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Created June 10, 2012 07:15
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A dissection of a simple c program's assembly
int main() {
00B61400 push ebp
00B61401 mov ebp,esp
00B61403 sub esp,0C0h // esp指向栈顶
00B61409 push ebx
00B6140A push esi
00B6140B push edi
00B6140C lea edi,[ebp-0C0h]
00B61412 mov ecx,30h //C0h 除以4,就是30h,因为rep stos用的是dword
00B61417 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh //设置返回值为默认值:无效
00B6141C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00B6141E push 1100h //参数压栈,这里遵循__cdecl调用规范,参数由右向左
00B61423 push 8899h //压栈,此时查看esp地址所在的memory,可以看到两个参数的值
00B61428 call @ILT+470(_fun) (0B611DBh) // push 00B6142D, 堆栈清空指令,也就是函数返回后要执行的指令
00B6142D add esp,8 //被调用函数的堆栈由主调函数来清空
return 0;
00B61430 xor eax,eax
00B61432 pop edi
00B61433 pop esi
00B61434 pop ebx
00B61435 add esp,0C0h
00B6143B cmp ebp,esp
00B6143D call @ILT+305(__RTC_CheckEsp) (0B61136h)
00B61442 mov esp,ebp
00B61444 pop ebp
00B61445 ret
int fun(int a, int b) {
00B62F90 push ebp // 此时查看esp,可以看到主调函数的下一条指令地址:00B6142D
00B62F91 mov ebp,esp //调用函数通常的做法,通过ebp基址寄存器来操作堆//栈数据
00B62F93 sub esp,14Ch //为什么是14ch(不是因为堆栈保护,防止缓冲区overflow,而是DEBUG选项造成的)
00B62F99 push ebx
00B62F9A push esi
00B62F9B push edi
00B62F9C lea edi,[ebp-14Ch]
00B62FA2 mov ecx,53h
00B62FA7 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00B62FAC rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] //用0CCCCCCCCh初始化堆栈
00B62FAE mov eax,dword ptr [___security_cookie (0B6702Ch)]
00B62FB3 xor eax,ebp
00B62FB5 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
char var[128] = "A";
00B62FB8 mov ax,word ptr [string "A" (0B6573Ch)] //
00B62FBE mov word ptr [ebp-88h],ax //80h也就是128,写了一个字
00B62FC5 push 7Eh
00B62FC7 push 0
00B62FC9 lea eax,[ebp-86h]
00B62FCF push eax
00B62FD0 call @ILT+465(_memset) (0B611D6h) //通过memset设置
00B62FD5 add esp,0Ch
a = 0x4455;
00B62FD8 mov dword ptr [ebp+8],4455h
b = 0x6677;
00B62FDF mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],6677h
return a + b;
00B62FE6 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
00B62FE9 add eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] //返回值通过eax保存
00B62FEC push edx
00B62FED mov ecx,ebp
00B62FEF push eax
00B62FF0 lea edx,[ (0B6301Ch)]
00B62FF6 call @ILT+125(@_RTC_CheckStackVars@8) (0B61082h)
00B62FFB pop eax
00B62FFC pop edx
00B62FFD pop edi
00B62FFE pop esi
00B62FFF pop ebx //弹栈?
00B63000 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00B63003 xor ecx,ebp
00B63005 call @ILT+15(@__security_check_cookie@4) (0B61014h)
00B6300A add esp,14Ch
00B63010 cmp ebp,esp
00B63012 call @ILT+305(__RTC_CheckEsp) (0B61136h)
00B63017 mov esp,ebp
00B63019 pop ebp //恢复ebp寄存器, ebp中是下一指令加两个参数
00B6301A ret // pop EIP, 将主调函数下一个指令放入EIP:00B6142D,
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