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Created May 17, 2012 17:10
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A thin Clojure wrapper for
(ns osx
(:use seesaw.core)
[ Application ApplicationListener]
[java.awt.image BufferedImage]))
;; mostly for use with Seesaw
(defn event-not-handled [e] (.setHandled e false))
(defn event-handled [e] (.setHandled e true))
(def ^:private default-application-fn (fn [e] (event-not-handled e)))
(def ^:private application-defaults {
:about default-application-fn
:open-application default-application-fn
:open-file default-application-fn
:preferences default-application-fn
:print-file default-application-fn
:quit default-application-fn
:re-open-application default-application-fn
(defn application
"This function returns the instance accessed through Application.getApplication()
If provided, the options configure the Application through the ApplicationListener interface. The default
behavior for all function is to pass the ApplicationEvent through unhandled, ie, event.isHandled( false).
Each option takes an function a value. This function should take one argument, e: the ApplicationEvent,
and execute (event-handled e) as the last expression. Most of these events are associated with
scripting in OS X (AppleScript). However, it is very likely that many users might want to customize
the About, Preferences and Quit menu items. Note that by default, the Preferences menu item is not
visible but providing a function to handle it will make it visible.
The options are:
:about a function to show a customized About frame.
the argument e is an ApplicationEvent.
:open-application a function to handle an OpenApplication event from the Finder or elsewhere.
:open-file a function to handle an OpenDocument event from the Finder or elsewhere.
:preferences a function called when the Preferences menu item is selected. The preferences menu
item does not show by default. Providing a custom handler for the preferences
menu causes it to be shown automatically.
:print-file a function to handle a Print Document event from the Finder or elsewhere.
:quit a function to customize the quit command of the default application menu. Note that
most OSes put the quit command elsewhere such in the File menu. If your application
is meant to be cross-platform, you'll need to conditionally control how you handle
Quit or you could end up with several Quit menu items.
:re-open-application a function to handle a ReopenApplication event from the Finder or elsewhere.
Note that none of these functions is expected to return anything. If necessary, you'll need to modify
application state in them.
([] (Application/getApplication))
([& {:as options}]
(let [
a (application)
{:keys [about open-application open-file preferences print-file quit re-open-application]} (merge application-defaults options)]
(if (options :preferences)
(.setEnabledPreferencesMenu a true))
(.addApplicationListener a
(reify ApplicationListener
(handleAbout [this event]
(about event))
(handleOpenApplication [this event]
(open-application event))
(handleOpenFile [this event]
(open-file event))
(handlePreferences [this event]
(preferences event))
(handlePrintFile [this event]
(print-file event))
(handleQuit [this event]
(quit event))
(handleReOpenApplication [this event]
(re-open-application event))))
(defn application-icon
"Grabs the Dock Icon Image and scales it as requested. Uses java.awt.Image/SCALE_REPLICATE
w desired width of new image.
h desired height of new image."
[w h] (.getScaledInstance (.getDockIconImage (application)) w h BufferedImage/SCALE_REPLICATE))
(defn center-frame!
"This centers any frame. If only f (the frame) is supplied, it centers the frame on
the monitor. If a component is provided as well, it should center f (the frame) over
that component"
(.setLocationRelativeTo f nil)
([f component]
(.setLocationRelativeTo component)
(defn about-window [app-name content]
"This function returns a function that creates a Frame that can be used as a replacement
action for the About... menu item.
app-name the name of your application
content the contents of the frame."
(fn [e]
(let [w (frame :title (str "About " app-name) :content content)]
(-> w pack! center-frame! show!)
(event-handled e))))
;; Example
;; This example uses the application function to assign custom handlers for
;; the About, Preferences and Quit menu items of the Application menu.
;; Each one is created using a different technique: about is created using
;; a function that returns a function, quit uses a named function
;; and preferences uses an anonymous function.
;; helper function to create a Yes/No dialog
(defn yes-no-dialog [ text]
(let [
warning (dialog
:content text
:option-type :yes-no
:type :warning)]
(if (= (-> warning pack! show!) :success)
false)) ;; if they just close the window, we treat that as a "no"
;; the quit function.
(defn quit-fn [e]
(if (yes-no-dialog "Are you sure you want to quit? (Doesn't matter anyway...we're out of here either way.")
(System/exit 0))
(event-handled e)) ;; it doesn't really matter. Quit quits no matter what. It's just giving you an opportunity to have the user save their work.
;; content for the About window. (It's horrific.)
(def about-content
(border-panel :hgap 10 :vgap 10
:west (vertical-panel :items [(label :icon (application-icon 48 48) :size [48 :by 48])])
:east (vertical-panel :items
[(label :text "My App" :font "LUCIDAGRANDE-BOLD-24")
:editable? false
:background "#EDEDED" ;; OS X gray.
:multi-line? true
:text "No Copyright whatsoever.\nMade with Clojure and Seesaw.")])))
:about (about-window "My App" about-content)
:quit quit-fn
:preferences (fn [e] (yes-no-dialog "Do you have any preferences?") (event-handled e)))
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