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Created May 30, 2012 20:01
enum RedBlack <R B>;
multi balance(B,[R,[R,$a,$x,$b],$y,$c],$z,$d) { [R,[B,$a,$x,$b],$y,[B,$c,$z,$d]] }
multi balance(B,[R,$a,$x,[R,$b,$y,$c]],$z,$d) { [R,[B,$a,$x,$b],$y,[B,$c,$z,$d]] }
multi balance(B,$a,$x,[R,[R,$b,$y,$c],$z,$d]) { [R,[B,$a,$x,$b],$y,[B,$c,$z,$d]] }
multi balance(B,$a,$x,[R,$b,$y,[R,$c,$z,$d]]) { [R,[B,$a,$x,$b],$y,[B,$c,$z,$d]] }
multi balance($col, $a, $x, $b) { [$col, $a, $x, $b] }
multi ins( $x, @s [$col, $a, $y, $b] ) {
when $x before $y { balance $col, ins($x, $a), $y, $b }
when $x after $y { balance $col, $a, $y, ins($x, $b) }
default { @s }
multi ins( $x, Any:U ) { [R, Any, $x, Any] }
multi insert( $x, $s ) {
[B, ins($x,$s)[1..3]];
sub MAIN {
my $t = Any;
$t = insert($_, $t) for (1..10).pick(*);
say $t.perl;
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