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Created June 28, 2012 21:55
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Polyomino Solver
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Finds n-order Polyominos
Hamish Campbell <>
License: CC-BY 2012, use it for good, not for evil.
import sys
import itertools
import timeit
USAGE = """
Usage: %s n [display|timeit [reps]]
""" % (__doc__, sys.argv[0])
class Polyomino(object):
ADJACENT_SEARCH_XYS = ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1))
def __init__(self, squares):
self.__squares = tuple(sorted(squares))
def key(self):
Returns the hash of this paritucular Polyomino configuration
return hash(self.__squares)
def rotate(self):
Returns a new Polyomino rotated 90 degrees
m = max(max(self.__squares, key=max))
return Polyomino([(c[1], m - c[0] - 1) for c in self.__squares])
def translate(self):
Returns a Polyomino translated to origin (or self, if it is already at the origin)
xs, ys = zip(*self.__squares)
minx, miny = min(xs), min(ys)
return Polyomino(zip((x - minx for x in xs), (y - miny for y in ys))) if (minx or miny) else self
def adjacents(self):
Returns set of all empty adjacent squares
return set((c[0]+x, c[1]+y) for c, (x, y) in itertools.product(self.__squares, self.ADJACENT_SEARCH_XYS)).difference(self.__squares)
def raise_order(self):
Returns a list superset of next order Polyominos based on this one
return [Polyomino(self.__squares + ((adj,))) for adj in self.adjacents()]
def __hash__(self):
Generates a unique hash for this Polyomino (minimum key of all rotated, translated siblings)
if not hasattr(self, "__hash_cache"):
p = self.translate()
k = p.key()
for i in range(3):
p = p.rotate().translate()
k = min(k, p.key())
setattr(self, "__hash_cache", k)
return getattr(self, "__hash_cache")
def __eq__(self, other):
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def __unicode__(self):
Returns a 'map' of the Polyomino, translated to the origin.
return self.translate()._as_map()
def _as_map(self):
Returns a string map representation of the Polyomino (in order bounds only!)
order = len(self.__squares)
header = u"┌%s┐" % (u"─" * order)
body = ''.join([u"\n│%s│" % (''.join([u"█" if (x, y) in self.__squares else u" " for x in range(order)])) for y in range(order)])
footer = u"\n└%s┘" % (u"─" * order)
return unicode("%s%s%s" % (header, body, footer))
def polyominos(n):
"""Get a set of all polynominos for order `n`"""
if n == 1:
return [Polyomino(((0, 0), ))]
results = set()
for p in polyominos(n - 1):
for candidates in p.raise_order():
return results
# ---
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv
if len(args) < 2:
print USAGE
elif len(args) == 2:
n = int(args[1])
l = len(polyominos(n))
print "There %s %s %s%s-order polyominos." % ("is" if l == 1 else "are", l, n, "st" if n == 1 else ("nd" if n % 10 == 2 else "th"))
elif len(args) > 2:
n = int(args[1])
if args[2] == 'display':
ps = polyominos(n)
l = len(ps)
print "There %s %s %s%s-order polyominos." % ("is" if l == 1 else "are", l, n, "st" if n == 1 else ("nd" if n % 10 == 2 else "th"))
for p in ps:
print unicode(p)
elif args[2] == 'timeit':
reps = 100
if len(args) > 3:
reps = int(args[3])
print "Timing polynominos count (order %s), %s repitions" % (n, reps)
print timeit.Timer("len(polyominos(%d))" % n, "from __main__ import polyominos").timeit(number=reps)
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