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Created June 6, 2012 01:06
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Workout.scala in Play 1.x vs. Play 2.x
package models
import java.util.Date
import play.db.anorm._
import play.db.anorm.defaults._
import play.db.anorm.SqlParser._
case class Workout(
id: Pk[Long],
var title: String, var description: String,
var duration: Double, distance: Double,
var postedAt: Date, var athleteId: Long
) {
def prevNext = {
select *, 'next' as w from workout
where postedAt < {date} order by postedAt desc limit 1
select *, 'prev' as w from workout
where postedAt > {date} order by postedAt asc limit 1
order by postedAt desc
).on("date" -> postedAt).as(
opt('"prev")~>Workout.on("")) ~ opt('"next")~>Workout.on("")) ^^ flatten
object Workout extends Magic[Workout] {
def allWithAthlete: List[(Workout, Athlete)] =
select * from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
order by w.postedAt desc
).as(Workout ~< Athlete ^^ flatten *)
def allWithAthleteAndComments: List[(Workout, Athlete, List[Comment])] =
select * from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
left join Comment c on c.workoutId =
order by w.postedAt desc
).as(Workout ~< Athlete ~< Workout.spanM(Comment) ^^ flatten *)
def byIdWithAthleteAndComments(id: Long): Option[(Workout, Athlete, List[Comment])] =
select * from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
left join Comment c on c.workoutId =
where = {id}
).on("id" -> id).as(Workout ~< Athlete ~< Workout.spanM(Comment) ^^ flatten ?)
package models
import play.api.db._
import play.api.Play.current
import anorm._
import anorm.SqlParser._
import java.util.Date
case class Workout(id: Pk[Long], var title: String, var description: String,
var duration: Double, distance: Double, var postedAt: Date,
var athleteId: Long) {
def prevNext: (Option[Workout], Option[Workout]) = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
val result = SQL(
select w.*, 'next' as pos from workout w
where postedAt < {date} order by postedAt desc limit 1
select w.*, 'prev' as pos from workout w
where postedAt > {date} order by postedAt asc limit 1
order by postedAt desc
""").on("date" -> postedAt).as(
Workout.withPrevNext *).partition(_._2 == "prev")
(result._1 match {
case List((workout, "prev")) => Some(workout)
case _ => None
result._2 match {
case List((workout, "next")) => Some(workout)
case _ => None
object Workout {
val simple = {
get[Pk[Long]]("") ~
get[String]("workout.title") ~
get[String]("workout.description") ~
get[Double]("workout.duration") ~
get[Double]("workout.distance") ~
get[Date]("workout.postedAt") ~
get[Long]("workout.athleteId") map {
case id ~ title ~ description ~ duration ~ distance ~ postedAt ~ athleteId =>
Workout(id, title, description, duration, distance, postedAt, athleteId)
lazy val withAthlete = simple ~ Athlete.simple map {
case workout ~ athlete => (workout, athlete)
lazy val withPrevNext = {
get[Pk[Long]]("id") ~ get[String]("title") ~ get[String]("description") ~ get[Double]("duration") ~
get[Double]("distance") ~ get[Date]("postedAt") ~ get[Long]("athleteId") ~ get[String]("pos") map {
case id ~ title ~ description ~ duration ~ distance ~ postedAt ~ athleteId ~ pos =>
(Workout(id, title, description, duration, distance, postedAt, athleteId), pos)
val withAthleteAndComments = Workout.simple ~ Athlete.simple ~ (Comment.simple ?) map {
case workout ~ athlete ~ comments => (workout, athlete, comments)
def find(field: String, value: String): Seq[Workout] = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
SQL("select * from workout where " + field + " = {" + field + "}")
.on(Symbol(field) -> value).as(Workout.simple *)
def allWithAthlete: List[(Workout, Athlete)] = DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
select * from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
order by w.postedAt desc
).as(Workout.withAthlete *)
def allWithAthleteAndComments: List[(Workout, Athlete, List[Comment])] = DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
select w.*, a.*, c.* from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
left join Comment c on c.workoutId =
order by w.postedAt desc
).as(withAthleteAndComments *)
.groupBy(row => (row._1, row._2))
.map(row => row._2 match {
case List(null) => (row._1._1, row._1._2, List())
case comments => (row._1._1, row._1._2, comments)
def byIdWithAthleteAndComments(id: Long): Option[(Workout, Athlete, List[Comment])] = DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
select * from Workout w
join Athlete a on w.athleteId =
left join Comment c on c.workoutId =
where = {id}
).on('id -> id).as(withAthleteAndComments *)
.groupBy(row => (row._1, row._2))
.map(row => row._2 match {
case List(null) => (row._1._1, row._1._2, List())
case comments => (row._1._1, row._1._2, comments)
def count(): Long = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
SQL("select count(*) from workout").as(scalar[Long].single)
def update(id: Long, workout: Workout) = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
update workout
set title = {title}, description = {description}, duration = {duration}, distance = {distance}
where id = {id}
'id -> id,
'title -> workout.title,
'description -> workout.description,
'duration -> workout.duration,
'distance -> workout.distance
def create(workout: Workout): Workout = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
insert into workout(id, title, description, duration, distance, postedAt, athleteId)
values ({id}, {title}, {description}, {duration}, {distance}, {postedAt}, {athleteId})
'id ->,
'title -> workout.title,
'description -> workout.description,
'duration -> workout.duration,
'distance -> workout.distance,
'postedAt -> workout.postedAt,
'athleteId -> workout.athleteId
def delete(id: Long) = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
SQL("delete from workout where id = {id}").on('id -> id).executeUpdate()
def deleteByAthlete(id: Long) = {
DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
SQL("delete from workout where athleteId = {id}").on('id -> id).executeUpdate()
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