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Created December 1, 2009 17:44
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package net.harnly.aaron.options
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer}
// Base class for options.
// These are things that get listed when we ask for help,
// and optionally can accept string arguments & perform some kind of action,
// usually mutating a var.
case class OptionDefinition(
canBeInvoked: Boolean,
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: String => Unit,
gobbleNextArgument: Boolean
// ----- Some standard option types ---------
class SeparatorDefinition(
description: String
) extends OptionDefinition(false,null,null,description, {a: String => {}}, false)
class ArgOptionDefinition(
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: String => Unit
) extends OptionDefinition(true,shortopt, longopt, description, action, true)
class IntArgOptionDefinition(
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: Int => Unit
) extends OptionDefinition(true,shortopt, longopt, description, {a: String => action(a.toInt)}, true)
class DoubleArgOptionDefinition(
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: Double => Unit
) extends OptionDefinition(true,shortopt, longopt, description, {a: String => action(a.toDouble)}, true)
class BooleanArgOptionDefinition(
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: Boolean => Unit
) extends OptionDefinition(true,shortopt, longopt, description, { a: String =>
val boolValue = a.toLowerCase match {
case "true" => true
case "false" => false
case "yes" => true
case "no" => false
case "1" => true
case "0" => false
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a string I can interpret as a boolean")
action(boolValue)}, true)
class FlagOptionDefinition(
shortopt: String,
longopt: String,
description: String,
action: => Unit
extends OptionDefinition(true,shortopt, longopt, description, { a: String => action }, false)
// OptionParser is instantiated within your object,
// set up by an (ordered) sequence of invocations of #on,
// and then handed the command-line arguments.
case class OptionParser(warnOnUnknownArgument: Boolean){
def this() = this(true)
val options = new ListBuffer[OptionDefinition]
// -------- Defining options ---------------
def add(option: OptionDefinition){
options += option
def on(shortopt: String, longopt: String, description: String, action: String => Unit) =
add(new ArgOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, description, action))
def on(shortopt: String, longopt: String, description: String, action: => Unit) =
add(new FlagOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, description, action))
def separator(description: String) =
add(new SeparatorDefinition(description))
def help(shortopt: String, longopt: String) =
add(new FlagOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, "Show this help", { this.showUsage; exit }))
// we have to give these typed options separate names, because of &^@$! type erasure
def onInt(shortopt: String, longopt: String, description: String, action: Int => Unit) =
add(new IntArgOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, description, action))
def onDouble(shortopt: String, longopt: String, description: String, action: Double => Unit) =
add(new DoubleArgOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, description, action))
def onBoolean(shortopt: String, longopt: String, description: String, action: Boolean => Unit) =
add(new BooleanArgOptionDefinition(shortopt, longopt, description, action))
// -------- Getting usage information ---------------
def descriptions: Seq[String] = opt => opt match {
case x if ! x.canBeInvoked => x.description
case x if x.gobbleNextArgument => x.shortopt + " <value> or " + x.longopt + " <value>: " + x.description
case _ => opt.shortopt + " or " + opt.longopt + ": " + opt.description
def usage: String = descriptions.mkString("\n")
def showUsage = Console.err.println(usage)
// -------- Parsing ---------------
def parse(args: Seq[String]){
var i = 0
while (i < args.length) {
val arg = args(i)
val matchingOption = options.find( opt =>
&& (arg == opt.shortopt || arg == opt.longopt)
matchingOption match {
case None => if (warnOnUnknownArgument) System.err.println("WARNING: Unknown argument '" + arg + "'")
case Some(option) =>
val argToPass = if (option.gobbleNextArgument) {
i += 1; args(i)
} else
i += 1
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