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Last active March 18, 2023 23:58
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# Source:
# Observability From Kubernetes Out Of Kubernetes With Cloud-Native Tools #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Monitoring, Logging, And Alerting In Kubernetes:
# - How To Shift Left Infrastructure Management Using Crossplane Compositions:
# - Lens - Kubernetes IDE and Dashboard:
# - kube-state-metrics (KSM):
# - k8s-event-logger:
# Setup #
# Create a management Kubernetes cluster with an Ingress
# controller.
# This demo is using Rancher Desktop but any other Kubernetes
# cluster should work as well.
# If you're using a local Kubernetes cluster
# (e.g., Rancher Desktop, Minikube, etc.), make sure that it
# has at least 8GB of RAM and 4 CPU of memory.
# If not using Rancher Desktop, please replace `traefik` with
# the Ingress class name
export INGRESS_CLASS=traefik
# If not using Rancher Desktop, please replace `` with
# the external IP of the Ingress service
export INGRESS_IP=
git clone
cd devops-toolkit-crossplane
helm repo add prometheus-community \
helm repo add deliveryhero
helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
k8s-event-logger deliveryhero/k8s-event-logger \
--namespace observability --create-namespace --wait
helm upgrade --install crossplane crossplane-stable/crossplane \
--namespace crossplane-system --create-namespace --wait
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-kubernetes-incluster.yaml
kubectl apply --filename crossplane-config/config-sql.yaml
kubectl apply --filename crossplane-config/config-k8s.yaml
# The demo uses Google Cloud Platform (GCP) but any other
# cloud provider should work as well.
# If you are NOT using GCP you might need to modify the commands
# and the manifests
kubectl apply \
--filename crossplane-config/provider-gcp-official.yaml
export PROJECT_ID=dot-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Open the URL and *ENABLE API*
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Open the URL and *ENABLE API*
export SA_NAME=devops-toolkit
export SA="${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}"
gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME --project $PROJECT_ID
export ROLE=roles/admin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --role $ROLE $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$SA
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gcp-creds.json \
--project $PROJECT_ID --iam-account $SA
kubectl --namespace crossplane-system \
create secret generic gcp-creds \
--from-file creds=./gcp-creds.json
kubectl get pkgrev
# Wait until all the packages are healthy
echo "apiVersion:
kind: ProviderConfig
name: default
projectID: $PROJECT_ID
source: Secret
namespace: crossplane-system
name: gcp-creds
key: creds" \
| kubectl apply --filename -
kubectl create namespace a-team
yq --inplace \
".grafana.ingress.hosts[0] = \"grafana.$\"" \
yq --inplace \
".grafana.ingress.ingressClassName = \"$INGRESS_CLASS\"" \
yq --inplace \
".prometheus.ingress.hosts[0] = \"prometheus.$\"" \
yq --inplace \
".prometheus.ingress.ingressClassName = \"$INGRESS_CLASS\"" \
kubectl --namespace observability apply \
--filename examples/observability/ksm-cm-google.yaml
helm upgrade --install \
prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--namespace observability --create-namespace \
--values examples/observability/prometheus-stack-values-google.yaml \
helm upgrade --install loki-stack grafana/loki-stack \
--namespace observability --create-namespace \
echo "http://grafana.$"
# Open the address in a browser
# Use `admin` as the username and the initial password
# Add `Loki` as a data source
# URL: http://loki-stack:3100
# Open
# Copy the output
# Import the dashboard using the copied output
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename examples/k8s/gcp-gke-official.yaml
cd ..
git clone
cd silly-demo
# Demo #
ls -1 kustomize
cat kustomize/base/deployment.yaml
cat kustomize/overlays/stateful-google/postgresql.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--kustomize kustomize/overlays/stateful-google
# Execute the following queries:
# `group by (customresource_kind) (kube_customresource_status_condition)`
# `kube_customresource_status_condition{customresource_kind="SQLClaim"}`
# `sum by (status) (kube_customresource_status_condition{customresource_kind="SQLClaim", condition="Ready"})`
# `kube_customresource_status_condition{customresource_kind="DatabaseInstance", condition="Ready"}`
# `sum by (status) (kube_customresource_status_condition{customresource_kind="DatabaseInstance", condition="Ready"})`
# Open `Explore` in Grafana and make sure that Prometheus
# datasource is selected
# Open `Explore` and select `Loki` as the datasource
# Select `app` = `k8s-event-logger` as `Label filters`
# Set `a-team-gke` as `Line contains`
# Destroy #
# Destroy or reset the management cluster
gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID
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