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Created August 26, 2010 21:46
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package se.scalablesolutions.akka.dispatch
import java.util.Iterator
import org.specs.Specification
import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, TimeUnit, Semaphore}
import concurrent.forkjoin.LinkedTransferQueue
class BoundedTransferQueue[E <: AnyRef](
val capacity: Int,
val pushTimeout: Long,
val pushTimeUnit: TimeUnit)
extends LinkedTransferQueue[E] {
require(capacity > 0)
require(pushTimeout > 0)
require(pushTimeUnit ne null)
protected val guard = new Semaphore(capacity)
//Enqueue an item within the push timeout (acquire Semaphore)
protected def enq(f: => Boolean): Boolean = {
if (guard.tryAcquire(pushTimeout, pushTimeUnit)) {
val result = try {
} catch {
case e =>
guard.release //If something broke, release
throw e
if (!result) guard.release //Didn't add anything
} else
//Dequeue an item (release Semaphore)
protected def deq(e: E): E = {
if (e ne null) guard.release //Signal removal of item
override def take(): E = deq(super.take)
override def poll(): E = deq(super.poll)
override def poll(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): E = deq(super.poll(timeout, unit))
override def remainingCapacity = guard.availablePermits
override def remove(o: AnyRef): Boolean = {
if (super.remove(o)) {
} else {
override def offer(e: E): Boolean =
override def offer(e: E, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean =
enq(super.offer(e, timeout, unit))
override def add(e: E): Boolean =
override def put(e: E): Unit =
enq({super.put(e); true})
override def tryTransfer(e: E): Boolean =
override def tryTransfer(e: E, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean =
enq(super.tryTransfer(e, timeout, unit))
override def transfer(e: E): Unit =
enq({super.transfer(e); true})
override def iterator: Iterator[E] = {
val it = super.iterator
new Iterator[E] {
def hasNext = it.hasNext
def next =
def remove {
guard.release //Assume remove worked if no exception was thrown
class BoundedTransferQueueSpec extends Specification {
class Switch extends CountDownLatch(1) {
def switch = super.countDown
def isSwitched = getCount == 0
val switch = new Switch
val ITEM = new Object
def spawn(f: => Unit) : Thread = {
val t = new Thread() {
override def run = {
try {
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
def spawn(n : Int)(f: => Unit) : List[Thread] = {
(0 to n).map(_ => spawn(f)).toList
def w(millis: Long) = Thread.sleep(millis)
def queue(capacity: Int, millis: Long) = new BoundedTransferQueue[Object](capacity, millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// These might be useless, they just confirm that the new functionality
// hasn't broken the old one.
"When capacity is not reached and consumers are available, queue" should {
"return false immediately on tryTransfer without timeout specified" in {
val q = queue(1, 1)
q.tryTransfer(ITEM) must beFalse
"time out on tryTransfer with timeout" in {
val q = queue(1, 1)
val t = spawn {
if (q.tryTransfer(ITEM, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
switch.isSwitched must beFalse
"wait indefinitely on transfer()" in {
val q = queue(1, 1)
val t = spawn {
switch.isSwitched must beFalse
// Tests for capacity, i.e the new functionality
"Queue" should {
"block and grow up to the specified capacity" in {
val q = queue(2, 100000)
val ts = spawn(2) { q.transfer(ITEM) } // Will block
q.remainingCapacity must_== 0
ts.foreach { _.interrupt }
"block but not grow over specified capacity" in {
val q = queue(2, 100000)
val ts = spawn(10) { q.transfer(ITEM) } // Will block
q.size must_== 2
ts.foreach { _.interrupt }
// Release checks
"Queue" should {
"release capacity as content is consumed" in {
val q = queue(10, 100000)
val prods = spawn(10) { q.transfer(ITEM) }
q.remainingCapacity must_== 0
val cons = spawn(5) { q.take }
q.remainingCapacity must_== 5
(prods ::: cons).foreach { _.interrupt }
q.remainingCapacity must_== 10
"release capacity even if an exception is thrown inside the guard" in {
val q = queue(1, 10000)
val ts = spawn (2) { q.transfer(ITEM) }
// First is interrupted waiting for the semaphore
// Second is interrupted waiting for a consumer
ts.foreach { _.interrupt }
q.remainingCapacity must_== 1
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