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Ryan Gaus 1egoman

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  • Text-based queries
  • plugins
    • validate / parse
    • listeners
  • POST file uploading
  • Documentation!
1egoman / roboticsNew.c
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Robot Code (2014)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl1, rightEncoder, sensorQuadEncoder)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, l, tmotorVex269_HBridge, openLoop, encoderPort, dgtl1)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
// steps per unit
#define SP 90
1egoman /
Created November 29, 2014 02:10

Christmas List

(yes mema, here it is...)

  • Solder this
  • needlenose this
  • hammer (not a really heavy one)
  • wire this
  • painters tape, as wide as possible (used for my 3d printer bed to print upon)
  • glue stick, the biggest one possible (used for coating the painters tape mentioned above)
1egoman /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Quick and dirty python installer for a friend

Ryan's Quick and Dirty python installer

Made for Bryan, this installer should install whatever python version is specified within the PYVERSION environment variable.

Quick one-liner to download and install it: (you'll need curl sudo apt-get install curl)

export PYTHONVERSION=2.7.8;curl|bash
1egoman /
Created January 1, 2015 12:26
Function preprocessor

Adds affixes and multiline strings to javascript:

###Affixes: prefix/suffix a token with a phrase, and it will be replaced. (!@ represents what will be replaced)

affixes = {
  '%': 'new Percent(!@)',
  '@': 'this.!@'
1egoman /
Created January 10, 2015 13:14
Square Route Calculator
import math
# the square route function
def sqrt(n, iters, dev=1.5):
if iters < 0:
return dev
return sqrt(n, iters-1, (n/dev+dev)/2)
# make sure everything is working as expected
1egoman / keyring.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
CSE Keyring
"pub_key": [
"name": "Justus Barczewski",
"email": ""
1egoman /
Created April 11, 2015 01:19
bryan nlp stuff
# variables to "replace"
vars =
value: 1
# split text and respond with arrays of
split = (raw, callback) ->
sync = []
async = []
1egoman /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Opportunity Assistance

Chapter 7 Opportunity

By Ryan

(I added a few comments to your code to make it a little more readable, btw)

// Kevin Atkinson
// Chapter 7 Opportunity

// include headers
1egoman /
Created June 18, 2015 12:32

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am 1egoman on github.
  • I am rgausnet ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9BCA 974E 112B 4CC7 43C1 578A A255 C2D6 FA67 4A6F

To claim this, I am signing this object: