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Created May 18, 2012 02:06
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(ns slim.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defstruct html-node :depth :interpreted_type :interpreted :selector :attributes :content)
(defn- process-line [acc line]
(let [[full-text
content] (re-find #"^(!!!)?([\s]*)([-=;|]?)([\w]*)([(](.*?)[)])?(.*)$" line)]
(if (or (= (.trim full-text) "") (= interpreted ";"))
(conj acc (struct-map html-node
:depth (count leading_whitespace),
:interpreted_type interpreted,
:interpreted (or (= interpreted "=") (= interpreted "-")),
:directive? (= directive "!!!"),
:selector selector,
:attributes attributes,
:content (.trim content))))))
(defn- read-lines [f]
(with-open [f (io/reader (io/file f))]
(doall (line-seq f))))
(defn- process-file [file-name line-accum]
(reduce process-line line-accum (read-lines file-name)))
(def self-closing-tags
#{"meta" "br" "link"})
(defn- attributes [attr]
(if (nil? attr) "" (str " " attr)))
(defn- opening-tag [node]
(if (contains? self-closing-tags (node :selector))
(str "<" (node :selector) (attributes (node :attributes)) " />")
(str "<" (node :selector) (attributes (node :attributes)) ">")))
(defn- closing-tag [node]
(if (contains? self-closing-tags (node :selector)) "" (str "</" (node :selector) ">")))
(defn- interpreted-clojure [node]
(load-string (node :content)))
(defn- content [node]
(if (= "" (node :content)) "" (str (node :content))))
(defn- directive [node]
(= (node :selector) "strict") "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">"
(= (node :selector) "html") "<!DOCTYPE HTML>"
(= (node :selector) "xml") "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"))
(defn- write-html [data stack]
(if (empty? data)
(reduce #(str %1 (closing-tag %2)) "" stack)
(let [current (first data)]
(if (<= (get current :depth -1) (get (first stack) :depth -2))
(str (closing-tag (first stack)) (write-html data (rest stack)))
(if (current :directive?)
(str (directive current) (write-html (rest data) stack))
(if (current :interpreted)
(if (= "=" (current :interpreted_type))
(str (interpreted-clojure current) (write-html (rest data) stack))
(do (interpreted-clojure current) (str (write-html (rest data) stack))))
(if (= (current :interpreted_type) "|")
(str (content current) " " (write-html (rest data) stack))
(str (opening-tag current) (content current) (write-html (rest data) (conj stack current))))))))))
(defn render-template [template & data]
(use 'hiccup.core)
(intern *ns* 'locals (fn [s] (get (first data) s)))
(write-html (process-file template []) '()))
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