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PHP Example using NuSOAP with the v4 SOAP API to retrieve a list of records with get_entry_list
[result_count] => 2
[total_count] => 200
[next_offset] => 2
[entry_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 18124607-69d1-b158-47ff-4f7cb69344f7
[module_name] => Leads
[name_value_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => id
[value] => 18124607-69d1-b158-47ff-4f7cb69344f7
[1] => Array
[name] => name
[value] => Bernie Worthey
[2] => Array
[name] => title
[value] => Senior Product Manager
[1] => Array
[id] => 1cdfddc1-2759-b007-8713-4f7cb64c2e9c
[module_name] => Leads
[name_value_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => id
[value] => 1cdfddc1-2759-b007-8713-4f7cb64c2e9c
[1] => Array
[name] => name
[value] => Bobbie Kohlmeier
[2] => Array
[name] => title
[value] => Director Operations
[relationship_list] => Array
$url = "http://{site_url}/service/v4/soap.php?wsdl";
$username = "admin";
$password = "password";
//require NuSOAP
//retrieve WSDL
$client = new nusoap_client($url, 'wsdl');
//display errors
$err = $client->getError();
if ($err)
echo '<h2>Constructor error</h2><pre>' . $err . '</pre>';
echo '<h2>Debug</h2><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->getDebug(), ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';
//login ----------------------------------------------------------------
$login_parameters = array(
'user_auth' => array(
'user_name' => $username,
'password' => md5($password),
'version' => '1'
'application_name' => 'SoapTest',
'name_value_list' => array(
$login_result = $client->call('login', $login_parameters);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
//get session id
$session_id = $login_result['id'];
//get list of records -------------------------------------------------------
$get_entry_list_parameters = array(
//session id
'session' => $session_id,
//The name of the module from which to retrieve records
'module_name' => 'Leads',
//The SQL WHERE clause without the word "where".
'query' => "",
//The SQL ORDER BY clause without the phrase "order by".
'order_by' => "",
//The record offset from which to start.
'offset' => '0',
//Optional. A list of fields to include in the results.
'select_fields' => array(
A list of link names and the fields to be returned for each link name.
Example: 'link_name_to_fields_array' => array(array('name' => 'email_addresses', 'value' => array('id', 'email_address', 'opt_out', 'primary_address')))
'link_name_to_fields_array' => array(
//The maximum number of results to return.
'max_results' => '2',
//To exclude deleted records
'deleted' => '0',
//If only records marked as favorites should be returned.
'Favorites' => false,
$get_entry_list_result = $client->call('get_entry_list', $get_entry_list_parameters);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
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