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Биография принцессы дианы на английском с переводом

Биография принцессы дианы на английском с переводом

Большой выбор оборудования damon system в компании Ormco. From her marriage in to her divorce in she was styled Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales. She was generally called Princess Diana by the media despite having no right to that particular honorific, as it is reserved for a princess by birthright rather than marriage. Her bitter accusations of adultery, mental cruelty and emotional distress visited upon her by her husband riveted the world for much of the s, spawning biographies, magazine articles and television movies. From the time of her engagement to the Prince of Wales in until her death in a car accident in , Diana was arguably the most famous woman in the world, the pre-eminent female celebrity of her generation: During her lifetime, she was often referred to as the most photographed person in the world. To her admirers, Diana, Princess of Wales was a role model - after her death, there were even calls for her to be nominated for sainthood - while her detractors saw her life as a cautionary tale of how an obsession with publicity can ultimately destroy an individual. The Honourable Diana Frances Spencer was born as the youngest daughter of Edward Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and his first wife, Frances Spencer, Viscountess Althorp formerly the Honourable Frances Burke Roche. Partially American in ancestry - a great-grandmother was the American heiress Frances Work - she was also a descendant of King Charles I. Diana was educated at Riddlesworth Hall in Norfolk and at West Heath School later reorganized as the New School at West Heath in Kent, where she was regarded as an academically below-average student, having failed all of her O-level examinations. At age 16 she briefly attended Institut Alpin Videmanette, a finishing school in Rougemont, Switzerland. Diana was a talented amateur pianist, excelled in sports and reportedly longed to be a ballerina. Her maternal grandmother, the Dowager Lady Fermoy, was a longtime friend of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Nearing his mid-thirties, he was under increasing pressure to marry. In order to gain the approval of his family and their advisors, including his great-uncle Lord Mountbatten of Burma, any potential bride had to have an aristocratic background, could not have been previously married, should be Protestant and, preferably, a virgin. Diana fulfilled all of these qualifications. Buckingham Palace announced the engagement on 24 February Parker Bowles and her husband, a godson of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and an estimated 1 billion television viewers around the world. Diana was the first Englishwoman to marry an heir-apparent to the throne since , when Lady Anne Hyde married the Duke of York and Albany, the future King James II. Upon her marriage, Diana became Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales and was ranked as the most senior royal woman in the United Kingdom after the Queen and the Queen Mother. The Prince and Princess of Wales had two children, Prince William of Wales on 21 June and Prince Henry of Wales commonly called Prince Harry on 15 September After the birth of Prince William, the Princess of Wales suffered from post-natal depression. She had previously suffered from bulimia nervosa, which recurred, and she made a number of suicide attempts. In one interview, released after her death, she claimed that, while pregnant with Prince William, she threw herself down a set of stairs and was discovered by her mother-in-law that is, Queen Elizabeth II. In the same interview in which she told of the suicide attempt while pregnant with Prince William, she said her husband had accused her of crying wolf when she threatened to kill herself. It has also been suggested that she suffered from borderline personality disorder. In the mid s her marriage fell apart, an event at first suppressed, but then sensationalised, by the world media. Charles resumed his relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles, whilst Diana became involved with James Hewitt and possibly later with James Gilbey, with whom she was involved in the so-called Squidgygate affair. She later confirmed in a television interview with Martin Bashir the affair with her riding instructor, James Hewitt. Theoretically, such an affair constituted high treason by both parties. After her separation from Prince Charles, Diana was involved with married art dealer Oliver Hoare and, lastly, heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. The Prince and Princess of Wales were separated on 9 December ; their divorce was finalised on 28 August The Princess lost the style Her Royal Highness, and became Diana, Princess of Wales, a titular distinction befitting a divorced peeress. However, at that time, and to this day, Buckingham Palace maintains, since the Princess was the mother of the second and third in line to The Throne, she remained a member of the Royal Family. In , the American TV network NBC broadcast tapes of Diana discussing her marriage to the Prince of Wales, including her description of her suicide attempts. These tapes have not been broadcast in the United Kingdom. Starting in the mid-to-late s, the Princess of Wales became well known for her support of charity projects, and is credited with considerable influence for her campaigns against the use of landmines and helping the victims of AIDS. In April , the Princess of Wales was the first high-profile celebrity to be photographed touching a person infected with the HIV virus. In , when so many still believed that AIDS could be contracted through casual contact, Princess Diana sat on the sickbed of a man with AIDS and held his hand. She showed the world that people with AIDS deserved not isolation, but compassion. It helped change world opinion, helped give hope to people with AIDS, and helped save lives of people at risk. Perhaps her most widely publicised charity appearance was her visit to Angola in January , when, serving as an International Red Cross VIP volunteer, she visited landmine survivors in hospitals, toured de-mining projects run by the HALO Trust, and attended mine awareness education classes about the dangers of mines immediately surrounding homes and villages. The pictures of Diana touring a minefield, in a ballistic helmet and flak jacket, were seen worldwide. Mine-clearance experts had already cleared the pre-planned walk that Diana took wearing the protective equipment. In August that year, she visited Bosnia with the Landmine Survivors Network. Her interest in landmines was focused on the injuries they create, often to children, long after the conflict has finished. She is widely acclaimed for her influence on the signing by the governments of the UK and other nations of the Ottawa Treaty in December , after her death, which created an international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines. All Honourable Members will be aware from their postbags of the immense contribution made by Diana, Princess of Wales to bringing home to many of our constituents the human costs of landmines. The best way in which to record our appreciation of her work, and the work of NGOs that have campaigned against landmines, is to pass the Bill, and to pave the way towards a global ban on landmines. The United Nations appealed to the nations which produced and stockpiled the largest numbers of landmines China, India, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and the United States to sign the Ottawa Treaty forbidding their production and use, for which Diana had campaigned. At the entrance to the tunnel, their car struck a glancing blow to the right-hand wall. It swerved to the left of the two-lane carriageway and collided head-on with the thirteenth pillar supporting the roof, then spun to a stop. As the casualties lay seriously injured in their wrecked car, the photographers continued to take pictures. Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul were both declared dead at the scene of the crash. Trevor Rees-Jones was severely injured, but later recovered. Despite attempts to save her, her internal injuries were too extensive. Two hours later, at 4. Оборудования damon system Брекеты Дэймон.

Princess Diana

Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20 th century. She was loved and respected by millions of people and was the symbol of honour, kindness and sympathy. Diana was also a good mother and a precious member of the Royal Family. Diana Francis Spencer was born on July, 1, in an aristocratic family linked to the Royal Family. She grew up in a family home of Park House and then moved to Althorp in Diana was not very good at studying, but she succeeded in music and ballet. Young Diana and Prince Charles met each other in and got married one year later. They married at St. The ceremony was broadcasted in many countries and watched by millions of people. Nevertheless, their marriage did not turn out to be a fairy tale. Charles was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Camilla Parker-Bowles, and was indifferent to Diana. Princess Diana, on the other hand, tried to focus on her social life. She took part in official engagements, opening hospitals, charity funds. In addition, she made many speeches espousing tolerance, peace, equality and responsibility for children. Diana was one of the first celebreties to support victims of AIDS and to change an attitude to this disease. Princess died in in a fatal accident with her lover Dodi Al-Fayed in Paris. Her death shocked millions of people all over the world. Princess Diana remained in history as a person who was thoughtful of others and loved all people. Принцесса Диана была знаковой фигурой конца го века. Ее любили и уважали миллионы людей, она была символом чести, доброты и сострадания. Диана также была хорошей матерью и благородным членом Королевской семьи. Диана Фрэнсис Спенсер родилась 1 июля года в аристократической семье, связанной с королевской. Она выросла в семейном особняке Парк Хаус, а затем семья переехала в Элторп в Диана была не очень способна к учебе, но преуспевала по музыке и балету. Юная Диана и Принц Чарльз познакомились в году и поженились уже год спустя. Они обвенчались в Соборе Святого Павла. Церемония транслировалась во многих странах, и ее посмотрели миллионы людей. Тем не менее, их брак не оказался сказкой. Чарльз был все еще влюблен в свою бывшую девушку Камиллу Паркер и был равнодушен к Диане. Принцесса Диана, с другой стороны, пыталась сосредоточиться на своей общественной жизни. Она принимала участие в официальных мероприятиях, открытиях больниц, благотворительных фондов. Более того, она выступала с речами, призывающими к толерантности, миру, равноправию и ответственности за детей. Диана была одной из первых знаменитостей, поддержавших жертв СПИДА и изменивших отношение людей к этой болезни. Ее гибель шокировала миллионы людей по всему миру. Принцесса Диана осталась в истории как человек, который думал о других и любил всех людей. Я хочу получать уведомления об ответах на E-mail. Здесь каждый сможет найти для себя много полезного и занимательного: Английский - это не только необходимо, это увлекательно и просто, если изучать его вместе со мной! Обзоры любимых книг из нашей библиотеки. Видео-сказки на английском языке для детей. Лучшие обучающие видео на английском языке для детей. Копирование материалов с сайта возможно только после письменного разрешения автора и при наличии активной ссылки на источник. Если в голове " овсянка,сэр " каша, тогда вы по адресу - разложу ваш английский по полочкам и тарелочкам. Выберите рубрику блога Английский для детей Английский для начинающих Деловой английский Разговорный английский Экзамены на английском Топики Грамматика Английский на слух Произношение Словарный запас Чтение Советы Интересные факты Уровни английского Частые ошибки Юмор на английском Житие мое. Подписывайся на вкусные порции английского здесь OK. Читайте интересное по теме: There were hundreds of people throughout the history who are The great artist, mathematician, writer and inventor Leonardo Da Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the greatist artists in Оставить комментарий Отменить ответ. Подписывайся на вкусные порции английского здесь Подписаться. Фраза дня Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. Рубрики блога Английский для детей Английский для начинающих Деловой английский Разговорный английский Экзамены на английском Топики Грамматика Английский на слух Произношение Словарный запас Чтение Советы Интересные факты Уровни английского Частые ошибки Юмор на английском Житие мое. Обзоры любимых книг из нашей библиотеки 15 июня в Видео-сказки на английском языке для детей 10 июня в Лучшие обучающие видео на английском языке для детей 13 июня в
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