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Last active April 16, 2018 21:44
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  • Save st3phan76/2faf7917d8a3bb4f895157300e334d32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save st3phan76/2faf7917d8a3bb4f895157300e334d32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Keybase proof 

I hereby claim:    * I am st3phan76 on github.   * I am st3phan ( on keybase.   * I have a public key ASClWgGcbwUZ7nhbaq3tEGaRgIlo-6rxhqMLWIQ6Cz58nQo  To claim this, I am signing this object: 

{   "body": {     "key": {       "eldest_kid": "0120a55a019c6f0519ee785b6aaded106691808968fbaaf186a30b58843a0b3e7c9d0a",       "host": "",       "kid": "0120a55a019c6f0519ee785b6aaded106691808968fbaaf186a30b58843a0b3e7c9d0a",       "uid": "77edd3cf8a04291797fc7a8285f8ad19",       "username": "st3phan"     },     "merkle_root": {       "ctime": 1523913750,       "hash": "2303442dc88c0380a9d0c389c7e1ed35194a3dd23b0c6600c7ebac0e1758856d18fee9605b8f97833591bebadb25c00a8252b95b834aabd9023713dd925abac0",       "hash_meta": "238f37819361e0fa15e8270281d5b7666182fabf645763112c3f248e50a10b8d",       "seqno": 2398859     },     "service": {       "entropy": "dTZ316tZeHMERLmRR9135dcb",       "name": "github",       "username": "st3phan76"     },     "type": "web_service_binding",     "version": 2   },   "client": {     "name": " go client",     "version": "1.0.47"   },   "ctime": 1523914190,   "expire_in": 504576000,   "prev": "ed1947ff59b51adf84d2b3b9a1ae8b6e2230955e670010ceb86f7dac49a6dcd6",   "seqno": 5,   "tag": "signature"
with the key [ASClWgGcbwUZ7nhbaq3tEGaRgIlo-6rxhqMLWIQ6Cz58nQo](, yielding the signature: 


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist. 
### My publicly-auditable identity: 
### From the command line: 
Consider the [keybase command line program]( 
# look me up
keybase id st3phan
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