64url'
module 'riak_core_base64url_tests'
riak_core_base64url_tests: string_to_string_test...ok
riak_core_base64url_tests: string_to_binary_test...ok
riak_core_base64url_tests: binary_to_binary_test...ok
riak_core_base64url_tests: binary_to_string_test...ok
[done in 0.012 s]
[done in 0.012 s]
module 'riak_core_gen_server'
node_watcher_qc: qc_test_ (module 'node_watcher_qc').......................................................................................................
OK, passed 100 tests
10.1% {node_watcher_qc,local_node_down,0}
10.1% {node_watcher_qc,remote_service_up,2}
9.6% {node_watcher_qc,local_node_up,0}
9.5% {node_watcher_qc,health_service_defaults,1}
9.2% {node_watcher_qc,health_service,1}
9.2% {node_watcher_qc,ring_update,1}
8.8% {node_watcher_qc,remote_service_down_disterl,1}
8.2% {node_watcher_qc,remote_service_down,1}
8.2% {node_watcher_qc,local_service_down,1}
8.1% {node_watcher_qc,local_service_up,1}
5.7% {node_watcher_qc,wait_for_bcast,0}
3.3% {node_watcher_qc,local_service_kill,2}
[19.463 s] ok
riak_core_bucket_props: simple_resolve_test (module 'riak_core_bucket_props')...ok
riak_core_claim_sim: run_test (module 'riak_core_claim_sim')...[0.063 s] ok
module 'riak_core_nodeid'
module 'riak_core_stat_sup'
module 'riak_core_eventhandler_guard'
module 'riak_core_stat_cache'
module 'riak_core'
module 'chashbin'
chashbin: basic_test_...[1.260 s] ok
[done in 1.264 s]
riak_core_claim_util:614: prop_adjacency_summary_test_ (module 'riak_core_claim_util')...[30.069 s] ok
module 'riak_core_broadcast'
module 'riak_core_node_watcher_events'
module 'sync_command_test'
08:34:24.038 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert ok throw)...ok
08:34:24.039 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24635.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.039 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
08:34:24.046 [error] gen_fsm <0.24644.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:34:24.046 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24644.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.131 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert error throw)...ok
08:34:24.131 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24680.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.131 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
08:34:24.138 [error] gen_fsm <0.24689.0> in state active terminated with reason: killed
08:34:24.138 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24689.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: killed in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.174 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert sync error)...ok
08:34:24.174 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24725.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.174 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
08:34:24.178 [error] mock_vnode command failed {core_breach,[{mock_vnode,handle_command,3,[{file,"test/mock_vnode.erl"},{line,131}]},{riak_core_vnode,vnode_command,3,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode.erl"},{line,346}]},{gen_fsm,handle_msg,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,505}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}
08:34:24.178 [error] gen_fsm <0.24734.0> in state active terminated with reason: core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131
08:34:24.179 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24734.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131 in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.179 [error] Supervisor riak_core_vnode_sup had child undefined started with {riak_core_vnode,start_link,undefined} at <0.24734.0> exit with reason core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131 in context child_terminated
08:34:24.229 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
08:34:24.229 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24770.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.229 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert sync exit)...ok
08:34:24.236 [error] mock_vnode command failed core_breach
08:34:24.236 [error] gen_fsm <0.24779.0> in state active terminated with reason: core_breach
08:34:24.236 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24779.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: core_breach in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.236 [error] Supervisor riak_core_vnode_sup had child undefined started with {riak_core_vnode,start_link,undefined} at <0.24779.0> exit with reason core_breach in context child_terminated
08:34:24.287 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert non-blocking sync error)...ok
08:34:24.288 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24815.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.288 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
08:34:24.292 [error] mock_vnode command failed {core_breach,[{mock_vnode,handle_command,3,[{file,"test/mock_vnode.erl"},{line,131}]},{riak_core_vnode,vnode_command,3,[{file,"src/riak_core_vnode.erl"},{line,346}]},{gen_fsm,handle_msg,7,[{file,"gen_fsm.erl"},{line,505}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}
08:34:24.292 [error] gen_fsm <0.24824.0> in state active terminated with reason: core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131
08:34:24.292 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24824.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131 in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.293 [error] Supervisor riak_core_vnode_sup had child undefined started with {riak_core_vnode,start_link,undefined} at <0.24824.0> exit with reason core_breach in mock_vnode:handle_command/3 line 131 in context child_terminated
08:34:24.348 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
sync_command_test: sync_test_ (Assert non-blocking sync exit)...[0.001 s] ok
08:34:24.348 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24861.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}} in application_master:init/4 line 133
08:34:24.348 [info] Application exometer_core exited with reason: {{already_started,<0.6235.0>},{exometer_core_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
08:34:24.353 [error] mock_vnode command failed core_breach
08:34:24.353 [error] gen_fsm <0.24870.0> in state active terminated with reason: core_breach
08:34:24.353 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.24870.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: core_breach in gen_fsm:terminate/7 line 622
08:34:24.353 [error] Supervisor riak_core_vnode_sup had child undefined started with {riak_core_vnode,start_link,undefined} at <0.24870.0> exit with reason core_breach in context child_terminated
[done in 0.373 s]
module 'riak_core_ssl_util'
module 'riak_core_handoff_receiver'
module 'riak_core_ring_handler'
module 'test_guarded_event_handler'
test_guarded_event_handler: guarded_handler_test_...[0.101 s] ok
[done in 0.104 s]
module 'riak_core_vnode_worker'
module 'riak_core_handoff_manager'
riak_core_handoff_manager:674: handoff_test_...ok
riak_core_handoff_manager:675: handoff_test_...ok
[done in 0.006 s]
module 'riak_core_dtrace'
riak_core_dtrace: timeit_naive_test...timeit_naive average 1.474 usec/call over 500.0 calls
[0.014 s] ok
riak_core_dtrace: timeit_mochiglobal_test...timeit_mochiglobal average 2.327 usec/call over 225000.0 calls
Skipping timeit_best_on test: no DTrace/SystemTap is available
[0.535 s] ok
riak_core_dtrace: timeit_best_off_test...Skipping timeit_best_on test: no DTrace/SystemTap is available
riak_core_dtrace: timeit_best_onfalse_test...Skipping timeit_best_on test: no DTrace/SystemTap is available
riak_core_dtrace: timeit_best_ontrue_test...NOTE: cover analysis will skew results. Run without cover for true timings.
riak_core_dtrace: last_test...ok
[done in 0.567 s]
riak_core_format: human_time_fmt_test (module 'riak_core_format')...ok
module 'riak_core_metadata_exchange_fsm'
module 'worker_pool_test'
worker_pool_test: pool_test_...[1.201 s] ok
worker_pool_test: pool_test_...[1.201 s] ok
[done in 2.408 s]
module 'riak_core_vnode_master'
module 'riak_core_cluster_cli'
module 'riak_core_metadata_manager'
module 'claim_simulation'
module 'riak_core_claim'
riak_core_claim: wants_claim_test...[0.004 s] ok
riak_core_claim: find_biggest_hole_test...ok
riak_core_claim: prop_claim_ensures_unique_nodes_v2_test_.......................................................................................................
OK, passed 100 tests
[2.211 s] ok
riak_core_claim: prop_claim_ensures_unique_nodes_v3_test_........
OK, passed 5 tests
[13.459 s] ok
riak_core_claim: wants_counts_test.......................................................................................................
OK, passed 100 tests
[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_claim: wants_test.......................................................................................................
OK, passed 100 tests
[0.081 s] ok
riak_core_claim: take_idxs_test.......................................................................................................
OK, passed 100 tests
[0.056 s] ok
[done in 15.840 s]
module 'riak_core_info_service'
vclock_qc:21: eqc_test_ (module 'vclock_qc').......................................................................................................(x10)...............................................................................(x1).......
Time limit reached: 20.0 seconds.
OK, passed 897 tests
46.20% 0
24.96% 1
13.20% 2
7.42% 3
4.89% 4
3.33% 5
11.507% {vclock_qc,timestamp,0}
11.061% {vclock_qc,fresh,0}
9.837% {vclock_qc,merge,1}
9.823% {vclock_qc,get_dot,2}
9.690% {vclock_qc,descends_dot,3}
9.682% {vclock_qc,get_counter,2}
9.663% {vclock_qc,descends,2}
9.641% {vclock_qc,get_timestamp,2}
9.569% {vclock_qc,increment,2}
9.528% {vclock_qc,dominates,2}
43.9% {num_vclocks_div_10,0}
21.5% {num_vclocks_div_10,1}
13.3% {num_vclocks_div_10,2}
6.8% {num_vclocks_div_10,3}
5.4% {num_vclocks_div_10,4}
3.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,5}
1.9% {num_vclocks_div_10,6}
1.3% {num_vclocks_div_10,7}
1.0% {num_vclocks_div_10,8}
0.3% {num_vclocks_div_10,11}
0.3% {num_vclocks_div_10,9}
0.2% {num_vclocks_div_10,13}
0.2% {num_vclocks_div_10,10}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,21}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,18}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,16}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,15}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,14}
0.1% {num_vclocks_div_10,12}
[21.040 s] ok
module 'riak_core_send_msg'
riak_core_bucket: simple_set_test (module 'riak_core_bucket')...[0.004 s] ok
module 'riak_core_handoff_sender_sup'
module 'riak_core_coverage_plan'
module 'riak_core_eventhandler_sup'
module 'riak_core_repair'
module 'bucket_eqc_utils'
module 'vclock'
vclock: example_test...ok
vclock: prune_small_test...ok
vclock: prune_young_test...ok
vclock: prune_big_test...ok
vclock: prune_old_test...ok
vclock: prune_order_test...ok
vclock: accessor_test...ok
vclock: merge_test...ok
vclock: merge_less_left_test...ok
vclock: merge_less_right_test...ok
vclock: merge_same_id_test...ok
vclock: get_entry_test...ok
vclock: valid_entry_test...ok
[done in 0.039 s]
module 'riak_core_ring_manager'
riak_core_ring_manager: back_test...ok
riak_core_ring_manager: prune_list_test...ok
riak_core_ring_manager: set_ring_global_test...[0.008 s] ok
riak_core_ring_manager: set_my_ring_test...[0.007 s] ok
riak_core_ring_manager: refresh_my_ring_test...ok
riak_core_ring_manager: do_write_ringfile_test...[0.038 s] ok
riak_core_ring_manager: is_stable_ring_test...ok
[done in 0.074 s]
module 'riak_core_handoff_sup'
module 'riak_core_capability'
riak_core_capability_tests: basic_test (module 'riak_core_capability_tests')...ok
[done in 0.003 s]
module 'riak_core_handoff_cli'
module 'riak_core_broadcast_handler'
module 'mock_vnode'
module 'bloom'
bloom: fixed_case_test_...[1.040 s] ok
bloom: bloom_test...[0.632 s] ok
[done in 1.678 s]
module 'riak_core_vnode_sup'
module 'process_proxy'
module 'riak_core_dist_mon'
module 'riak_core_bucket_type'
module 'riak_core_gossip'
module 'app_helper'
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
app_helper: app_helper_test_...ok
[done in 0.018 s]
module 'bg_manager_tests'
bg_manager_tests: bg_mgr_test_ (set/get token rates + verify rates)...[0.001 s] ok
bg_manager_tests: bg_mgr_test_ (crash token manager + verify rates persist)...[0.303 s] ok
bg_manager_tests: bg_mgr_test_ (lock/token separation)...ok
bg_manager_tests: bg_mgr_test_ (failing crash/revive EQC test case)...[0.303 s] ok
bg_manager_tests: bg_mgr_test_ (bypass API)...ok
[done in 0.622 s]
module 'riak_core_schema_tests'
riak_core_schema_tests: basic_schema_test...[0.069 s] ok
riak_core_schema_tests: invalid_states_test...[0.030 s] ok
riak_core_schema_tests: default_bucket_properties_test...[0.030 s] ok
riak_core_schema_tests: override_schema_test...[0.032 s] ok
[done in 0.174 s]
All 429 tests passed.
Cover analysis: /tmp/thumbs/develop.146de1b.dr-th_service-poc.57aeb55/.eunit/index.html
=INFO REPORT==== 15-Feb-2017::08:35:49 ===
application: ssl
exited: stopped
type: temporary
=INFO REPORT==== 15-Feb-2017::08:35:49 ===
application: inets
exited: killed
type: temporary
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