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Created June 15, 2012 19:13
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simple game of life with IPython and OpenMPI/mpi4py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>2</nbformat>
# <codecell>
from IPython.parallel import Client
c = Client()
v = c[:]
with v.sync_imports():
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from itertools import product
v.block = True
# shuffle ids around so that view ids match up with mpi ranks
v.execute("my_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()")
ranks = v["my_rank"]
new_ids = [ranks.index(i) for i in range(len(ranks))]
v = c[new_ids]
v.block = True
# enable ipython magic commands for use with this view
# use zasims display functionality to display a state to ipython
from zasim.display.qt import render_state_array, qimage_to_pngstr
from IPython.core.display import publish_png
def display_state(config, scale=5):
img = render_state_array(config).scaled(config.shape[0] * scale, config.shape[1] * scale)
pngstr = qimage_to_pngstr(img)
def build_border(config):
new = np.zeros((config.shape[0] + 2, config.shape[1] + 2), config.dtype)
new[1:-1, 1:-1] = config
return new
# <codecell>
def offset_pos((y, x), (a, b)):
return (y + a, x + b)
# calculate the standard game of life
def game_of_life(cconf, nconf):
result = None
W, H = cconf.shape
for pos in product(xrange(1, W - 1), xrange(1, H - 1)):
lu = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (-1, -1))]
u = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (-1, 0))]
ru = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (-1, 1))]
l = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (0, -1))]
m = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (0, 0))]
r = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (0, 1))]
ld = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (1, -1))]
d = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (1, 0))]
rd = cconf[offset_pos(pos, (1, 1))]
nonzerocount = lu + u + ru + l + r + ld + d + rd
result = m
if m == 0:
if 3 <= nonzerocount <= 3:
result = 1
if not (2 <= nonzerocount <= 3):
result = 0
nconf[pos] = result
# copy the sides where the opposite side is in the same array
def copy_up_down(conf):
W, H = conf.shape
conf[Ellipsis,0] = conf[Ellipsis,H - 2]
conf[Ellipsis,H - 1] = conf[Ellipsis,1]
# copy the sides where the opposite side is on another engine
# this uses MPI "message passing"
def distribute_borders(config):
W, H = config.shape
r = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
# first, send our left side to the previous engine
# and receive our right outside from the next engine
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Sendrecv(config[1], (r - 1) % size, 0, config[W+1], (r + 1) % size, 0)
# then, send our right side to the next engine and
# receive our left outside from the previous engine
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Sendrecv(config[W], (r + 1) % size, 0, config[0], (r - 1) % size, 0)
# <codecell>
# generate a random start configuration
za_d = np.random.randint(0, 2, (40, 40))
#za_d = np.zeros((40, 40))
#za_d[1:4, 1:4] = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
# distribute the starting configuration among all engines
v.scatter("cconf", za_d)
# push the functions we need for calculation to all engines
v.push({"build_border": build_border,
"game_of_life": game_of_life,
"distribute_borders": distribute_borders,
"copy_up_down": copy_up_down,
"offset_pos": offset_pos})
# generate borders for all stripes on all engines
v.execute("cconf = build_border(cconf)")
# and we need a "new configuration" array, so that we can
# switch nconf and cconf after each step.
v.execute("nconf = cconf.copy()")
# <codecell>
def step():
# first we run the game of life step reading from cconf writing into nconf
v.execute("game_of_life(cconf, nconf)")
# then we copy the borders locally
# and then distribute borders among engines
# and finally we switch cconf and nconf
v.execute("cconf, nconf = nconf, cconf")
# <codecell>
for i in range(10):
# after a step, we strip the local border
v.execute("view = cconf[1:-1, 1:-1]")
# and gather all stripes into a big array
conf_all = v.gather("view")
# and display it
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