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Created June 8, 2012 15:19
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Question: Deriving boilerplate matching function.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module DeriveADT
( deriveExtract
, deriveIs
) where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
deriveIs :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveIs = adtDerive mkIs
mkIs (NormalC nm t) = do
let tn = nameBase nm
funD (mkName $ "is" ++ toV tn) [ clause [conP nm (replicate (length t) wildP)] (normalB true) []
, clause [wildP] (normalB false) []
deriveExtract :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveExtract = adtDerive mkExtract
mkExtract (NormalC nm t) = do
p <- mapM (\_ -> newName "x") t
let tn = nameBase nm
one = (length t) == 1
funD (mkName $ "extract" ++toV tn)
[ clause [conP nm (map varP p)] (normalB $ inner p) []
, clause [wildP] (normalB nothing) []
inner (p:[]) = appE just (varE p)
inner (ps) = appE just (tupE $ map varE ps)
-- Helpers
adtDerive :: (Con -> Q Dec) -> Name -> Q [Dec]
adtDerive f t = do
info <- reify t
reified <- case info of
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ constructors _) -> return constructors
otherwise -> error "e"
mapM f reified
toV (x:xs) = x:map toLower xs
isNormalC (NormalC _ _) = True
isNormalC _ = False
true = conE $ mkName "True"
false = conE $ mkName "False"
nothing = conE $ mkName "Nothing"
just = conE $ mkName "Just"
data A = A | B () | C () ()
$(deriveIs ''A)
extractA :: A -> Maybe ()
extractA A = Just ()
extractA _ = Nothing
extractB :: A -> Maybe ()
extractB (B a) = Just a
extractB _ = Nothing
extractC :: A -> Maybe ((), ())
extractC (C a b) = Just (a, b)
extractC _ = Nothing
main = do
let vars = [A, B (), C 5]
test = [isA, isB, isC]
r = [ (i:j:':':' ':(show $ t v)) | (i,t) <- zip ['1'..] test,
(j,v) <- zip ['a'..] vars]
mapM_ print r
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