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Created June 26, 2012 16:14
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Angular preserve state
<div ng-controller="CharacterDetailCtrl">
<div>Name: <input ng-model=""></div>
<div>Actor: <input ng-model=""></div>
<div>Image URL: <input ng-model="character.imageUrl"></div>
<input type="submit" ng-click="save(character)" value="save">
<input type="submit" ng-click="delete(character)" value="delete" ng-show="character._id">
<div><img class="character" ng-src="{{character.imageUrl}}"></div>
<pre>{{character | json}}</pre>
# TODO hide edit list on save
# TODO use router / urls instead of directly setting the details?
# TODO make sure new works
# TODO only activate delete button when appropriate
# filters an array by id
findById = (id, list) ->
if not id? then return
matching = list.filter (item) -> item._id is id
return matching[0]
window.CharacterListCtrl = ($scope, Characters, CharactersState, $routeParams) ->
$scope.characters = Characters.query ->
characterId = $
if characterId is "new"
CharactersState.selected = {}
CharactersState.selected = findById characterId, $scope.characters
$scope.state = CharactersState
$scope.order = "natural"
$scope.delete = (character) ->
Characters.remove {_id: character._id}, ->
$scope.characters = Characters.query()
window.CharacterDetailCtrl = ($scope, $routeParams, Characters, CharactersState) ->
characterId = $
Object.defineProperty $scope, "character",
get: -> CharactersState.selected
# if characterId isnt "new"
# $scope.character = Characters.get {_id: characterId}
$ = -> $scope.character, ->
window.location.hash = "/characters"
$scope.delete = (character) ->
Characters.remove {_id: character._id}, ->
window.location.hash = "/characters"
CharacterRouter = ($route) ->
$route.when '/characters', {templateUrl: '/partials/characters.html', controller: CharacterListCtrl}
$route.when '/characters/:id', {templateUrl: '/partials/characters.html', controller: CharacterListCtrl}
## SERVICES ######################################################
Characters = ($resource) ->
$resource "/characters/:_id"
# singleton character state (selected)
CharactersState = ->
selected: null
angular.module('characterServices', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Characters', Characters)
.factory('CharactersState', CharactersState)
## BOOTSTRAP #####################################################
angular.module('characters', ['characterServices']).config(['$routeProvider', CharacterRouter])
<div class="side">
<div><a href="#/characters/new"><button>Add</button></a></div>
<div><input ng-model="filterTerm" placeholder="Filter"></div>
<select ng-model="order">
<option value="natural">Sort: Natural</option>
<option value="name">Sort: Alphabetical</option>
<div class="list" ng-repeat="character in characters | filter: filterTerm | orderBy: order">
<a ng-click="delete(character)">x</a>
<a href="#/characters/{{character._id}}">{{}}</a>
<!-- <a ng-click="edit(character)">{{}}</a>-->
<div class="main" ng-include="'/partials/characters-details.html'" ng-show="state.selected">
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