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Aleksei Seliverstov 1ncend1ary

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function! myspacevim#before() abort
" vim-plug installation
" Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': 'cd app && yarn install' }
call SpaceVim#custom#SPCGroupName(['g'], '+Custom')
autocmd FileType markdown nmap <buffer><silent> <leader>l :call mdip#MarkdownClipboardImage()<CR>
autocmd FileType html nmap <buffer><silent> <leader>l :call mdip#MarkdownClipboardImage()<CR>
call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nnoremap', ['g', 'l'], ':call mdip#MarkdownClipboardImage()<CR>', 'Paste image to markdown file', 1)
map <silent> <leader>h ys$}.
# basic.toml --- basic configuration example for SpaceVim
# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Wang Shidong & Contributors
# Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg at >
# URL:
# License: GPLv3
# All SpaceVim option below [option] section
{"keyboard": "lily58/rev1", "keymap": "1ncend1ary-2", "layout": "LAYOUT", "layers": [["KC_LCTL", "KC_1", "KC_2", "KC_3", "KC_4", "KC_5", "KC_6", "KC_7", "KC_8", "KC_9", "KC_0", "KC_RCTL", "KC_TAB", "KC_Q", "KC_W", "KC_E", "KC_R", "KC_T", "KC_Y", "KC_U", "KC_I", "KC_O", "KC_P", "KC_MINS", "KC_ESC", "KC_A", "KC_S", "KC_D", "KC_F", "KC_G", "KC_H", "KC_J", "KC_K", "KC_L", "KC_SCLN", "KC_QUOT", "KC_LSFT", "KC_Z", "KC_X", "KC_C", "KC_V", "KC_B", "KC_LBRC", "KC_RBRC", "KC_N", "KC_M", "KC_COMM", "KC_DOT", "KC_SLSH", "KC_RSFT", "KC_LALT", "KC_LGUI", "MO(_LOWER)", "KC_SPC", "KC_ENT", "MO(_RAISE)", "KC_BSPC", "KC_CAPS"], ["KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_TRNS", "KC_F1", "KC_F2", "KC_F3", "KC_F4", "KC_F5", "KC_F6", "KC_F7", "KC_F8", "KC_F9", "KC_F10", "KC_F11", "KC_F12", "KC_GRV", "KC_EXLM", "KC_AT", "KC_HASH", "KC_DLR", "KC_PERC", "KC_CIRC", "KC_AMPR", "KC_ASTR", "KC_LPRN", "KC_RPRN", "KC_TILD", "KC_TRNS", "KC_LCBR", "KC_BSLS", "
enum layer_number {
_QWERTY = 0,
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
1ncend1ary / a.zsh
Created July 18, 2021 14:57
Convert adoc files to pdf
asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-pdf -b pdf -a allow-uri-read -o test.pdf defn.adoc */*.adoc
1ncend1ary / .Xmodmap
Created May 10, 2021 18:19
Xmodmap file for different keyboard modifications
keycode 66 = ISO_Level3_Shift
clear mod1
clear mod4
clear control
keycode 64 = Super_L
keycode 133 = Control_L
keycode 37 = Alt_L
add mod1 = Alt_L
add mod4 = Super_L
add control = Control_L
1ncend1ary / userChrome.css
Created May 10, 2021 18:17
Firefox no top tabbar configuration file
/* hides the native tabs */
#TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse;
#titlebar {
display: none;
1ncend1ary / config.toml
Last active May 10, 2021 18:14
i3status-rust configuration file
name = "solarized-dark"
idle_bg = "#424242"
idle_fg = "#ffffff"
info_bg = "#2196f3"
info_fg = "#ffffff"
good_bg = "#8bc34a"
good_fg = "#000000"
warning_bg = "#ffc107"
1ncend1ary / config
Created May 10, 2021 18:13
i3 configuration file at: .i3/config
# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!
# Set mod key (Mod1=<Alt>, Mod4=<Super>)
set $mod Mod4
# set default desktop layout (default is tiling)
# workspace_layout tabbed <stacking|tabbed>
# Configure border style <normal|1pixel|pixel xx|none|pixel>
1ncend1ary / saveall.mat
Created April 25, 2021 12:32
Matlab save all figures to folder
FolderName = tempdir; % Your destination folder
FigList = findobj(allchild(0), 'flat', 'Type', 'figure');
for iFig = 1:length(FigList)
FigHandle = FigList(iFig);
FigName = num2str(get(FigHandle, 'Number'));
set(0, 'CurrentFigure', FigHandle);
savefig(fullfile(FolderName, [FigName '.fig']));