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Created May 4, 2012 20:27
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Save ornerymoose/2597515 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scss being rendered but things are off (sidebar is overlapping, padding isn't right in some areas)
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#about.static .billingDate {
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#about.static .custNumber {
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#about.static .billingDate .textInput {
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#about.static .custNumber .textInput {
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#about.static .billState {
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#about.static .billZip {
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#about.static .billState .textInput {
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#about.static .billZip .textInput {
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#about.static .billFax {
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#about.static .billPhone .textInput {
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#about.static .billFax .textInput {
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#about.static .shipZip {
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#about.static .shipState .textInput {
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#about.static .shipZip .textInput {
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#about.static .payBycheck {
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#about.static .payment-side {
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float: right;
#about.static .requested-brands {
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#about.static .contact-information {
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#about.static .subtotal {
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text-align: right;
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= render :partial => "shared/sidebar_nav"
%h4 Please complete this form and submit it. Our CouponTrade team will connect with you regarding your order within 1 business day.
%h3 Billing Info
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingDate"} Date
%input#billingDate.textInput{:name => "billingDate", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "custNumber"} Cust.#
%input#custNumber.textInput{:name => "custNumber", :type => "number"}/
/ .date-cust
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingCompany"} Company
%input#billingCompany.textInput{:name => "billingCompany", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingAddress"} Address:
%input#billingAddress.textInput{:name => "billingAddress", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingCity"} City:
%input#billingCity.textInput{:name => "billingCity", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingState"} State:
%input#billingState.textInput{:name => "billingState", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingZip"} Zip:
%input#billingZip.textInput{:name => "billingZip", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingPhone"} Phone:
%input#billingPhone.textInput{:name => "billingPhone", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingFax"} FAX:
%input#billingFax.textInput{:name => "billingFax", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "billingEmail"} E-Mail Address:
%input#billingEmail.textInput{:name => "billingEmail", :type => "email"}/
/ .billing
%h3 Shipping Information
%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingName"} Name
%input#shippingName.textInput{:name => "shippingName", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingCompany"} Company
%input#shippingCompany.textInput{:name => "shippingCompany", :type => "text"}/
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%input#shippingAddress.textInput{:name => "shippingAddress", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingCity"} City
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%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingState"} State
%input#shippingState.textInput{:name => "shippingState", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingZip"} Zip
%input#shippingZip.textInput{:name => "shippingZip", :type => "text"}/
%label.textLabel{:for => "shippingPhone"} Phone
%input#shippingPhone.textInput{:name => "shippingPhone", :type => "text"}/
/ .billing-shipping-container
%h3 Is This For:
%input{:name => "employeeIncentives", :type => "checkbox", :value => "employeeIncentives"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "employeeIncentives"} Employee Incentives
%input{:name => "corporateLoyalty", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateLoyalty"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateLoyalty"} Corporate Loyalty Program*
%input{:name => "nonProfit", :type => "checkbox", :value => "nonProfit"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "nonProfit"} Non-Profit Fundraiser
%input{:name => "corporateGifting", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateGifting"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateGifting"} Corporate Gifting
%h3 Giftcard(s) - Tell us more about your bulk gift card purchase.
%textarea.textInput.inputbox{:name => "name", :row => "2"}
%h3 Payment Method
%input{:name => "employeeIncentives", :type => "checkbox", :value => "employeeIncentives"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "employeeIncentives"} Check
%strong Payable to:
%p CouponTrade, Inc.
%p 214 W. Ohio Street, Suite 4
%p Chicago, IL 60654
%input{:name => "corporateLoyalty", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateLoyalty"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateLoyalty"} **Credit Card
%input{:name => "nonProfit", :type => "checkbox", :value => "nonProfit"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "nonProfit"} Visa
%input{:name => "corporateGifting", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateGifting"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateGifting"} MC
%input{:name => "corporateGifting", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateGifting"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateGifting"} AMEX
%input{:name => "corporateGifting", :type => "checkbox", :value => "corporateGifting"}
%label.textlabel{:for => "corporateGifting"} DISCOVER
%p Last Four Digits of Credit Card #:
/ .payment-side
/ .bottom-form
%h3 requested brands                                         Unit Cost   X   Quantity = Total
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%input#reqBrand.textInput{:name => "reqBrand", :type => "text"}/
%input#unitCost.textInput{:name => "unitCost", :type => "text"}/
%input#quantity.textInput{:name => "quantity", :type => "number"}/
%input#brandTotal.textInput{:name => "brandTotal", :type => "text"}/
%p P. 888.838.5847
%p F. 312-929-4666
%p E.
/ .contact-information
%p SUBTOTAL = ______________
(FOR ORDERS $5000 OR LESS) = ______________
%p SHIPPING = ______________
%p TOTAL = ______________
/ .subtotal
/ .requestion-brands
/ .container
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