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Created March 11, 2012 22:36
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(ns analysis.core)
(use 'criterium.core)
;; algorithm: see
;;(set! *unchecked-math* true)
(deftype Point [^long x ^long y])
(defn hilbert-to-point [^long order ^long d]
(binding [*unchecked-math* true]
(let [n (bit-shift-left 1 (long order))]
(loop [s 1, rx 0, ry 0, t d, x 0, y 0]
(let [rx (bit-and 1 (bit-shift-right t 1))
ry (bit-and 1 (bit-xor t rx))
sm (dec s)
x (long (if (== 1 ry) x (if (== 1 rx) (- sm y) y)))
y (long (if (== 1 ry) y (if (== 1 rx) (- sm x) x)))
x (+ x (* s rx))
y (+ y (* s ry))
t (bit-shift-right t 2)
s (bit-shift-left s 1)]
(if (< s n) (recur s rx ry t x y)
(Point. x y))))))
(defn red [^long o]
(binding [*unchecked-math* true]
(let [n2 (bit-shift-left 1 (* 2 o))]
(loop [sum (Point. 0 0)
d (long 0)]
(let [^Point a (hilbert-to-point o d)]
(if (< d n2)
(recur (Point. (+ (.x a) (.x sum))
(+ (.y a) (.y sum)))
(inc d) )
(prn (red 10))
(bench (red 10) :verbose)
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