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Created May 15, 2012 19:45
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Stay curious, learn anything.

There's been some buzz around jeff atwoods Please Don't Learn to Code and i'd like to chip in my two cents:

fuck anyone who tells you that you should not learn something.

I once worked for a guy who always said "I'm not a programmer" and his code showed it. Does that mean he was performing at his peak? no. He was just boxing himself in. It was an excuse to be sloppy. Anyone can be sloppy. A key difference between him and I, was giving a damn.

Don't put yourself in a box, and say "I'm not a programmer" or "I'm just a receptionist" or what have you. You can be more than one thing, with varying levels of skill set. And you can get better. You may be REALLY great at one, and suck at another. Or be generally mediocre. But you can usually get better; it'll be a good while before you've ACTUALLY hit your "limit". And rarely is your limit not good enough, sans competitive sports or what have you, where the best's best outbests the second best and third best and so on.

But if you're not #1, does that mean you can't be #2? or #20? or #2000? should you just not try at all?

Don't limit yourself. Stay curious. Solve problems, and learn whatever you have to, to do so. There will always be someone better than you out there, but if you care, if it matters to you, you'll go pretty far.

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