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Created March 19, 2012 16:15
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Save mirka/2117706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
InDesign: フレームグリッドの文字数と行数をget/set
// Given no arguments, returns array [charsPerLine, linesPerColumn] of the
// text frame. To set the text frame grid dimensions to a different size,
// supply an argument in the same array format. Value of 0 will make no changes.
TextFrame.prototype.gridDimensions =
function gridDimensions(charLineArray /* optional */) {
var f = this;
var originalUnit = app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit;
var g;
function frameIsVertical() {
return f.parentStory.storyPreferences.storyOrientation ==
//// Main routine for GET
function getGridDimensions() {
var charsPerLine, linesPerColumn;
var fDimensions = getContextualDimensions();
// Returns object containing per-column dimensions of the text frame,
// accounting for text orientation.
// .charSide = the side with characters going across/down
// .lineSide = the side with lines going across/down
function getContextualDimensions() {
var columnDimensions;
var charSideLength, lineSideLength;
// Returns object containing per-column dimensions (.height/.width),
// accounting for inset spacing and borders
function getColumnDimensions() {
var fBounds = f.geometricBounds;
var frameHeight = fBounds[2] - fBounds[0];
var frameWidth = fBounds[3] - fBounds[1];
var inset = f.textFramePreferences.insetSpacing;
var paddedHeight = inset[0] + inset[2];
var paddedWidth = inset[1] + inset[3];
return {
height: frameHeight - paddedHeight,
width: frameWidth - paddedWidth,
function getCharSideLength(myLength) {
var columnCount = f.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount;
var columnGutter = f.textFramePreferences.textColumnGutter;
var totalGutter = (columnCount - 1) * columnGutter;
return (myLength - totalGutter) / columnCount;
columnDimensions = getColumnDimensions();
if (frameIsVertical()) {
charSideLength = getCharSideLength(columnDimensions.height);
lineSideLength = columnDimensions.width;
} else {
charSideLength = getCharSideLength(columnDimensions.width);
lineSideLength = columnDimensions.height;
return {
charSide: charSideLength,
lineSide: lineSideLength,
function calculateCharsOrLines(myLength, myAki) {
var charSize = g.pointSize;
var myCount;
myAki = myAki;
myCount = (myLength - charSize) / (charSize + myAki) + 1;
return myCount.toFixed(0);
charsPerLine =
calculateCharsOrLines(fDimensions.charSide, g.characterAki);
linesPerColumn =
calculateCharsOrLines(fDimensions.lineSide, g.lineAki);
return [charsPerLine, linesPerColumn];
//// Main routine for SET
function setGridDimensions() {
var currentGridDimensions;
var charOffset, lineOffset;
var ptOffsetArray;
// Check that argument is an array of two integers
function checkArgument() {
function areIntegers() {
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (charLineArray[i] !== Math.round(charLineArray[i])) {
return false;
return true;
if (!(charLineArray instanceof Array) ||
charLineArray.length != 2 ||
areIntegers() == false) {
throw new Error( + "() expects an array of " +
"integers in the form [charsPerLine, linesPerColumn].")
function getGridDimensionOffset(arrayElementIndex) {
var i = arrayElementIndex;
if (charLineArray[i] == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return charLineArray[i] - currentGridDimensions[i];
function gridOffsetsToPts(charOffset, lineOffset) {
var columnCount = f.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount;
var charOffsetInPts =
(g.pointSize + g.characterAki) * charOffset * columnCount;
var lineOffsetInPts =
(g.pointSize + g.lineAki) * lineOffset;
return [charOffsetInPts, lineOffsetInPts];
function applyPtOffsets(ptOffsetArray) {
if (frameIsVertical()) {
} else {
// Get offsets of the requested gridDimens to the current gridDimens
currentGridDimensions = f.gridDimensions();
charOffset = getGridDimensionOffset(0);
lineOffset = getGridDimensionOffset(1);
// Convert grid offsets to point values and apply them to the text frame
ptOffsetArray = gridOffsetsToPts(charOffset, lineOffset);
// Check that this is a text frame grid
if (f.parentStory.storyPreferences.frameType != FrameTypes.FRAME_GRID_TYPE) {
alert("Error:\r" + +
"() can only be called on text frame grids.");
try {
// Temporarily change to points
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.POINTS;
g = f.parentStory.gridData;
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return getGridDimensions();
} else {
return setGridDimensions();
} catch (e) {
alert(e + "\nLine: " + e.line);
} finally {
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = originalUnit;
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