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Created April 29, 2012 14:38
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Hex Color Fade Picker Plugin for ImpactJS
Initialize object with a default 10 color array fading from
White to Red and with a Tri-Color array from Green to Yellow
to Red gradient with 10 steps between each source color.
ColorPicker = function(){
// Generate default Colors Array with White to Red in 10 steps
this.colors = this.genHexArray( 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000, 10 );
// Generate default triColors Array with Green to Yellow to Red
this.triColors = this.genMultiHexArray( [0x00FF00, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000], 50 );
Select a color between color 1 (hc1) and color 2 (hc2)
based on an input ratio that denotes the point in the
gradient color should be selected from.
ColorPicker.prototype.pickHex = function( hc1, hc2, ratio ){
if (ratio > 1) ratio = 1;
// Break hc1 into RGB components
var r = hc1 >> 16;
var g = hc1 >> 8 & 0xFF;
var b = hc1 & 0xFF;
// RGB Delta between hc1 and hc2
var rd = (hc2 >> 16) - r;
var gd = (hc2 >> 8 & 0xFF) - g;
var bd = (hc2 & 0xFF) - b;
// Calculate new color and add it to the array
var rethCol = ((r+rd*ratio)<<16 | (g+gd*ratio)<<8 | (b+bd*ratio)).toString(16);
// Check that the converted hex string is properly "0" front loaded
while (rethCol.length < 6) {
rethCol = '0' + rethCol;
return rethCol;
Select n=steps colors between color 1 (hc1) and color 2 (hc2)
and populate a return array.
ColorPicker.prototype.genHexArray = function( hc1, hc2, steps ){
var colorArray = new Array;
// Place source color in as first element
colorArray[0] = hc1.toString(16);
// Break hc1 into RGB components
var r = hc1 >> 16;
var g = hc1 >> 8 & 0xFF;
var b = hc1 & 0xFF;
// RGB Delta between hc1 and hc2
var rd = (hc2 >> 16) - r;
var gd = (hc2 >> 8 & 0xFF) - g;
var bd = (hc2 & 0xFF) - b;
// smoother gradient
// Determine new colors
for (var i = 1; i < steps; i++){
// Where are we on the gradient?
var ratio = i/steps;
// Calculate new color and add it to the array
colorArray[i] = ((r+rd*ratio)<<16 | (g+gd*ratio)<<8 | (b+bd*ratio)).toString(16);
// Tack on the last color to complete the gradient
colorArray.push( hc2.toString(16) );
// Test that all hex color codes are properly front loaded
for (var j = 0; j < colorArray.length; j++){
while (colorArray[j].length < 6) {
colorArray[j] = '0' + colorArray[j];
return colorArray;
genMultiHexArray will take an input array of any number of hex colors
and the number of steps to create a smooth gradient fade between the
colors in sequence.
Example: input = [0x00FF00, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000] with steps = 10
will produce a Green to Yellow to Red gradient with 10 steps between
each source color. Total of 23 color codes.
ColorPicker.prototype.genMultiHexArray = function ( input, steps ){
var multiColor = new Array;
// Find each sequential pair to compare
for(var i = 0; i < input.length - 1; i++){
// Set hex colors
var hc1 = input[i];
var hc2 = input[i+1];
// Save first color
multiColor.push( hc1.toString(16) );
// Break hc1 into RGB components
var r = hc1 >> 16;
var g = hc1 >> 8 & 0xFF;
var b = hc1 & 0xFF;
// Determine RGB differences between hc1 and hc2
var rd = (hc2 >> 16)-r;
var gd = (hc2 >> 8 & 0xFF)-g;
var bd = (hc2 & 0xFF)-b;
// Determine new colors
for (var j = 1; j < steps; j++){
// Where are we on the gradient?
var ratio = j/steps;
// Calculate new color and add it to the array
multiColor.push( ((r+rd*ratio)<<16 | (g+gd*ratio)<<8 | (b+bd*ratio)).toString(16) );
// Add the last color to the end of the array.
multiColor.push( input[input.length - 1].toString(16) );
// Test that all hex color codes are properly front loaded
for (var k = 0; k < multiColor.length; k++){
while (multiColor[k].length < 6) {
multiColor[k] = '0' + multiColor[k];
// Return the new array of colors.
return multiColor;
// function will return an array with [r,g,b,a] set to
// appropriate values.
ColorPicker.prototype.hexToRGBA = function ( hex ) {
// Break hc1 into RGB components
var d = new Array;
// R
d[0] = parseInt(hex.substring(0,2),16);
// G
d[1] = parseInt(hex.substring(2,4),16);
// B
d[2] = parseInt(hex.substring(4,6),16);
// Alpha
d[3] = 255;
return d;
// Function will return a 'rgb( r,g,b )' string set to the
// appropriate values.
ColorPicker.prototype.hexToRGBstr = function ( hex ) {
// Break hc1 into RGB components
return "rgb( "+parseInt(hex.substring(0,2),16)+", "+parseInt(hex.substring(2,4),16)+", "+parseInt(hex.substring(4,6),16)+" )";
// Useful for checking front padding of a hex color code
ColorPicker.prototype.frontPad = function ( hex ) {
while (hex.length < 6) {
hex = '0' + hex;
return hex;
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clok commented May 2, 2012

Consider improving performance by using "new Array()". See

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clok commented May 13, 2012

This Gist has migrated to the impactjs-color-picker redo.

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