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Created May 15, 2012 14:26
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sicp huffman encoding tree
;; huffman encoding tree
(define (make-leaf symbol weight)
(list 'leaf symbol weight))
(define (leaf? object)
(eq? (car object) 'leaf))
(define (symbol-leaf x)
(cadr x))
(define (weight-leaf x)
(caddr x))
(define (symbols-tree x)
(caddr x))
(define (weight-tree x)
(cadddr x))
(define (make-code-tree left right)
(list left right
(append (symbols left)(symbols right))
(+ (weight left)(weight right))))
(define (left-branch tree)
(car tree))
(define (right-branch tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (symbols tree)
(if (leaf? tree)
(list (symbol-leaf tree))
(symbols-tree tree)))
(define (weight tree)
(if (leaf? tree)
(weight-leaf tree)
(weight-tree tree)))
(define (decode bits tree)
(let rec ((bits bits)(current-branch tree))
(if (null? bits)
(let ((next-branch (choose-branch (car bits) current-branch)))
(if (leaf? next-branch)
(cons (symbol-leaf next-branch)
(rec (cdr bits) tree))
(rec (cdr bits) next-branch))))))
(define (choose-branch bit branch)
(cond ((zero? bit)(left-branch branch))
((= bit 1)(right-branch branch))
(else (error "bad bit -- CHOOSE-BRANCH" bit))))
(define (adjoin-set x set)
(cond ((null? set)(list x))
((< (weight x)(weight (car set)))(cons x set))
(else (cons (car set)
(adjoin-set x (cdr set))))))
(define (make-leaf-set pairs)
(if (null? pairs)
(let ((pair (car pairs)))
(adjoin-set (make-leaf (car pair)(cadr pair))
(make-leaf-set (cdr pairs))))))
(define (encode message tree)
(if (null? message)
(append (encode-symbol (car message) tree)
(encode (cdr message) tree))))
(define (encode-symbol symbol tree)
(define (contain? branch)
(and (find (pa$ eq? symbol)(symbols branch))
(let rec ((tree tree)(acc '()))
(receive (branch bit)
(cond ((contain? (left-branch tree)) => (cut values <> 0))
((contain? (right-branch tree)) => (cut values <> 1))
(else (error "symbol not found : " symbol)))
(let1 acc (cons bit acc)
(if (leaf? branch)
(reverse acc)
(rec branch acc))))))
;; test
(make-leaf-set '((A 4)(B 2)(C 1)(D 1)))
(define sample-tree
(make-code-tree (make-leaf 'A 4)
(make-leaf 'B 2)
(make-code-tree (make-leaf 'D 1)
(make-leaf 'C 1)))))
(define sample-message '(0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0))
(decode sample-message sample-tree)
(let1 r (encode (decode sample-message sample-tree) sample-tree)
(print r)
(equal? r sample-message))
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