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Last active November 9, 2016 13:39
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Working (mostly) to grab summoner, league and icon.
class LeagueAW{
const $APIKEY = "your key here";
private $api = [
"getSummoner" => "" . $this->APIKEY,
"getLeague" => "" . $this->APIKEY,
"getIcon" => ""
private $current;
private $league;
public function __construct($r, $b){
/* region , summoner */
$summoner = strtolower($b);
$region = strtolower($r);
$getSummoner = file_get_contents( sprintf($this->api["getSummoner"], $region, $region, $summoner ) );
$results = json_decode($getSummoner);
$getLeague = $this->getLeague($region, $results->$summoner->id);
$getLeague = $this->getLeague($region, $results->$summoner->id);
$summID = $results->$summoner->id;
$json = json_decode($getLeague, true);
// there is a decent amount more information, however I only needed this.
$current = [
"icon_url" => "//" . $results->$summoner->profileIconId . ".png",
"summonerID" => $results->$summoner->id,
"summoner" => $results->$summoner->name,
"summonerLevel" => $results->$summoner->summonerLevel,
"region" => $region,
"league" => [
"tier" => $json[$summID][0]["tier"],
"lp" => $json[$summID][0]["entries"][0]["leaguePoints"],
"isInactive" => $json[$summID][0]["entries"][0]["isInactive"]
$this->current = $current;
$current = [
"icon_url" => "//" . $results->$summoner->profileIconId . ".png",
"summonerID" => "",
"summoner" => "Error!",
"summonerLevel" => "",
"region" => "N/A",
"league" => ""
public function debug(){
echo "<hr>";
public function getLeague($region, $summonerID){
$league = file_get_contents( sprintf($this->api["getLeague"], $region, $region, $summonerID) );
$this->leagueHTTP = preg_match('|HTTP/\d\.\d\s+(\d+)\s+.*|', $http_response_header[0], $this->leagueResponse);
if($this->leagueResponse[1] == "200"){
return $league;
}elseif($this->leagueResponse[1] == "400"){
return "No league found for summonerID " . $summonerID;
return 'An unknown error has occurred';
For some reason the league API tends to be a 50/50 success rate, hence the 'unknown' error.
public function display(){
// will display a bootstrap 'rectangular box thing' showing data.
$opts = $this->current;
if($this->leagueResponse[1] == "200"){
if($opts["league"]["isInactive"] == false){
$active = "False";
$active = "True";
$league = '<p>Current League: <strong>'.ucfirst(strtolower($opts["league"]["tier"])).'</strong></p><p>LP: '.$opts["league"]["lp"] . '</p><p>Inactive: ' . $active . '</p>';
$league = "Not currently in a league (".$this->leagueResponse[1].",".$opts["summonerID"].")";
// Includes API HTTP code as well as summonerID (likely should not be included in final/production)
if($opts["summoner"] != ""){
echo '
<div data-summoner="'.$opts["summoner"].'" data-region="'.$opts["region"].'" class="media">
<div class="media-left media-middle">
<img class="media-object img-thumbnail" src="'.$opts["icon_url"].'">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="media-heading"><strong>'.$opts["summoner"].'</strong> &mdash; <strong>'.strtoupper($opts["region"]).'</strong> <i onClick="refresh( $(this) );" style="cursor:pointer;" class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i></h4>
echo 'Error';
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