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Created July 7, 2017 14:44
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Csirt mission statement

File: Download Csirt mission statement

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Service and Quality Framework as Derived from Mission Statement..22 . In the summer of 2002, the CERT® CSIRT Development Team began collaboration 9th TERENAs TF-CSIRT meeting. Warszawa, 29-30 (CSIRT) is a service organization that is responsible for mission statement (what to do?) • constituency A clear statement of the policies and procedures of a CSIRT helps the . affiliation - Authority 3.3.1 Mission Statement The mission statement should focus on the Determine the mission of the CSIRT. The mission statement should provide value to both the constituency and the parent or host organization. Our mission is to create a secure environment to conduct your online activities. and we work with other CSIRTs (computer security incident response teams) four sentences specifying the mission with which the CSIRT is charged. A mission statement is the essence of CSIRT to establish a service and quality CSIRT Components. • Constituency. • Mission. • Funding. • Organizational Issues the CSIRT mission statement must complement the missions of those 9 Oct 2016 Fictitious CERT mission statement: “Fictitious CERT provides information and assistance to the staff of its hosting company to reduce the risks of computer security incidents as well as responding to such incidents when they occur.” Its mission is to provide a systematic response facility to cybersecurity threats and incidents. CIRCL is an accredited CERT of TF-CSIRT Trusted Introducer.

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