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Created June 13, 2012 06:57
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stars in D
module main;
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv, std.parallelism, core.memory;
immutable mask = 0b11111110000000000000;
alias int[] star;
struct MinDist { //information about minimum distance between stars in some area
long d2;
star a, b;
MinDist minMD(MinDist m1, MinDist m2) { return m1.d2 < m2.d2 ? m1 : m2; }
void main(string[] argv)
star[][int] cells; // split space into 128x128x128 cubic blocks (cells) of size 8K x 8K x 8K
foreach(s; File("stars.dat", "rt").byLine()) {
int[] coords = s.split().map!(to!int).array(); //parse coords of a star
// calculate which cell it belongs to
int sector = ((coords[0] & mask) << 1) + ((coords[1] & mask) >> 6) + ((coords[2] & mask) >> 13);
if (sector in cells) //add to stars of its block
cells[sector] ~= coords;
cells[sector] = [coords];
auto nbr = [-1, 0, 1];
int[] deltas = []; //differences of indices of neighbor blocks
foreach(x; nbr) foreach(y; nbr) foreach(z; nbr) deltas ~= (x << 14) + (y << 7) + z;
MinDist localmin(int cell) { //for given cell find two closest stars in its area
long mind = 10^^13;
star besta=null, bestb=null;
star[1000] area;
int n = 0;
foreach(delta; deltas) { //gather stars of current cell and its neigbors
int sector = cell + delta;
if (sector in cells)
foreach(st; cells[sector])
area[n++] = st;
foreach(ia; 0..n) //find distances between all stars in this area
foreach(ib; 0..ia) {
star a = area[ia], b = area[ib];
long d = (a[0]-b[0])^^2 + (a[1]-b[1])^^2 + (a[2]-b[2])^^2;
if (d < mind) { //find minimal
mind = d;
besta = a; bestb = b;
return MinDist(mind, besta, bestb);
//for each habitated cell find a pair of closest stars in its local area
MinDist[] mds = new MinDist[cells.length];
foreach(i, cell; taskPool.parallel(cells.keys, 10000))
mds[i] = localmin(cell);
//find global minimum among local minima
MinDist md = taskPool.reduce!minMD(mds, 10000);
writeln(std.math.sqrt(to!real(md.d2)), md.a, md.b);
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