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Created April 13, 2012 02:46
grunt task for compiling CoffeScript
* Grunt Task File
* ---------------
* Task: coffee
* Description: Compile CoffeeScript files
* Dependencies: coffee-script
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var log = grunt.log,
file = grunt.file,
_ = grunt.utils._,
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
grunt.registerMultiTask('coffee', 'Compile CoffeeScript files', function() {
var files = file.match(this.file.src, file.watchFiles.changed),
dest = this.file.dest,
base = this.file.src.match(/^[^\*]*/)[0],
// Delete any compiled files matching a pontentially deleted source coffee files
if (file.watchFiles.deleted) {
file.match(this.file.src, file.watchFiles.deleted).forEach(function(filepath) {
var tmpFilePath = path.join(dest, (filepath.replace(/\.coffee$/, '.js')).substr(base.length));
if(path.existsSync(tmpFilePath)) {
log.ok('File "' + tmpFilePath + '" deleted.');
// If the task is called directly and not through a watch task
if (file.watchFiles.changed === null && file.watchFiles.deleted === null) {
log.writeln('Compiling all matching coffee files');
files = file.expand(this.file.src);
// Compile all the files and save them at the defined destination
files.forEach(function(filepath) {
var js,
tmpFilePath = path.join(dest, (filepath.replace(/\.coffee$/, '.js')).substr(base.length));
if(!path.existsSync(path.dirname(tmpFilePath))) {
js = grunt.helper('coffee', filepath);
if(js.length) {
file.write(tmpFilePath, js);
log.ok('File "' + filepath + '" compiled to "' + tmpFilePath + '".');
// Fail task if errors were logged.
if (grunt.errors) { return false; }
grunt.registerHelper('coffee', function(filepath) {
var coffee = require('coffee-script'),
js = '';
try {
js = coffee.compile(, { bare: true });
} catch(e) {
return js;
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jjoe64 commented Apr 24, 2012

how to use this?

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zonak commented Apr 24, 2012

It is a grunt task:

And in the grunt.js file you can use configurations like:

coffee: {
  dev: {
    src: 'coffee/**/*.coffee',
    dest: 'public/js/'
watch: {
  files: '<>',
  tasks: 'coffee:dev'

with this example configuration you can compile your CoffeeScript files:

grunt coffee

or you can use grunt to watch for changes in your coffee files and compile them if changed:

grunt watch

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wong2 commented Apr 27, 2012

Where should I put this file?

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zonak commented Apr 30, 2012

It is a grunt task. Here's where you can start with it:

The short version to the answer is you can put it in the tasks folder of your project or in ~/.grunt/tasks if you want to use it on different projects.

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wong2 commented Apr 30, 2012

yeah I tried to put it in ~/.grunt/tasks and it works, thanks

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ghost commented Dec 7, 2012

If I want to put coffee file and compiled js file at same place, this grunt task seem failed.

    src: './**/*.coffee',
    dest: './'
  files: '<>',
  tasks: 'coffee:dev'

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