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Created June 17, 2012 21:08
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Create iterm2 plist xml color preset files ready for import.
import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
import java.awt.Color
* Reads in a map of color themes, each with five hex color values, and maps them to an iterm color preset plist file.
assert args.size() == 1, 'The name or path to a file containing a themeMap script variable must be supplied on the command line'
def themeMapFileName = args[0]
Binding binding = new Binding()
new GroovyShell(binding).evaluate(new File(themeMapFileName))
assert binding.hasVariable('themeMap'), "${args[0]} file must contain a Map variable named themeMap"
def themeMap = binding.themeMap as TreeMap
Random random = new Random()
final Closure normalize = { value ->
value / 255
final Closure padHex = { String hex ->
assert hex?.size() >= 6
hex[0] != '#' ? "#$hex" : hex
final Closure extractColor = { String hex ->
final Color color = Color.decode(padHex(hex))
final Closure extractRGB = { String hex ->
final Color color = extractColor(hex)
final Closure extractRGBNormalized = { String hex ->
extractRGB(hex).collect {normalize(it)}
def colorProcessors = [
'Foreground Color': [index: 0, processor: {it}],
'Background Color': [index: 1, processor: {it}],
'Bold Color': [index: 2, processor: {it}],
'Selection Color': [index: 3, processor: {it}],
'Selected Text Color': [index: 4, processor: {it}],
'Cursor Color': [index: 1, processor: {normalize(((it * 255 + 50) as int) % 255)}],
'Cursor Text Color': [index: 0, processor: {normalize(((it * 255 + 50) as int) % 255)}]]
final Closure buildColors = { builder, Color color ->
builder.dict {
key('Blue Component')
key('Green Component')
key('Red Component')
final Closure buildComponentColors = { builder, colors, i ->
final hex = colors[random.nextInt(colors.size())]
final Color color = extractColor(hex)
builder.key("Ansi $i Color")
buildColors(builder, color)
final Color brighterColor = color.brighter()
builder.key("Ansi ${i + 8} Color")
buildColors(builder, brighterColor)
final File root = new File("iterm2Themes${new Date().format('yyMMddHHmmss')}")
if (root.exists()) {
themeMap.each { name, colors ->
println "Processing $name"
Writer writer = new StringWriter()
xmlBuilder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder()
writer << xmlBuilder.bind { builder ->
mkp.yieldUnescaped '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
mkp.yieldUnescaped '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">'
plist(version: "1.0") {
dict {
(0..7).each { i ->
buildComponentColors(builder, colors, i)
colorProcessors.each {colorName, colorProcessor ->
final rgb = extractRGBNormalized(colors[colorProcessor.index])
builder.dict {
key('Blue Component')
key('Green Component')
key('Red Component')
new File(root, "${name}.itermcolors") << XmlUtil.serialize(writer.toString())
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