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Created March 12, 2012 23:46
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dragonov's IO
* Console
* Little extension for input/ouput through console.
* Authors: $(WEB, Damian "nazriel" Ziemba)
* Copyright: 2012, Damian Ziemba
* License: BSD
* Example:
* ----
* import;
* Console.FgColor = Console.Color.Red;
* Console.BgColor = Console.Color.Blue;
* Console("Hi! I will write those message with ")
* ("Blue background and Red foreground until ")
* ("you decide otherwise").Nl();
* Console.FgColor = Console.Color.Default;
* Console.BgColor = Console.Color.Default;
* Console("Back to old grey world! :( Press ANY key")
* ("To Continue").Nl();
* Console.ReadKey();
* ----
static import std.stdio;
import std.conv: to;
import core.sys.posix.termios;
import core.stdc.stdio;
else version(Windows)
extern (C) int _getch();
struct IOConsole
public enum Font
Normal = 0,
Bold = 0,
Underline = 0x8000,
Flash = 0,
Reverse = 0x4000,
public enum Color
Default = 0x0000,
Blue = 0x0001,
Green = 0x0002,
Aqua = 0x0003,
Red = 0x0004,
Purple= 0x0005,
Yellow= 0x0006,
Gray = 0x0008,
LightBlue = 0x0009,
LightGreen = 0x000A,
LightAqua = 0x000B,
LightRed = 0x000C,
LightPurple= 0x000D,
HANDLE _consoleHandle;
static this()
_consoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
public enum Color
Default = 0,
Blue = 34,
Green = 32,
Aqua = 36,
Red = 31,
Purple= 35,
Yellow= 93,
Gray = 37,
LightBlue = 94,
LightGreen = 92,
LightAqua = 96,
LightRed = 91,
LightPurple= 95,
public enum Font
Normal = 0,
Bold = 1,
Underline = 4,
Flash = 5,
Reverse = 7,
private int _backgroundColor = Color.Default;
private int _foregroundColor = Color.Default;
private Font _fontStyle = Font.Normal;
alias Write opCall;
IOConsole Format(T...)(string format, T args)
{ // TODO: add colors&etc support
std.stdio.writef(format, args);
return this;
IOConsole Formatln(T...)(string format, T args)
{ // TODO: add colors&etc support
std.stdio.writefln(format, args);
return this;
IOConsole Nl()
return this;
alias Nl Newline;
IOConsole Write(T...)(T args)
version (Posix)
string output;
if (_fontStyle != Font.Normal || _foregroundColor != Color.Default || _backgroundColor != Color.Default)
output ~= "\033[";
if (_fontStyle != Font.Normal)
output ~= to!string(_fontStyle) ~ ";";
if (_foregroundColor != Color.Default)
output ~= to!string(_foregroundColor) ~ ";";
if (_backgroundColor != Color.Default)
output ~= to!string(_backgroundColor) ~ ";";
output = output[0..$-1] ~ "m";
std.stdio.write(output, args, "\033[0m");
else version(Windows)
int consoleColor;
if (_fontStyle != Font.Normal || _foregroundColor != Color.Default || _backgroundColor != Color.Default)
if (_foregroundColor != Color.Default)
consoleColor += _foregroundColor;
if (_backgroundColor != Color.Default)
consoleColor += _backgroundColor * 16;
SetConsoleTextAttribute(_consoleHandle, consoleColor);
static assert(0, "Not supported platform");
return this;
string ReadLine()
import std.exception;
auto buff = std.stdio.readln();
return assumeUnique(buff);
char ReadKey()
int getch()
int ch;
termios oldt;
termios newt;
tcgetattr(0, &oldt);
newt = oldt;
newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &newt);
ch = getchar();
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldt);
return ch;
else version(Windows)
alias _getch getch;
return cast(char) getch();
@property void BgColor(Color color)
_backgroundColor = color + 10;
@property Color BgColor()
return cast(Color) (_backgroundColor - 10);
@property void FgColor(Color color)
_foregroundColor = color;
@property Color FgColor()
return cast(Color)_foregroundColor;
@property void FontStyle(Font fontStyle)
_fontStyle = fontStyle;
@property Font FontStyle()
return _fontStyle;
static __gshared IOConsole Console;
alias Console console;
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