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Created May 15, 2012 08:47
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powershell script to download zip and copy items from the zip to locations on destination file
# copy items
# if you have a zip here: and it contains myFile.txt and myFolder/myOtherFile.txt
# you can call this script like so:
# .\download_zip.ps1 "myFile.txt|c:\myFileDestination\myFileHere.txt" "myFolder/myOtherFile.txt|c:\myOtherDestination\myOtherFile.txt"
"download script -----------------------------------------"
"Downloads from the given url, unzips it then for each string arg, copies the file to the destination"
"params : zip.url 'name|destination[, name|destination...]'"
$index = 0
$url = $args[0]
"url: $url"
$pwd = "$(get-location)"
if( !(test-path "$pwd\download") )
mkdir -p "$pwd\download"
if( !(test-path "$pwd\download\expanded") )
mkdir -p "$pwd\download\expanded"
$save_path = "$pwd\download\"
$expand_path = "$pwd\download\expanded"
"Downloading [$url]`n"
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile( $url, $save_path )
"Download complete.."
$shell_app=new-object -com shell.application
$zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($save_path)
$destination = $shell_app.namespace($expand_path)
#0x14 forces an overwrite
$destination.Copyhere($zip_file.items(), 0x14)
foreach( $arg in $args ){
if( $index -ne 0 )
$split = $arg.split("|")
$file_to_copy = $split[0]
$destination = $split[1]
$destination -match "(.*)\\(.*)"
$final_folder = $matches[1]
$final_name = $matches[2]
if( $file_to_copy -match "(.*)\\(.*)" )
$filename_to_rename = $matches[2]
$filename_to_rename = $file_to_copy
"$file_to_copy ->>>- $destination"
"final_folder: $final_folder"
"final_name: $final_name"
"file_to_copy: $file_to_copy"
"file_to_rename: $filename_to_rename"
Copy-Item "$expand_path\$file_to_copy" "$final_folder" -force
Move-Item "$final_folder\$filename_to_rename" "$final_folder\$final_name" -force
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