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Created May 16, 2012 17:57
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- (void)countAllNotesAndSetTextField
// Allow access to this variable within the block context below (using __block keyword)
__block int noteCount = 0;
EvernoteNoteStore *noteStore = [EvernoteNoteStore noteStore];
[noteStore listNotebooksWithSuccess:^(NSArray *notebooks) {
for (EDAMNotebook *notebook in notebooks) {
if ([notebook guid]) {
EDAMNoteFilter *filter = [[EDAMNoteFilter alloc] init];
[filter setNotebookGuid:[notebook guid]];
[noteStore findNoteCountsWithFilter:filter withTrash:NO success:^(EDAMNoteCollectionCounts *counts) {
if (counts) {
// Get note count for the current notebook and add it to the displayed total
NSNumber *notebookCount = (NSNumber *)[[counts notebookCounts] objectForKey:[notebook guid]];
noteCount = noteCount + [notebookCount intValue];
NSString *noteCountString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", noteCount];
[noteCountField setText:noteCountString];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Error while retrieving note counts: %@", error);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Error while retrieving notebooks: %@", error);
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