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Forked from past/addons.js
Created June 26, 2012 19:49
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* Any copyright by Panagiotis Astithas is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* Otherwise, copyright 2012 Pimm Hogeling
* You can redistribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, the
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later or the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonManager", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonRepository", "resource://gre/modules/AddonRepository.jsm");
// You might ask yourself, why does the monkey who wrote this put everything in functions and stuff? Well - before I answer
// your question - I'd like to point out that I am a Chinchilla; not a monkey.
// I put things in separate functions, because I don't want one command to reference to another command's (unrelated) helper
// functions. I fear this could prevent memory from being cleared under certain circumstances. If this is an irrational fear,
// feel more than free to clean up my code.
// Add the "parent" command.
name: "addon",
description: {
"root": "Manipulate add-ons",
"nl-nl": "Beheer add-ons"
(function() {
function representEnabledAddon(addon) {
return "<li><![CDATA[" + + "\u2002" + addon.version + "]]></li>";
function representDisabledAddon(addon) {
return "<li style=\"opacity: .6; text-decoration: line-through;\"><![CDATA[" + + "\u2002" + addon.version + "]]></li>";
* Compares two addons by their name. Used in sorting.
function compareAddonNames(a, b) {
return String.localeCompare(,;
* Resolves the promise which is the scope (this) of this function, filling it with an HTML representation of the passed
* add-ons.
function list(addons) {
// Separate the enabled add-ons from the disabled ones.
let enabledAddons = [];
let disabledAddons = [];
addons.forEach(function(addon) {
(addon.userDisabled ? disabledAddons : enabledAddons).push(addon);
// Map and sort the add-ons, and create an HTML list.
// nl-nl: Deze add-ons zijn op dit moment geinstalleerd:
this.resolve("The following add-ons are currently installed:" +
"<ol>" +
enabledAddons.sort(compareAddonNames).map(representEnabledAddon).join("") +
disabledAddons.sort(compareAddonNames).map(representDisabledAddon).join("") +
// Add "addon list".
name: "addon list",
description: {
"root": "List the installed add-ons",
"nl-nl": "Toon een lijst van geinstalleerde add-ons"
exec: function(cliArguments, context) {
// Create the promise that will be resolved when the add-on listing has been finished.
let promise = context.createPromise();
// Get the add-ons. TODO This command lists extensions only, though it looks like "addon install" could also install
// other types of add-ons. If so, these commands should be more consistent. Also, the name of the parent command -
// "addon" - might not be completely accurate.
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], list.bind(promise));
return promise;
// The name parameter, used in "addon enable", "addon disable", "addon install" and "addon uninstall".
const nameParameter = {
name: "name",
type: "string",
description: {
"root": "The name of the add-on",
"nl-nl": "De naam van de add-on"
* Returns all of the latin characters in the passed string in one long string, converted to lower case.
function convertToSimplifiedLowerCase(input) {
const latinCharacterFinder = /[a-zA-Z]/g;
var match;
const result = [];
while (null != (match = latinCharacterFinder.exec(input))) {
return result.join("").toLowerCase();
// Define the name comparer, which will be used to compare the user input against the names of add-ons.
function NameComparer(targetValue) {
this.targetValue = convertToSimplifiedLowerCase(targetValue);
* Returns whether the passed name equals the internal name, ignoring the case of the names as well as any non-Latin
* characters (anything but a-z, so even ignoring numbers and interpunction).
* Ignoring the case and non-Latin characters makes trivial "mistakes" by the user insignificant. This is probably not the
* most user-friendly way if said user is actually inputting non-Latin add-on names. Ideally, such input would be taken
* seriously.
* If the internal name is shorter than the passed name, only the substring of the passed name that is as long as the
* internal name is compared. For example, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of
* Kazakhstan" equals "Borat". This enables the user to provide only a "short" name of an add-on, and still have it match.
*/ = function(value) {
value = convertToSimplifiedLowerCase(value);
return this.targetValue.substr(0, value.length) == value;
* Returns a string that represents the passed add-on.
function representAddon(addon) {
return + " " + addon.version;
(function() {
* Enables the addon in the passed list which has a name that matches according to the passed name comparer, and resolves
* the promise which is the scope (this) of this function to display the result of this enable attempt.
function enable(nameComparer, addons) {
// Find the add-on. TODO consider adding something that checks for multiple matches. Currently, if the user's input
// matches multiple add-ons, one of them (kind-of at random) will be enabled. Probably not the best we can do.
let addon = null;
addons.some(function(candidate) {
if ( {
addon = candidate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Enable the add-on, if it was found. Explain the user what happened. TODO consider checking whether the addon was
// already enabled. Showing a "success" message when the add-on was already enabled might cause confusion.
if (null == addon) {
// nl-nl: De add-on is niet gevonden.
this.resolve("This add-on was not found.");
} else {
addon.userDisabled = false;
// nl-nl: {$1} is ingeschakeld.
this.resolve("<![CDATA[" + representAddon(addon) + " has been enabled.]]>");
// Add "addon enable".
name: "addon enable",
description: {
"root": "Enable the specified add-on",
"nl-nl": "Schakel de gespecificeerde add-on in"
params: [nameParameter],
exec: function(cliArguments, context) {
// Create the promise that will be resolved when the enabling has been finished.
let promise = context.createPromise();
// List the installed add-ons, enable one when done listing.
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], enable.bind(promise, new NameComparer(cliArguments[])));
return promise;
* Like enable, but.. you know.. the exact opposite.
function disable(nameComparer, addons) {
// Find the add-on.
let addon = null;
addons.some(function(candidate) {
if ( {
addon = candidate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Disable the add-on, if it was found. Explain the user what happened.
if (null == addon) {
// nl-nl: De add-on is niet gevonden.
this.resolve("Could not find the add-on.");
} else {
addon.userDisabled = true;
// nl-nl: {$1} is uitgeschakeld.
this.resolve("<![CDATA[" + representAddon(addon) + " has been disabled.]]>");
// Add "addon disable".
name: "addon disable",
description: {
"root": "Disable the specified add-on",
"nl-nl": "Schakel de gespecificeerde add-on uit"
params: [nameParameter],
exec: function(cliArguments, context) {
// Create the promise that will be resolved when the disabling has been finished.
let promise = context.createPromise();
// List the installed add-ons, disable one when done listing.
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], disable.bind(promise, new NameComparer(cliArguments[])));
return promise;
(function() {
// Define the callback that will be used when the add-on repository is done searching.
const AddonSearchCallback = function(promise, inputtedName) {
this.promise = promise;
this.nameComparer = new NameComparer(inputtedName);
* Explains to the user that the add-on was not found, and makes a suggestion for a more successful install command if
* possible. Resolves the promise which is the scope (this) of this function.
function suggest(nameComparer, potentialSuggestion, addons) {
let alreadyInstalledAddon = null;
addons.some(function(candidate) {
if ( {
alreadyInstalledAddon = candidate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, nameComparer);
if (null != alreadyInstalledAddon) {
// nl-nl: {$1} is al geinstalleerd.
this.resolve("<![CDATA[" + representAddon(alreadyInstalledAddon) + " is already installed.]]>");
} else if (null != potentialSuggestion) {
// nl-nl: De add-on is niet gevonden. Misschien bedoelde je {$1}.
this.resolve("Could not find the add-on. Perhaps you meant <code><![CDATA[addon install \"" + + "\"]]></code>.");
} else {
// nl-nl: De add-on is niet gevonden.
this.resolve("Could not find the add-on.");
AddonSearchCallback.prototype.searchSucceeded = function(addons, addonCount) {
// Find the add-on the user was looking for from the search results.
let addon = null;
if (0 != addonCount) {
addons.some(function(candidate) {
if ( {
addon = candidate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, this.nameComparer);
if (null != addon) {
// Inform the user the add-on was found.
// nl-nl: Bezig met downloaden van {$1}...
// promise.setProgress("<![CDATA[Downloading " + + " " + addon.version + "&hellip;]]>");
addon.install.addListener(new AddonInstallListener(this.promise));
} else {
// If not one of the add-ons returned by the repository seems to be what the user was looking for, show a suggestion.
let searchCallback = this;
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], suggest.bind(this.promise, this.nameComparer, 0 == addonCount ? null : addons[0]));
AddonSearchCallback.prototype.searchFailed = function() {
// nl-nl: Zoekopdracht mislukt. Misschien kon er geen verbinding worden gemaakt met het add-on magazijn.
this.promise.resolve("Search failed. Perhaps no connection to the add-on repository could be made.");
// Define the listener that will be used when an add-on is being installed.
const AddonInstallListener = function(promise) {
this.promise = promise;
const nop = function() {
AddonInstallListener.prototype = {
* Called when a new instance of AddonInstall is created, primarily so UI can display some kind of progress for all
* installs.
onNewInstall: nop,
* Called when downloading begins for an add-on install. Only called for add-ons that need to be downloaded. A listener
* may return false to cancel the download.
onDownloadStarted: nop,
* Called as data is received during a download. Check the AddonInstall.progress property for the amount of data
* downloaded and the AddonInstall.maxProgress property for the total data expected. A listener may return false to
* cancel the download.
onDownloadProgress: function(install) {
// Show the how much of the add-on has been downloaded. TODO Perhaps make this a percentage.
// nl-nl: Download op {$1}.
// this.promise.setProgress("Download at " + (install.progress / install.maxProgress) + ".");
* Called when downloading completes successfully for an add-on install. Only called for add-ons that need to be
* downloaded.
onDownloadEnded: function() {
// nl-nl: Klaar met downloaden.
//this.promise.setProgress("Download completed.");
* Called when downloading is cancelled. Only called for add-ons that need to be downloaded.
onDownloadCancelled: function() {
// nl-nl: Download geannuleerd.
//this.promise.setProgress("Download cancelled.");
* Called if there is some error downloading the add-on. Only called for add-ons that need to be downloaded.
onDownloadFailed: function() {
// nl-nl: Download mislukt.
//this.promise.setProgress("Download failed.");
* Called when installation of an add-on begins. A listener may return false to cancel the install.
onInstallStarted: function() {
// nl-nl: Bezig met installeren van {$1}...
// promise.setProgress("<![CDATA[Installing " + + " " + addon.version + "&hellip;]]>");
* Called when installation of an add-on is complete. The newly installed add-on may require a restart in order to become
* active.
onInstallEnded: function(install, addon) {
// The add-on was successfully installed. Love!
// nl-nl {$1} is geinstalleerd.
this.promise.resolve("<![CDATA[" + representAddon(addon) + " has been installed.]]>");
// TODO Determine whether the add-on needs a restart. Inform the user of this fact if so.
* Called when installation is cancelled.
onInstallCancelled: function() {
// nl-nl: Installatie geannuleerd.
//this.promise.setProgress("Installation cancelled.");
* Called when there is a failure installing the add-on.
onInstallFailed: function() {
// nl-nl: Installatie mislukt.
//this.promise.setProgress("Installation failed.");
* Called when an add-on is installed through some system other than an AddonInstall.
onExternalInstall: nop
const forceParameter = {
name: "force",
type: "boolean",
description: {
"root": "Whether an add-on search currently in progress, if existent, should be cancelled.",
"nl-nl": "Of een zoekopdracht naar add-ons die op dit moment bezig is geannuleerd moet worden, mits deze bestaat."
defaultValue: false
name: "addon install",
description: {
"root": "Install the specified add-on from",
"nl-nl": "Installeer de gespecificeerde add-on vanaf"
params: [nameParameter, forceParameter],
exec: function(cliArguments, context) {
// Check whether an add-on search is currently in progress.
if (AddonRepository.isSearching) {
// Cancel the currently-in-progress search, or explain how this can be done, depending on the "force" parameter.
if (cliArguments[]) {
} else {
// nl-nl: Kan niet installeren. Een zoekopdracht naar add-ons is op dit moment bezig. Als je vindt dat dit te lang duurt, gebruik dan "addon install {$1} true" om deze te annuleren.
return "Unable to install. Another search for add-ons is already in progress. If you feel this search is taking too long, use <code><![CDATA[addon install " + cliArguments[] + " true]]></code> to cancel it.";
// Create the promise that will be resolved when the search for add-ons has ended.
const promise = context.createPromise();
// Inform the user a search has been initiated.
// nl-nl: Aan het zoeken naar {$1}...
// promise.setProgress("<![CDATA[Searching for " + cliArguments[] + "&hellip;]]>");
// Search for the add-on.
AddonRepository.searchAddons(cliArguments[], 4, new AddonSearchCallback(promise, cliArguments[]));
return promise;
(function() {
* Uninstalls the addon in the passed list which has a name that matches according to the passed name comparer, and
* resolves the promise which is the scope (this) of this function to display the result of this uninstall attempt.
function uninstall(nameComparer, addons) {
// Find the add-on. TODO consider adding something that checks for multiple matches.
let addon = null;
addons.some(function(candidate) {
if ( {
addon = candidate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Uninstall the add-on, if it was found. Explain the user what happened.
if (null == addon) {
// nl-nl: De add-on is niet gevonden.
this.resolve("This add-on was not found.");
} else {
// TODO Determine whether the add-on needs a restart. Inform the user of this fact if so.
// nl-nl: {$1} is gedeinstalleerd.
this.resolve("<![CDATA[" + representAddon(addon) + " has been uninstalled.]]>");
// Add "addon uninstall".
name: "addon uninstall",
description: {
"root": "Uninstall the specified add-on",
"nl-nl": "Deinstalleer de gespecificeerde add-on"
params: [nameParameter],
exec: function(cliArguments, context) {
// Create the promise that will be resolved when the uninstalling has been finished.
let promise = context.createPromise();
// List the installed add-ons, uninstall one when done listing.
AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["extension"], uninstall.bind(promise, new NameComparer(cliArguments[])));
return promise;
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