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Created May 6, 2019 12:43
2019-04-01T00:00:00Z 2019-05-01T00:00:00Z

From ≈2019-04-01T00:00:00Z to ≈2019-05-01T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 2331
Open tickets after: 2361
Number of tickets touched: 96

Resolved tickets (32)

[resolved] RT#124742 - "\x[E0100]".codes != 1
[resolved] RT#126894 Cannot create Debian package with current rakudo-star build system
[resolved] RT#131167 Newly-added NQP test for catching exceptions fails on JVM
  [closed]   GH#1937 MoarVM panic: Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler
  [closed]   GH#2747 [IP6NS Grant] Implement SO_SNDTIMEO/SO_RCVTIMEO support for .get-option/.set-option
  [closed]   GH#2748 The newly implemented R:I:JSON code can't be built on the JVM
  [closed]   GH#2754 Allow :at/:in/:every to be Inf/-Inf/NaN in ThreadPoolScheduler.cue
  [closed]   GH#2758 REPL: The Readline history file is not created when absent.
  [closed]   GH#2782 Multiple inheritence regression
  [closed]   GH#2788 Defined-or operator lets negative subscript cause a crash
  [closed]   GH#2798 Make finer-grained spectest targets
  [closed]   GH#2800 Fix for FatRat.base failure for large denominators 
  [closed]   GH#2805 Intermittent two-part/two-pass range endpoint off-by-one (related to 'spesh delay'?)
  [closed]   GH#2808 Calling .^methods on anonymous sub gives unuseful results 
  [closed]   GH#2809 Bizarre "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" error when invoking values of a Map constant
  [closed]   GH#2820 Never build a relocatable rakudo on OpenBSD
  [closed]   GH#2821 Use sh instead of bash
  [closed]   GH#2822 fix error when set RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
  [closed]   GH#2823 fix error when set RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
  [closed]   GH#2824 Cannot run much of anything without MVM_JIT_DISABLE
  [closed]   GH#2834 Rakudo hangs with shell processes in Promises after reaching max_threads
  [closed]   GH#2835 Fix parsing of Unicode brackets in interpolation
  [closed]   GH#2838 Precomp files contain ENV variables breaking packaging and reproducible builds
  [closed]   GH#2840 Default repository path specs should not contain relative path parts
  [closed]   GH#2842 Fix build runners
  [closed]   GH#2844 race for and hyper for need to improve (maybe for in general)
  [closed]   GH#2845 Don't use nqp::execname on OpenBSD
  [closed]   GH#2846 Remove relative elements from NQP_HOME and PERL6_HOME
  [closed]   GH#2850 Invocation used to run Perl 6 code under remote debugger broken
  [closed]   GH#2854 Temporary: Fix PERL6/NQP_HOME broken without --execpath
  [closed]   GH#2858 Document MoarVM specific commandline options
  [closed]   GH#2861 Add semicolons automatically

Half-resolved (tests needed) (0)

Updated tickets (21)

 [updated] RT#124571 statement prefix 'lazy', currently works like 'do'
[new→open] RT#124692 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S32-str/substr.t line:43 reason: 'java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException'
 [updated] RT#130761 An if-block confuses &?ROUTINE to point at the wrong outer routine
[new→open] RT#131666 NativeCall MoarVM panic
 [updated]   GH#1210 doesn't like big Iterables
 [updated]   GH#1324 '#' literals in Grammars: syntax error
 [updated]   GH#1421 Sieve of Eratosthenes 42x slower than Perl 5
 [updated]   GH#1501 Memory leaks (IO::Socket::Async?) – HTTP::UserAgent, Cro::HTTP::Client, …
 [updated]   GH#2278 Make rakudo relocatable / portable
 [updated]   GH#2294 Random error: "This type (NQPMu) does not support associative operations"
 [updated]   GH#2478 [IP6NS Grant] Implement .set-option/.get-option for async and INET sockets
 [updated]   GH#2567 Non-zero wait status: 11 in testt
 [updated]   GH#2576 flapper in t/06-telemetry/01-basic.t on mips
 [updated]   GH#2650 IO::Path.dir failure listifies not-fatally on error
 [updated]   GH#2670 Default nqp vars and ops to int instead of num
 [updated]   GH#2751 `say` optimization breaks Test::Output
 [updated]   GH#2778 Retain original provides metadata structure
 [updated]   GH#2779 Regression in WWW
 [updated]   GH#2783 “Cannot call method 'typed_panic' on a null object” when trying to use v6.e or v6.e.PREVIEW
 [updated]   GH#2803 Memory growth in Channel usage
 [updated]   GH#2806 Using quantifiers with zero-width regex elements runs until out of memory

All new tickets (62)

  [open]   GH#2807 Cygwin
[closed]   GH#2808 Calling .^methods on anonymous sub gives unuseful results 
[closed]   GH#2809 Bizarre "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" error when invoking values of a Map constant
  [open]   GH#2810 $_ comes out as (LoweredAwayLexical)
  [open]   GH#2811 --ll-exception should have an ENV counterpart
  [open]   GH#2812 Optimizer leads to NullPointerException when awaiting two start blocks
  [open]   GH#2813 BEGIN vs INIT for EVAL
  [open]   GH#2814 Autothreading gone wrong?
  [open]   GH#2815 Inline::Perl5 integration tests are no longer run
  [open]   GH#2816 Revamp of
  [open]   GH#2817 Custom USAGE() should be allowed to return the exit value
  [open]   GH#2818 Cannot run perl6 without using LD_LIBRARY_PATH on OpenBSD
  [open]   GH#2819 Improve ThreadPoolScheduler.cue behaviour when Inf/-Inf/NaN is passed
[closed]   GH#2820 Never build a relocatable rakudo on OpenBSD
[closed]   GH#2821 Use sh instead of bash
[closed]   GH#2822 fix error when set RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
[closed]   GH#2823 fix error when set RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER
[closed]   GH#2824 Cannot run much of anything without MVM_JIT_DISABLE
  [open]   GH#2825 Different behavior between Unicode and ASCII operators
  [open]   GH#2826 Rounding behaviors
  [open]   GH#2827 --target=parse causes a hang since sometime after 2018.10
  [open]   GH#2828 Method fallback interfering with method lookup?
  [open]   GH#2829 Parameter subclasses don't initialize attributes
  [open]   GH#2830 dd sprintf("%#o",65)    # is 0101, shouldn't this be 0o101  ??
  [open]   GH#2831 see:rakudo/rakudo#2826; add HALF-[UP|DOWN|EVEN|ODD] | [TO|FROM]-ZERO …
  [open]   GH#2832 Inconsistent behaviour with attribute defaults when BUILD exists
  [open]   GH#2833 macOS library names do not all end in ".dylib"
[closed]   GH#2834 Rakudo hangs with shell processes in Promises after reaching max_threads
[closed]   GH#2835 Fix parsing of Unicode brackets in interpolation
  [open]   GH#2836 `LAST` loop inside `sub` increments `$` for every iteration
  [open]   GH#2837 ConcreteRoleHOW does not seem to be tested
[closed]   GH#2838 Precomp files contain ENV variables breaking packaging and reproducible builds
  [open]   GH#2839 Metamodel::Primitives.rebless on classes created via Metamodel::Primitives.create_type broken
[closed]   GH#2840 Default repository path specs should not contain relative path parts
  [open]   GH#2841 Warnings for uninitialized variables don't mention the variable name anymore
[closed]   GH#2842 Fix build runners
  [open]   GH#2843 --target hangs if constant defined with gather/take operations on an infinite list
[closed]   GH#2844 race for and hyper for need to improve (maybe for in general)
[closed]   GH#2845 Don't use nqp::execname on OpenBSD
[closed]   GH#2846 Remove relative elements from NQP_HOME and PERL6_HOME
  [open]   GH#2847 Writing to multiple Proc::Async children throws exception after a few succeed
  [open]   GH#2848 Writing to many synchronously run child processes grinds to a halt
  [open]   GH#2849 Slowdown in EVAL
[closed]   GH#2850 Invocation used to run Perl 6 code under remote debugger broken
  [open]   GH#2851 Grammar errors out with: Substring length (-243) cannot be negative
  [open]   GH#2852 Add revision 6.e and improve multi-revision support
  [open]   GH#2853 is not tested
[closed]   GH#2854 Temporary: Fix PERL6/NQP_HOME broken without --execpath
  [open]   GH#2855 Using . as prefix, causes compilation to fail on hypered method
  [open]   GH#2856 Inline::Perl5 fails during compilation of t/inherit.t
  [open]   GH#2857 Don't special case OpenBSD in relocatability handling
[closed]   GH#2858 Document MoarVM specific commandline options
  [open]   GH#2859 "try" does not work with signatures of return-type "Nil"
  [open]   GH#2860 Request to build man pages as part of "make install"
[closed]   GH#2861 Add semicolons automatically
  [open]   GH#2862 .head() does not coerce Rat to Int
  [open]   GH#2863 "Unknown QAST node type NQPMu" when missing a comma hash initialization
  [open]   GH#2864 Initializing hash works differently depending on comma usage
  [open]   GH#2865 All Junctions behave the same when used to define a hash key
  [open]   GH#2866 Are tests for version deprecation correct?
  [open]   GH#2867 Remove 6.d.PREVIEW from tests
  [open]   GH#2868 Removes .PREVIEW from tests closes #2867
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