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Created April 30, 2012 04:08
A program to change KyTea's Japanese POS tags to english tags
# This is a script to change KyTea's POS tags in Japanese to English
# abbreviations
use strict;
use utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw(sum min max shuffle);
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
my %mapping = (
"名詞" => "N", # Noun
"代名詞" => "PRP", # Pronoun
"連体詞" => "DT", # Adjectival determiner
"動詞" => "V", # Verb
"形容詞" => "ADJ", # Adjective
"形状詞" => "ADJV", # Adjectival verb
"副詞" => "ADV", # Adverb
"助詞" => "PRT", # Particle
"助動詞" => "AUXV", # Auxiliary verb
"補助記号" => ".", # Punctuation
"記号" => "SYM", # Symbol
"接尾辞" => "SUF", # Suffix
"接頭辞" => "PRE", # Prefix
"語尾" => "TAIL", # Word tail (conjugation)
"接続詞" => "CC", # Conjunction
"代名詞" => "PRP", # Pronoun
"URL" => "URL", # URL
"英単語" => "ENG", # English word
"言いよどみ" => "FIL", # Filler
"web誤脱" => "MSP", # Misspelling
"感動詞" => "INT", # Interjection
"新規未知語" => "UNK", # Unclassified unknown word
# "" => "",
while(<STDIN>) {
my @arr = map {
my @col = split(/\//);
die "Bad POS tag in @col" if not exists $mapping{$col[1]};
$col[1] = $mapping{$col[1]};
join("/", @col)
} split(/ /);
print "@arr\n";
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Doesn't work anymore probably due to new formatting.
From fairest creatures we desire increase,
From/名詞/ふろむ \ fairest/名詞/UNK \ /補助記号/UNK creatures/名詞/CREATURES \ we\ /ローマ字文/UNK desire/名詞/でざいあー \ /補助記号/UNK increase/名詞/INCREASE ,/補助記号/、

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