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Created June 1, 2012 19:25
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#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2012, Joao Rodrigues ( and Ezgi Karaca (
# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
# license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
# as part of this package.
Module with assorted geometrical functions on
from Bio.PDB import Entity
from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
from math import sqrt
from numpy import *
import sys
import glob
# Globals
parser = PDBParser()
# Functions
def center_of_mass(entity, geometric=False):
Returns gravitic [default] or geometric center of mass of an Entity.
Geometric assumes all masses are equal (geometric=True)
# Structure, Model, Chain, Residue
if isinstance(entity, Entity.Entity):
atom_list = entity.get_atoms()
# List of Atoms
elif hasattr(entity, '__iter__') and [x for x in entity if x.level == 'A']:
atom_list = entity
else: # Some other weirdo object
raise ValueError("Center of Mass can only be calculated from the following objects:\n"
"Structure, Model, Chain, Residue, list of Atoms.")
class COM:
def __init__(self,coord):
positions = [ [], [], [] ] # [ [X1, X2, ..] , [Y1, Y2, ...] , [Z1, Z2, ...] ]
masses = []
for atom in atom_list:
for i, coord in enumerate(atom.coord.tolist()):
If there is a single atom with undefined mass complain loudly.
if 'ukn' in set(masses) and not geometric:
raise ValueError("Some Atoms don't have an element assigned.\n"
"Try adding them manually or calculate the geometrical center of mass instead.")
if geometric:
com = COM([sum(coord_list)/len(masses) for coord_list in positions])
return com
w_pos = [ [], [], [] ]
for atom_index, atom_mass in enumerate(masses):
com = COM([sum(coord_list)/sum(masses) for coord_list in w_pos])
return com
def calculate_shape_param(structure):
Calculates the gyration tensor of a structure.
Returns a tuple containing shape parameters:
((a,b,c), rg, A)
(a,b,c) - dimensions of the structure in each 3D direction
rg - radius of gyration of the structure
A - anisotropy value
com = center_of_mass(structure, True)
cx, cy, cz = com.coord
n_atoms = 0
tensor_xx, tensor_xy, tensor_xz = 0, 0, 0
tensor_yx, tensor_yy, tensor_yz = 0, 0, 0
tensor_zx, tensor_zy, tensor_zz = 0, 0, 0
for atom in structure.get_atoms():
ax, ay, az = atom.coord
tensor_xx += (ax-cx)*(ax-cx)
tensor_yx += (ax-cx)*(ay-cy)
tensor_xz += (ax-cx)*(az-cz)
tensor_yy += (ay-cy)*(ay-cy)
tensor_yz += (ay-cy)*(az-cz)
tensor_zz += (az-cz)*(az-cz)
n_atoms += 1
gy_tensor = mat([[tensor_xx, tensor_yx, tensor_xz], [tensor_yx, tensor_yy, tensor_yz], [tensor_xz, tensor_yz, tensor_zz]])
gy_tensor = (1.0/n_atoms) * gy_tensor
D,V = linalg.eig(gy_tensor)
[a, b, c] = sorted(sqrt(5 * D))
rg = sqrt(sum(D))
l = average([D[0],D[1],D[2]])
A = (((D[0] - l)**2 + (D[1] - l)**2 + (D[2] - l)**2) / l**2) * 1/6
S = (((D[0] - l) * (D[1] - l) * (D[2] - l))/ l**3)
print "%s" % '#Dimensions(a,b,c) #Rg #Anisotropy'
print "%.2f" % round(2*a,2), round(2*b,2), round(2*c,2) , round(rg,2) , round(A,2) # I doubled axes here!
return ((a,b,c),rg,A)
def calculate_moment_of_intertia_tensor(structure):
Calculates the moment of inertia tensor from the molecule.
Returns a numpy matrix.
com = center_of_mass(structure, False)
cx, cy, cz = com.coord
n_atoms = 0
tensor_xx, tensor_xy, tensor_xz = 0, 0, 0
tensor_yx, tensor_yy, tensor_yz = 0, 0, 0
tensor_zx, tensor_zy, tensor_zz = 0, 0, 0
s_mass = sum([a.mass for a in structure.get_atoms()])
for atom in structure.get_atoms():
ax, ay, az = atom.coord
tensor_xx += ((ay-cy)**2 + (az-cz)**2)*atom.mass
tensor_xy += -1*(ax-cx)*(ay-cy)*atom.mass
tensor_xz += -1*(ax-cx)*(az-cz)*atom.mass
tensor_yy += ((ax-cx)**2 + (az-cz)**2)*atom.mass
tensor_yz += -1*(ay-cy)*(az-cz)*atom.mass
tensor_zz += ((ax-cx)**2 + (ay-cy)**2)*atom.mass
in_tensor = mat([[tensor_xx, tensor_xy, tensor_xz], [tensor_xy, tensor_yy, tensor_yz], [tensor_xz,
tensor_yz, tensor_zz]])
D,V = linalg.eig(in_tensor)
a = sqrt((5/(2*s_mass)) * (D[0] - D[1] + D[2]))
b = sqrt((5/(2*s_mass)) * (D[2] - D[0] + D[1]))
c = sqrt((5/(2*s_mass)) * (D[1] - D[2] + D[0]))
return sorted([a, b, c])
def maxD(pdbf):
Calculates the shape maximum dimension
d = 0
Dmax = 0
struct = parser.get_structure('tmp', pdbf)
for chain1 in struct[0]:
for res1 in chain1:
for atom1 in res1:
x1, y1, z1 = atom1.coord
for chain2 in struct[0]:
for res2 in chain2:
for atom2 in res2:
x2, y2, z2 = atom2.coord
d = sqrt( (x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2)
if d >= Dmax:
Dmax = d
return Dmax
# Main Function
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:]
if args[0] == '--calc':
for pdbf in sorted(glob.iglob('*.pdb')):
struct = parser.get_structure('tmp', pdbf)
mod = struct[0]
chain = mod['A']
print pdbf
print 'Dmax: %.2f\n' % maxD(pdbf)
elif args[0] == '--max':
# call main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
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