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Стихи о доме на английском языке

Стихи о доме на английском языке

Стихи на английском языке для младших школьников
Стихи на английском для детей. English poems for children
Стихи на английском

Pen Friends Club Login: Top 10 Join us! Ru Английский для детей Дружественные рассылки Полезные советы из интернета Не молчи! Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода Учим английский язык, читая классическую литературу Голосование Какие виды дополнительных занятий Вы используете для обучения детей иностранным языкам? One, two, three, let me see, Who likes coffee, Who likes tea. One, two, three, now I see, You like coffee and you like tea. I like coffee, I like tea, I like you, do you like me? One, two, three, four, Can I have a little more? Five, six, seven, eight, Put some candies on my plate. Do you want spaghetti? I want spaghetti too. My ice-cream is delicious. Thank you very much. My pizza is delicious. My cake is delicious. I like Bunny, bears like honey. Girls like cats, cats like rats. Boys like dogs, storks like frogs. Mice like cheese, sparrows like peas. Owls like mice, I like rice. Birds like grain, say it again! As I was walking in a field of wheat I picked up something good to eat. Neither fish, flash, fowl, nor bone I kept it till it ran done. Find a spark, light the fire, Watch the flames getting higher. When he looks in the forest He finds lots and lots of mushrooms. When he looks in the forest He finds lots and lots of rocks. And he goes mmm — mushrooms! And he goes ugh — rocks! Sippity sup, sippity sup, Bread and milk from a china cup. Bread and milk from a bright silver spoon Made of a piece of the bright silver moon. Sippity sup, sippity sup, Sippity, sippity sup. To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggety jig. To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety jog. To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done. Roll it, and prick it, and mark it with a "B" And put it in the oven for Baby and me! Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with a "T" And put it in the oven for Tommy and me! На главную Сказки Стихи Игры Азбука Песенки Веселые уроки Карточки Домана Словарь Английские договорки Game of the day Пословицы Обучающие материалы Интересные ссылки Объявления Download Игры Книги Статьи Советы Веселые картинки Обо всем на свете Клуб друзей по переписке Скороговорки Архив песен Отгадай-ка Тест Фотогалерея Куда пойти учиться. Английский для детей Дружественные рассылки Полезные советы из интернета Не молчи! Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода Учим английский язык, читая классическую литературу. Какие виды дополнительных занятий Вы используете для обучения детей иностранным языкам? Другие голосования на сайте. Все эти замечательные стихотворения присланы Анной Кинк. Do you like spaghetti? I like spaghetti too. I like… I like Bunny, bears like honey. A little, little man In a red, red coat. A stick in his hand And a stone in his throat. A bear and a bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For carrots and honey. When the bear and the bunny Asked: Handy spandy… Handy spandy, Jack-a-Dandy Loves plum cake and sugar candy. Little Jack Horner sat in the corner Eating a Christmas pie. He put in his thumb And pulled out a plum And said: A man in the wilderness asked me, How many strawberries grow in the sea? I answered him, as I thought good, As many red herrings as swim in the wood. There was an Old Man from Peru, Who dreamt he was eating his shoe. He awoke in the night In a terrible fright, - And found it was perfectly true! Give me… " Give me some honey", says the bear. Stir it fast, stir it slow Who would like to have ago? When he looks in the forest He finds lots and lots of trees. When he looks in the forest He finds lots and lots of mice. And he goes mmm — trees! And he goes ugh — mice! Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate, The first one said: I scream, You scream We all scream For ice cream! Ice cream, a penney a lump! The more you eat, the more you jump. Little Jack Horner Sat in a corner, Eating a mincemeat pie. He stuck in his thumb And pulled out a plum, And said, "What a good boy am I! Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet Eating her curds and whey; Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away. Wash the dishes, Wipe the dishes, Ring the bell for tea; Three good wishes, Three good kisses, I will give to thee. Peas porridge hot, Peas porridge cold, Peas porridge in the pot Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot Nine days old. One to make ready, And two to prepare; Good luck to the rider, And away goes the mare! On top of spaghetti. On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball When somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table And onto the floor, And then my poor meatball Rolled right out the door. Green cheese, Yellow laces, Up and down The market places. Please, lord, send summat good to eat: Little Popsie-Wopsie Chickabidee chum, She shall have a piesie-wysie And a sugar plum. She shall ridie pie-die In a coachie-woachie too, All round the parkie-warkie With her cock-a-doodle-doo. As I was going to sell my eggs I met a man with crooked legs; Crooked legs and turned -up toes, I tripped up his heels, And he fell on his nose. Robin the Bobbin, the big, greedy Ben, He ate more meat than four score men; He ate a cow, he ate a calf, He ate a butcher and a half; He ate a church, he ate a steeple, He ate a priest and all the people! A cow and a calf, An ox and a half, A church and a steeple, And all the good people, And yet he complained he was hungry! One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns! If you have no daughters, Give them to your sons. Rosy apple, lemon, or pear. Rosy apple, lemon, or pear, Bunch of roses she shall wear; Gold and silver by her side, I know who will be the bride. Hot sand pies to sell, hot sand pies to sell, Pat them down tightly, and turn them out well. The two old ladies. There was an old lady, all dressed in silk, Who lived upon lemons and butter-milk; And, thinking the world was sour old place, She carried its acid all over her face. Another old lady ,all sunny and neat, Who lived upon sugar and every thing sweet, Exclaimed, when she heard of the trouble "I never! For the world is so nice I could live on for ever! And what ever the heart feeds on, Dear children trust to me, Is precisely what this queer old world Will seem to you to be. I dreamed a dream next Tuesday Week beneath the apple tree; I thought my eyes were big pork-pies, And my nose was Stilton cheese. The clock struck twenty minutes to six When a frog sat on my knee; I asked him to lend me eighteen pence, But he borrowed a shilling of me. Five little cookies in the bakery shop. Shinning bright with the sugar on top. Hanging on a tree The juiciest apples you ever did see! The wind came past And gave an angry frown And one little apple came tumbling down. Four red apples, etc. Five Fat Peas A counting fingerplay especially Useful in the spring and summer. Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed One grew, two grew, so did all the rest. They grew and grew And did not stop, until one day The pod went POP! Johnny, Johnny, Yes, Papa, Eating sugar? No, Papa Telling lies? No, Papa Open your mouth O Ha! Lemon drops and lollipops. If all the raindrops were lemon drops and lollipops Oh! What a rain that would be. My Mom and I. My Mom and I like to bake. One - little apple is on the tree, Two - little apples for you and me, Three — apples by the door, And four apples are on the floor. The apples are good and sweet, Can you count them all, Pete? Breakfast in the morning, Dinner in the day, Tea comes after dinner, Then comes time to play! Supper in the evening When the sky is red. Then the day is over And we go to bed. I wash my dishes. In the afternoon I wash my…spoon. When I see Kate I wash my…plate. When three days pass, I wash my… glass. One time in my life I wash my…knife! When I settle I wash my … kettle.

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