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Created April 15, 2020 19:30
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Created with: PowerShell
Created on: 15-04-2020
Created by: Tristan van Onselen
Filename: Add-CustombackgroundsforTeams.ps1
This script will add custom backgrounds for Teams
$source = ""
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $source -Destination $env:temp
$filename = Split-Path -Path $source -Leaf
if(test-path -Path $env:temp\CustomBackgrounds)
remove-item $env:temp\CustomBackgrounds -Recurse -Force
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $env:TEMP\$filename -DestinationPath "$env:temp\CustomBackgrounds" -Force
$AllLocalUsers = (Get-ChildItem -path $env:SystemDrive:\Users).name
$AllLocalUsers += "Default"
foreach($user in $AllLocalUsers)
$destination = ("$env:SystemDrive" + "\users\" + "$user" + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads")
if(!(Test-Path -Path $destination))
New-Item -Path "$destination" -ItemType Directory | out-null
copy-item -path "$env:temp\CustomBackgrounds\*.*" -Destination $destination -Force
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