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Created May 10, 2012 17:32
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Save shairontoledo/2654604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export SERVER=localhost
curl -XPUT --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents" -d '
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curl -XPUT --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/1?pretty=true" -d '
"name": "The Scala Collections API.pdf",
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"name": "Abstract Members.pdf",
"content": "foo bar baz quux",
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curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true&q=name:scala"
#No Success
curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true&q=name:pdf"
#No Success
curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true&q=name:pdf&analyzer=en"
curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true" -d '
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curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true" -d '
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#No success
curl -XGET --silent "http://$SERVER:9200/documents/document/_search?pretty=true&analyzer=en" -d '
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