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Created June 2, 2012 09:08
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Creates an archive of tweets as a git repo

This Python script creates a git repo with your tweets. Obviously its limited by Twitter API limitations as you cannot retrieve more than 3200 tweets at a time.

Given the fact that Twitter doesn't give a fuck about our data, you may not find your old tweets ever again. So nothing is better than keeping an archive of tweets as a Git repo.

This is inspired by @holman's tweets repo. But this doesn't have a dependency on Madrox. Just plain Python and Git.


To create an archive of tweets initiate a git repo in a directory with git init. Then put the script in the directory and execute:

python username

This will update your archive. To view your tweets anytime use git log.

# - Creates an archive of your tweets as a Git repo
# Sankha Narayan Guria <>
import sys, httplib, os.path, json, subprocess
con = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
def getTweets(num):
request = "";
if(num == -1):
request = "/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" + sys.argv[1] + "&count=200&include_rts=1&trim_user=1"
request = "/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" + sys.argv[1] + "&count=200&include_rts=1&trim_user=1&since_id=" + num
return doRequest(request)
def doRequest(request):
con.request("GET", request)
r = con.getresponse()
return json.load(r)
def processTweets(obj):
if(len(obj) == 200):
maxid = (obj[-1])['id'] - 1
if(tweet_id == -1):
request = "/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" + sys.argv[1] + "&count=200&include_rts=1&trim_user=1&max_id=" + str(maxid)
request = "/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" + sys.argv[1] + "&count=200&include_rts=1&trim_user=1&max_id=" + str(maxid) + "&since_id=" + tweet_id
for tweet in reversed(obj):
f = open("tweet_id",'w')
f.close()["git", "add", "."])["git", "commit", "--date", tweet['created_at'], "-m", tweet['text']])
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
tweet_id = open("tweet_id", 'r').read()
tweet_id = -1
print("Usage: python username")
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perry commented Jan 22, 2013


This will notify everyone whose twitter handle is the same as their github handle. Annoyed a lot of people...

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