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Created April 15, 2012 20:03
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Code Jam 2012 Qualification
import qualified Data.Map as M
subst = [('a','y'),('b','n'),
substTo = M.fromList subst
substFrom = M.fromList $ map (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) subst
crypt t s = zipWith join s new
new = map (\x -> M.lookup x t) s
join a Nothing = a
join a (Just b) = b
encrypt = crypt substTo
decrypt = crypt substFrom
solveFile s = concat . map (\(n,s) -> "Case #"++show n++": "++s++"\n") $ l
n = (read . head . lines $ s) :: Int
l = zip [1..] $ map decrypt (take n . drop 1 . lines $ s)
main = interact solveFile
import Data.List
-- All distinct pairs
generate a b = [(x, y) | x <- [a..b], y <- [a..b], x < y]
-- Is pair recycled?
test (a,b) = length sa == length sb && isShift sa sb
sa = show a
sb = show b
isShift a b = any (isPrefixOf a) . take (length b) . tails . cycle $ b
-- Process input
solve s = unlines . cases . map (show . solveOne) $ tests
prep :: [[Int]]
prep = map (map read . words) . lines $ s
t = head . head $ prep
tests = take t . drop 1 $ prep
solveOne [a, b] = length . filter (\x->x) . map test $ generate a b
cases cs = map (\(n,x) -> "Case #"++show n++": "++x) . zip [1..] $ cs
main = interact solve
-- vim: cindent
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Бросается в глаза слабое знание стандартной библиотеки. К примеру, \x->x это id, \(a, b) -> (b, a) - Data.Tuple.swap, а concat . map (\(n,s) -> "Case #"++show n++": "++s++"\n") $ l просто (\(n,s) -> "Case #"++show n++": "++s++"\n") =<< l или даже (uncurry $ printf "Case #%d: %s\n") =<< l

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borman commented Apr 16, 2012

Насчет слабого знания не могу не согласиться --- практики работы с языком маловато. За практический пример использования list monad отдельное спасибо.

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