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Installing Arch Linux

20esaua 20esaua

Installing Arch Linux
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20esaua /
Last active May 13, 2021 10:01
pwn mac, get root


  1. Shut down your computer, and turn it on again. Hold ⌘+S while it is booting.

  2. Mount the partition as read/write by running this command:

sudo mount -uw /
  1. When the console is done loading, run the command:
20esaua / stuff.txt
Created November 22, 2017 03:41
the pattern...
06a 07b 07a 08b 08a 09b 09a 10b 10a 11b 11a 12b 12a 13b 13a 14b 14a 15b 15a 16b 16a 17b 17a 18b
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
20esaua /
Last active June 4, 2018 15:48
Refactored version
text = 'Once upon a time in the land of Tigernet there lived a wise, but $adjective wizard named James. In his dominion was all kinds of electronic $nouns and $nouns. One day, the wizard Fulton declared, \'Let us make a giant balloon and adorn it with such devices as $nouns, $adjective $nouns, and $adjective $nouns. With these devices we will measure the curvature of the $noun - a $adjective but important scientific inquiry.\' So the many citizens of Tigernet embraced the $adjective mission of their leader and began the $adjective and $adjective task of building the $nouns. They used $adjective tools to make $quantity $adjective $nouns - some were $adjective while others were $adjective. They worked $adverb for $quantity days and nights. Finally, the day came to launch. They filled the $adjective balloon and watched it $adverb rise into the $adjective $adjective sky. It was a beautiful sight.'
for wordtype in {'noun', 'verb', 'adjective', 'adverb', 'quantity'}:
for _ in range(text.count('$%s' % wordtype)
20esaua /
Created March 20, 2018 16:02
Script that Carlos Hanson uses to import users into AD.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
from gluon import *
import re
import smtplib
import tempfile
import ssam_utils
import ttsd.ldaputils
from ttsd.ldaputils import StudentConfiguration
# This is the location where program will reside
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ORIGIN"]) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ) {
$valid_site = false;
$origin_site = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']: $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$origin_site = trim($origin_site);
$pattern = "/(.*)*)/";
if( preg_match($pattern, $origin_site, $matches )){
$valid_site = true;
20esaua /
Last active April 11, 2018 16:29
An automatic maze solver thing I wrote in python while in CS160 class
# enter in the maze content in ascii here
maze = [list('######################'),
list('#S #### # # ##'),
list('## #### # ##### ### ##'),
list('## # ###E##'),
list('####### ####### ######'),
list('## # ### ##'),
list('## ######## ##### ##'),
list('## ####### ##### ##'),
list('## ## ##'),
20esaua /
Created April 25, 2018 19:15
scrape brainscrape thing.png
url = ''
def getHTML(page):
import urllib.request
with urllib.request.urlopen(page) as response:
html = getHTML(url).split("<h3 class='card-answer-text' itemprop='text'>")
first = True
`env -i ./binary` clear env vars
'AABB%<offset>$n' writes 4 (len('AABB')) to 0x41414242 (hex('AABB'))
'AABB%<value-4>x%<offset>$n' writes `value` to 0x41414242
to write 0xABABACAC to 0x41414242, split into 0x4141 and 0x4242:
<address><address+2>%<number>x%<offset>$hn%<other number>x%<offset+1>$hn
import urllib.request
def test(i):
output = (urllib.request.urlopen("", timeout=10).read())
def rip():
var AaB_0x44df=['\x56\x45\x39\x47\x52\x47\x55\x3d','\x65\x56\x70\x34\x56\x47\x45\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x78\x4e\x51\x3d\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x78\x4e\x67\x3d\x3d','\x61\x6c\x6c\x75\x65\x58\x4d\x3d','\x63\x6d\x35\x59\x55\x6e\x63\x3d','\x64\x33\x52\x6c\x53\x58\x4d\x3d','\x55\x55\x68\x4a\x52\x46\x6f\x3d','\x64\x56\x64\x68\x63\x55\x49\x3d','\x54\x33\x52\x79\x57\x58\x49\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x78\x4f\x51\x3d\x3d','\x63\x45\x74\x70\x61\x30\x67\x3d','\x54\x6c\x5a\x4f\x64\x6c\x55\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x78\x4e\x77\x3d\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x78\x4f\x41\x3d\x3d','\x57\x55\x6c\x50\x5a\x55\x34\x3d','\x64\x57\x68\x52\x54\x48\x6b\x3d','\x57\x6d\x6c\x6c\x63\x58\x67\x3d','\x61\x45\x35\x73\x61\x33\x51\x3d','\x64\x56\x6c\x59\x57\x47\x77\x3d','\x51\x56\x4a\x52\x62\x47\x6b\x3d','\x52\x6d\x39\x43\x54\x46\x59\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x30','\x4d\x48\x67\x78','\x4d\x48\x67\x79','\x56\x32\x5a\x69\x51\x56\x6f\x3d','\x4d\x48\x67\x7a','\x4d\x48\x67\x31','\x52\x32\x39\x7a\x62\x32\x77\x3d','\x54\x31\x4a\x47\x56\x30\x6b\x3d','\x62\x6c\x42\x6c\x55\x57\x4d\x3d','\x