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Created May 13, 2012 22:47
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(ns bst)
(def blank-bst
{:left nil
:right nil
:value nil})
(defn make-bst [val]
(assoc blank-bst :value val))
(defn add-to-bst [bst val]
(cond (nil? bst) (make-bst val)
(< val (:value bst)) (assoc bst :left (add-to-bst (:left bst) val))
:else (assoc bst :right (add-to-bst (:right bst) val))))
(defn leftmost [bst]
(if (nil? (:left bst))
(leftmost (:left bst))))
(defn rightmost [bst]
(if (nil? (:right bst))
(rightmost (:right bst))))
(defn find-in-bst [bst val]
(cond (< val (:value bst)) (recur (:left bst) val)
(> val (:value bst)) (recur (:right bst) val)
(= val (:value bst)) bst
:else nil))
(defn assoc-bst [bst replace-node val]
(cond (< val (:value bst)) ;left
(assoc bst :left (assoc-bst (:left bst) replace-node val)),
(> val (:value bst)) ;right
(assoc bst :right (assoc-bst (:right bst) replace-node val)),
(= val (:value bst))
(defn swap-delete [swap-node]
;we only call this if we know there's either a left or right child, so:
(let [other-node (if (not (nil? (:left swap-node)))
(rightmost (:left swap-node))
(leftmost (:right swap-node)))
other-val (:value other-node)
deleted-other (assoc-bst swap-node nil other-val)]
(assoc deleted-other :value other-val)))
(defn delete-from-bst [bst val]
(let [delete-node (find-in-bst bst val)]
(if (and (nil? (:left delete-node))
(nil? (:right delete-node))) ;no children
(assoc-bst bst nil val)
(assoc-bst bst (swap-delete delete-node) val)
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