From ≈2018-02-19T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-02-26T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1731
Open tickets after: 1745
Number of tickets touched: 36
[resolved] RT#126423 `if` block with slurpy parameter does not receive argument [resolved] RT#132877 Confusing link to 'zef' [closed] GH#1541 IO::Handle.eof always reports true for zero-size and /proc files [closed] GH#1543 Implement handler for failed open on IO::CatHandle [closed] GH#1546 Implement IO::CatHandle.handles [closed] GH#1547 Post release [closed] GH#1550 Segfault in one liner that used to work in 2018.01 [closed] GH#1552 Booliness of Zero-Denominator Rationals [closed] GH#1553 Rewrite 'Strip Slip' return to fit style better [closed] GH#1558 Speedup Rational.Str [closed] GH#1560 subset type check error points to the original type, not the subset name [closed] GH#1563 Whitespace fixes for [closed] GH#1567 Test::like() and Test::unlike() don't coerce anymore [closed] GH#1568 Unbusts like and unlike coercion.
[updated] RT#122951 negative lookahead doesn't LTM properly [updated] RT#130867 `only` methods are used where `multies` should be, preventing dispatch to Mu.* candidates [updated] GH#894 Fail with typed errors if nqp::open dies in [updated] GH#1440 Memory leak with NativeCall [updated] GH#1537 $<...> inside ?<{...}> in slang gives mysterious NoMatch error.
[open] RT#132885 .next-handle seems to change handles but doesn't [new] RT#132909 [LTA?] Failure return from require when load fails [closed] GH#1543 Implement handler for failed open on IO::CatHandle [open] GH#1544 LTA message in Exception.resume [open] GH#1545 $*ARGFILES.on-switch misses call from [closed] GH#1546 Implement IO::CatHandle.handles [closed] GH#1547 Post release [open] GH#1548 Add reminder of memory requirements to website and/or build doco [open] GH#1549 packaging rakudo with conda [closed] GH#1550 Segfault in one liner that used to work in 2018.01 [open] GH#1551 Smartmatch with TR/// is not useful [closed] GH#1552 Booliness of Zero-Denominator Rationals [closed] GH#1553 Rewrite 'Strip Slip' return to fit style better [open] GH#1554 Already running instances of rakudo crash during rakudo upgrades [open] GH#1555 Indirect lookup fails when used in variable/parameter type constraints [open] GH#1556 .= weirdness when used on `where` constrainted variables types [open] GH#1557 "You cannot create an instance of this type (<anon>)" sometimes does not get thrown [closed] GH#1558 Speedup Rational.Str [open] GH#1559 :{ } sometimes constructs a Block [closed] GH#1560 subset type check error points to the original type, not the subset name [open] GH#1561 Multiple static optimizations break .wrap() feature [open] GH#1562 Inconsistent handling between Str.words and «....» quoters [closed] GH#1563 Whitespace fixes for [open] GH#1564 The Str "comb" method (Regex candidate) returns List instead of Seq [open] GH#1565 In REPL cannot bind to scalars declared on earlier lines [open] GH#1566 multi built-ins are not assignable to Callable [closed] GH#1567 Test::like() and Test::unlike() don't coerce anymore [closed] GH#1568 Unbusts like and unlike coercion.