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Last active September 9, 2016 19:37
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dlang custon logger format sample
import std.experimental.logger;
import std.experimental.logger.filelogger;
class MyCustomLogger : FileLogger
import std.range;
import std.datetime;
import std.path;
import std.traits;
import std.format;
import std.string;
static char[LogLevel] m_logLevelMap;
static this()
foreach (immutable suit; [EnumMembers!LogLevel])
m_logLevelMap[suit]=format("%s", suit).toUpper()[0];
this(FileLogger logger)
super(logger.file, logger.logLevel);
/* This function formates a $(D SysTime) into an $(D OutputRange).
The $(D SysTime) is formatted similar to
$(LREF std.datatime.DateTime.toISOExtString) except the fractional second part.
The fractional second part is in milliseconds and is always 3 digits.
static void systimeToISOString(OutputRange)(OutputRange o, const ref SysTime time)
if (isOutputRange!(OutputRange,string))
const auto dt = cast(DateTime)time;
const auto fsec =!"msecs";
formattedWrite(o, "%02d:%02d:%02d"
, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second
/* This method overrides the base class method in order to log to a file
without requiring heap allocated memory. Additionally, the $(D FileLogger)
local mutex is logged to serialize the log calls.
override protected void beginLogMsg(string file, int line, string funcName,
string prettyFuncName, string moduleName, LogLevel logLevel,
Tid threadId, SysTime timestamp, Logger logger)
import std.string : lastIndexOf;
ptrdiff_t fnIdx = file.lastIndexOf(dirSeparator) + 1;
ptrdiff_t funIdx = funcName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1;
auto lt = this.file.lockingTextWriter();
formattedWrite(lt, "[%s]", m_logLevelMap[logLevel]);
systimeToISOString(lt, timestamp);
formattedWrite(lt, ":%s:%s:%u "
, file[fnIdx .. $]
, funcName[funIdx .. $]
, line);
/* This methods overrides the base class method and writes the parts of
the log call directly to the file.
override protected void logMsgPart(const(char)[] msg)
formattedWrite(this.file_.lockingTextWriter(), "%s", msg);
/* This methods overrides the base class method and finalizes the active
log call. This requires flushing the $(D File) and releasing the
$(D FileLogger) local mutex.
override protected void finishLogMsg()
void main()
log("Hello World");
auto defaultFileLogger=cast(FileLogger)sharedLog;
sharedLog = new MyCustomLogger(defaultFileLogger);
log("Awesome log message with");
log("Logging to the sharedLog with its default LogLevel");
logf(, 5 < 6, "%s to the sharedLog with its", "Logging");
info("Logging to the sharedLog with its info LogLevel");
warning(5 < 6, "Logging to the sharedLog with its LogLevel.warning if 5 is less than 6");
error("Logging to the sharedLog with its error LogLevel");
errorf("Logging %s the sharedLog %s its error LogLevel", "to", "with");
//critical("Logging to the"," sharedLog with its error LogLevel");
//fatal("Logging to the sharedLog with its fatal LogLevel");
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