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Created October 23, 2009 00:30
package org.appfuse.gwt.client.service;
* Generic Services to allow easily creating GWT services.
* @author mraible
* @param <T> a type variable
* @param <PK> the primary key for that type
public interface GenericService<T, PK extends Serializable> {
* Generic method used to get all objects of a particular type. This
* is the same as lookup up all rows in a table.
void getAll();
* Generic method to get an object based on identifier.
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to get
void get(PK id);
* Generic method to save an object - handles both update and insert.
* @param object the object to save
void save(T object);
* Generic method to delete an object based on id
* @param id the identifier (primary key) of the object to delete
void delete(PK id);
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