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Тексты аудирование 7 класс английский

Тексты аудирование 7 класс английский

Аудирование проверяет уровень понимания и извлечения информации из устного сообщения. Само по себе аудирование считается достаточно сложным видом работы, которая требует большого внимания и сосредоточенности. Ранее над заданиями предполагалось работать по памяти после прослушивания текста, как и с текстами по чтению. Обычно текст прослушивался дважды, а затем учащиеся получали образцы заданий. Теперь тексты по аудированию также меняются. Учащимся предлагается одновременное прослушивание и выполнение заданий. Это означает, что текст по аудированию максимально приближается к естественной обстановке. Ведь в обычной жизни, слушая речь другого человека, мы и наблюдаем, и имеем возможность реагировать. Те же условия создаются и текстом по аудированию, то есть учащийся одновременно слышит, видит и реагирует. Кроме того, в современных текстах предлагаются не только монологи, но и диалоги. В таких текстах могут быть и шумовое сопровождение, и идиоматические выражения. Задания в таких тестах многообразны. Обычно перед началом прослушивания предлагается короткое время для ознакомления с заданиями и требованиями по его выполнению. Ответы обычно даются в краткой форме. Задания по аудированию могут быть такие, как: Тексты по аудированию проверяют умения учащихся: Они также проверяют умение следовать устным инструкциям и наставлениям, идентифицировать имена, даты, время, время; распознавать, что сообщает говорящий - факты, предложения или мнения, делать заключения и выбор. Данные задания разработаны по текстам из журналов Easy English известного издательства Oxford Education UK, курс которых получил одобрение во многих странах. Он одобрен Министерством Образования России. Easy English N 5 page It has great museums with … famous exhibitions; priceless exhibitions; less exhibitions. Now London has around … 17 million people; 6 million people; 7 million people 3. You can see … every day outside Buckingham Palace. Changing of the Guard; Changing of the Queen; The Kee ceremony. London has … main airports. There is nothing for everyone in London. You can travel on the bus or underground and get to different places in the centre. Heathrow is a famous park in London. You can see real Mick Jagger, George Mickael and Annie Lenox in the streets of London. Fill in the Gaps. Easy English N 2 page London has many open spaces, but Hyde Park is … the largest street; the largest green park; the largest green area. You can … on the Serpentine Lake. There is a four- mile long track called …. Rotten Row; Golden Row; Marble Arch. A very famous area is …. Serpentine Lake; Speakers Corner; Rotten Row. Lots of people visit the park every day. You can cycle along Rotten row. You can sit in deckchair шезлонг in Hyde Park. Easy English N 10 page In the last thirty years Ireland has been in the news almost daily because …. Some people call Ireland …. Ireland is the home of some …. The country also has a great …. Ireland is a place of beautiful rivers and lakes. Ireland is rich in friendly people. Oscar Wild, George Bernard Sow never lived there You will be disappointed while visiting Ireland. New York Easy English N 1 page New York is known as …. Over … people live in New York. The most famous landmark must be …. The Statue of Liberty; The Empire State Building; Manhattan. Mats and Yankees play …. You can relax in …. Monaco; Manhattan; Central Park. Listen to the text once again and fill in the gaps with the necessary information. Easy English N 9 page Coming to Cornwall you can fill the …. The most famous one is the legend of …. Robin Hood; Wizard Merlin; King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table. Many knights tried to draw вытянуть … , but only Arthur managed to do it. He became … and … king and protected his people from enemies. Cornwall has a very rich historical past. Merlin asked Arthur Pendragon to bring up the boy. Fill in the gaps. Easy English N 6 page South Africa is a mix of … cultures. South Africa is a big country and has an area … square miles. South Africa has a big … industry. For people interested in nature there is …. South Africa is not a big country. It exports gold, diamonds and iron ore. There are no mountains there. You can visit national parks there. The Beatles Easy English N 5 page Beatles were popular …. They were … from Liverpool. They also starred in …. John Lennon was … in New York outside his own house. The Beatles was born as a group in Paul McCartney, who used to sing and play drums for Beatles, established his own group. George Harrison is still living in London. Diana was born in a very … family. Her ancestors предки acquired the title of earl граф from king Charles I in …. In Diana appeared on the world stage as the … of Charles. Diana was a very modern woman, who enjoyed …. They married in June 29, in St. Diana and Charles became happy together. As a single woman Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her work. In she started a romance with Doddy Fayed. Kylie Minogue Easy English N 3 page Kylie Minogue was born in … Melbourne; Dublin; New York. Her career began as a child actor …. They sang a duet …. Her last album was …. She has been in a few films, but they were …. Kylie was born in Sydney, Australia. Kylie was an actress before she became a pop-star. Kylie is almost famous for her clothes and style. London Easy English N 5 page The Beatles were born as a group in Titanic — the Facts and the Film. Easy English N 4 page Titanic first sailed from England in …. The historical background and the details connected with the ship are very …. Titanic was the largest ship on the seas. The film has made less money then any other previous film. Poor Jack Dawson traveled to England to start a new life there. Healthy Living Easy English N 42 page5. What kind of sport does Emily go in for? Does she do any other kind of sport? Does George go in any kind of sport? Can George go in for sport with Emily? Does George drink alcohol? Decide which answer A, B, C best fits each space. Emily goes to the …. Yoga is good for …. Weight training for two hours is the best way to build up …. Easy English N 17 page 5. What sport does Mark go in for in winter? What kind of sport is Mark good at? Are the girls the best company to watch any sport? In summer Mark goes …. He has two tickets for a … match. What was the trouble with Mrs. Want pills did she take? Was she in a very bad or in a very good mood? Did she have total bad rest for one or for two weeks? Was she really ill or not? Smith lost her …. She needs special care in a …. She felt faint and breathless. Школа цифрового века Педагогический университет. Подать заявку Личный кабинет. Главная Положение о фестивале и конкурсах Содержание: Занина Лариса Геннадьевна , учитель английского языка. Школа цифрового века Педагогический университет Вебинары Педагогический марафон Учительская книга.

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