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Created June 26, 2012 12:17
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface MyURLProtocol : NSURLProtocol
+(BOOL)canInitWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;
+(NSURLRequest *)canonicalRequestForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;
#import "MyURLProtocol.h"
@implementation MyURLProtocol
+(BOOL)canInitWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
if ([[request.URL host] isEqualToString:@""])
return NO;
NSLog(@"canInitWithRequest: %@", request);
return YES;
+(NSURLRequest *)canonicalRequestForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
return request;
-(void)startLoading {
NSLog(@"requested URL: %@", self.request.URL);
NSHTTPURLResponse *response = [[NSHTTPURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:self.request.URL statusCode:200 HTTPVersion:@"1.1" headerFields:[[NSDictionary alloc] init]];
NSData *data = [@"foobar" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = self.request.mutableCopy;
request.URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSLog(@"HTTPMethod: %@", [request HTTPMethod]);
NSLog(@"URL: %@", [request URL]);
//NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
[self.client URLProtocol:self wasRedirectedToRequest:request redirectResponse:response];
[self.client URLProtocol:self didLoadData:data];
[self.client URLProtocolDidFinishLoading:self];
-(void)stopLoading {
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