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Created April 5, 2012 12:46
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Tree cache generator
#include "cache.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int encode_varint(unsigned int value, char *buf)
unsigned char varint[16];
unsigned pos = sizeof(varint) - 1;
varint[pos] = value & 127;
while (value >>= 7)
varint[--pos] = 128 | (--value & 127);
memcpy(buf, varint + pos, sizeof(varint) - pos);
return sizeof(varint) - pos;
static uint32_t output_len = 0;
static void output(void *buf, unsigned long size)
assert(write(1, buf, size) == size);
output_len += size;
void finish(char *zin, int nr_zin)
z_stream z;
char buf[4096];
nr_zin += encode_varint(0, zin + nr_zin);
output(zin, nr_zin);
memset(&z, 0, sizeof(z));
assert(deflateInit(&z, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) == Z_OK);
z.avail_in = nr_zin;
z.next_in = zin;
z.avail_out = sizeof(buf);
z.next_out = buf;
assert(deflate(&z, Z_FINISH) == Z_STREAM_END);
assert(deflateEnd(&z) == Z_OK);
output(buf, sizeof(buf) - z.avail_out);
fprintf(stderr, "%d -> %d\n", nr_zin, (char*)z.next_out - buf);
struct idx_entry {
unsigned char sha1[20];
uint32_t ptr;
int idx_entry_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
struct idx_entry *a = (struct idx_entry *)_a;
struct idx_entry *b = (struct idx_entry *)_b;
return memcmp(a->sha1, b->sha1, 20);
* Take a pretty-printed form of trees, each tree begins with "tree
* SHA-1" line. Produce the cache to stdout and cache index to stderr.
int main(int ac, char **av)
#define HASH_NR (64 * 1024 * 1024) //16769023
void **hash;
int nr_hash = 0;
#define PATHBUF_S (1024 * 1024)
char *pathbuf;
int pathbuf_len;
#if 0
#define ENTRYBUF_S (64 * 1024 * 1024)
char *entrybuf;
char **entries;
int nr_entries, entrybuf_len;
struct idx_entry *idx_entries, *e;
unsigned long nr_idx = 0;
uint32_t array[256];
char buf[1024];
char zin[4096];
int i, zin_len, started, cnt = 0;
unsigned long entry_start, path_start;
pathbuf = malloc(PATHBUF_S);
pathbuf_len = 0;
#if 0
entrybuf = malloc(ENTRYBUF_S);
entrybuf_len = 0;
entries = malloc(sizeof(*entries) * HASH_NR);
idx_entries = malloc(sizeof(*idx_entries) * HASH_NR);
nr_entries = 0;
hash = malloc(sizeof(*hash) * HASH_NR);
memset(hash, 0, sizeof(*hash) * HASH_NR);
nr_hash = 0;
* collect unique tree entry lines, index them and save trees
* as a sequence of variable-length indices instead of real
* tree entries
for (started = 0; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);) {
unsigned int key, idx;
int len;
if (!strncmp(buf, "tree ", 5)) {
if (started)
finish(zin, zin_len);
started = 1;
zin_len = 0;
assert(!get_sha1_hex(buf + 5, idx_entries[nr_idx].sha1));
idx_entries[nr_idx].ptr = output_len;
assert(nr_idx < HASH_NR);
len = strlen(buf);
if (buf[len-1] == '\n')
buf[len--] = '\0';
key = crc32(0, buf, len) % HASH_NR;
if (hash[key] && !strcmp(*(char**)hash[key], buf))
idx = (char**)hash[key] - entries;
else {
while (hash[key])
key = (key + 1) % HASH_NR;
idx = nr_entries++;
assert(nr_entries < HASH_NR);
entries[idx] = strdup(buf);
hash[key] = entries + idx;
assert((nr_hash++) * 2 < HASH_NR);
/* reserve 0 for tree terminator */
zin_len += encode_varint(idx + 1, zin + zin_len);
assert(zin_len < sizeof(zin));
if (started)
finish(zin, zin_len);
entry_start = output_len;
* convert unique tree entry members into binary, pathname is
* taken out and only pathname index is stored.
output(&i, 4); /* 0th entry will never be used */
for (i = 0; i < nr_entries; i++) {
char *s = entries[i];
long int mode = strtol(s, NULL, 8); /* mode */
output(&mode, 4);
output(entries, 20); /* 0th entry will never be used */
for (i = 0; i < nr_entries; i++) {
char *s = entries[i];
unsigned char sha1[20];
get_sha1_hex(s + 12, sha1); /* sha1 */
output(sha1, 20);
memset(hash, 0, sizeof(*hash) * HASH_NR);
nr_hash = 0;
* now store id of pathnames, all pathnames are collected, to
* be stored later on.
output(&i, 4); /* 0th entry will never be used */
for (i = 0; i < nr_entries; i++) {
char *path = entries[i] + 53;
unsigned int key, path_offset;
int len = strlen(path);
key = crc32(0, path, len) % HASH_NR;
if (hash[key] && !strcmp(hash[key], path))
path_offset = (char*)hash[key] - pathbuf;
else {
path_offset = pathbuf_len;
while (hash[key])
key = (key + 1) % HASH_NR;
memcpy(pathbuf + pathbuf_len, path, len + 1);
pathbuf_len += len + 1;
assert(pathbuf_len < PATHBUF_S);
hash[key] = pathbuf + path_offset;
assert((nr_hash++) * 2 < HASH_NR);
output(&path_offset, 4);
path_start = output_len;
output(pathbuf, pathbuf_len); /* all path names */
/* Write out the index */
assert(write(2, &entry_start, 4) == 4);
nr_entries++; /* account for 0-th entry too */
assert(write(2, &nr_entries, 4) == 4);
assert(write(2, &path_start, 4) == 4);
qsort(idx_entries, nr_idx, sizeof(*idx_entries), idx_entry_cmp);
for (i = 0, e = idx_entries; i < 256; i++) {
while (e < idx_entries + nr_idx) {
if (e->sha1[0] != i)
array[i] = e - idx_entries;
assert(write(2, array, sizeof(array)) == sizeof(array));
assert(write(2, idx_entries, sizeof(*idx_entries) * nr_idx) == sizeof(*idx_entries) * nr_idx);
return 0;
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