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Created April 30, 2012 19:06
Wrapper code to queue and run Qunits tests one after another.
* Ideally unit tests should be independent, but there are some cases where you really want those tests to be executed one after the other
* Here is some code that does exactly that - a wrapper on top of QUnit.
* Usage
* Instead of asyncTest, call queuedAsyncTest (same params)
* Instead of module(), call queuedModule
* After a test is over and the next test has to run, call nextTest()
(function(window, console, undefined){
var testQueue = [], currentModule = null;
// Filtering the tests based on the URLs
var q ="&");
var filteredTests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
var parts = q[i].split("=");
if (parts[0] === "filter") {
* Use this method instead of asyncTest. Once the test is finished, call nextTest();
* @param {Object} name
* @param {Object} callback
function queuedAsyncTest(name){
if (filteredTests.length === 0 || filteredTests.indexOf(currentModule + ": " + name) !== -1) {
"name": name,
"module": currentModule,
"args": arguments
* Use this in place of module(blah)
* @param {Object} module
function queuedModule(module){
currentModule = module;
* Once the current test is over, call nextTest() to start running the next test
var timer = null;
function nextTest(){
if (testQueue.length <= 0) {
console.log("All tests completed");
var current = testQueue.splice(0, 1)[0];
console.groupEnd();"=========", current.module, ":",, "============");
// Expected asserts specified or not
if (current.args.length === 2) {
asyncTest(, current.args[1]);
} else if (current.args.length === 3) {
asyncTest(, current.args[1], current.args[2]);
timer = window.setTimeout(function(){
ok(false, "Timeout exceeded for this test, so moving on to next test");
}, 1000);
window["queuedAsyncTest"] = queuedAsyncTest;
window["queuedModule"] = queuedModule;
window["nextTest"] = nextTest;
}(window, console));
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Hi, I think there's a typo on line 65, there should be current.args[1] instead of currentargs[1] (missing dot). But thanks anyway :).

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Changed line 65, thnx.

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you're the man.

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